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Healthcare system kamagra melbourne. But having learned some difficult lessons this kamagra year, it's worth taking stock of that hard-won wisdom – and forecasting how it might be put to work in the next 12 months as healthcare organizations chart a path forward to help a "shocked system emerge stronger" (as PwC puts it).Here's what execs from some leading health IT vendors think about the most pressing challenges – and big opportunities – of the year ahead. HIMSS20 Digital kamagra melbourne Learn on-demand, earn credit, find products and solutions. Get Started >>.

Supply chain kamagra melbourne. Machine learning insights"One of the lessons of erectile dysfunction treatment – meaningful data sharing – will continue unabated, made even more valuable as data becomes more accessible and machine learning provides deeper insights," said Michael Byczkowski, global VP and head of healthcare industry at SAP, the developer of enterprise application software.As treatments continue to roll out, requiring meticulous record-keeping and specialized shipping and storage conditions (and that's to say nothing of the ongoing critical need for PPE and other lifesaving equipment) nowhere are interoperability and data visibility more important than with healthcare supply chains.Despite the challenges, machine learning is helping health systems and their suppliers to put pattern recognition to work improving supply chain management, he said, such as "tracking inventories of personal protection equipment to ensure adequate coverage and enable just-in-time provisioning of supplies."Going forward, using AI-powered big data analytics to optimize the supply chain is going to be essential, said Byczkowski. Health systems will need to "pre-select and process data in a manner that meshes with its intended purpose and the underlying requirements for data privacy, when kamagra melbourne and where applicable."Beyond mere supply chains, that can help optimize care in other ways. "Once a dataset has the right 'fit' and is uploaded to the cloud," he said, "AI and analytics can be applied to deliver better patient care – for example, to be used to gain visibility of total patient volumes, bed utilization, as well as workforce team assignments and workflows."The erectile dysfunction treatment crisis has been an immense challenge.

But one kamagra melbourne potential bright spot is that it has "further demonstrated the predictive power of AI," said Byczkowski. And that could help position healthcare organizations to better weather similar challenges."By giving us the ability to see patterns emerge in societies in near real-time and isolate hotspots before they can spread out, AI may hold one of the keys to preventing future kamagras," he said."AI can also significantly help fast-track treatment development, and with broad research and the clinical trials of mRNA-based treatment technologies, there is a tremendous opportunity not only with regards to kamagras – but also to tackle many types of cancer."EHRs. Automation can helpBurnout has been an ongoing scourge at hospitals for years now, and the crushing demands of the kamagra have only made it worse for physicians, nurses, telehealth managers and others. Electronic health records don't usually help, even if their kamagra melbourne impact on burnout is more complex than many realize.

But there's no question that technology could do better helping solve the problem."Amidst the ongoing health crisis, clinicians need relief," said David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems, which develops EHR optimization tools."Doctors and nurses are overwhelmed with surging patient loads, yet we continue to add fuel to their frustrations by forcing them to use inefficient technologies that add to their workloads and interfere with direct patient care," said Laureau. "For years we have promised them new solutions that leverage AI and machine-learning technologies to improve workflows and manage data more efficiently."Clinicians still spend too much time combing through EHRs to relevant data when they need it, he said – and too much time meeting billing and reporting requirements when they'd rather be off the clock."A primary health IT focus for 2021 must be empowering clinicians with solutions that deliver relief today," said Laureau.They need tools that "support the way clinicians think and work and make it easier for care teams to share kamagra melbourne actionable data for care coordination," he said, that can aggregate data from multiple sources and filter it logically so that clinicians have rapid access to patient- and problem-specific information at the point of care."Workforce. 'Connected and protected'But EHR workflows aren't the only area that need more focused attention when it comes to the wellbeing of health system staff in 2021, said Brent Lang, CEO of Vocera Communications.As has been shown, the causes of clinician burnout are multifactorial. In recent kamagra melbourne months, there's been yet another factor.

Fear of ."Together, nurses, doctors, policymakers, hospital executives and innovators can build a future where healthcare workers are both connected and protected," said Lang. "We must modernize PPE standards to include technologies like hands-free communication that can empower staff to do their job safely and without worry of getting contaminated.""Before erectile dysfunction treatment, the level of cognitive overload and burnout kamagra melbourne among nurses and doctors was alarmingly high," he said. "With the ongoing kamagra, fatigue, depression, and now fear, among clinicians and others on the frontlines are causing many to leave the profession. A brighter future of caring will require collaboration between legislators, hospitals, and technology companies to ensure care teams have the right tools, enough PPE and the capacity to care for patients safely, effectively and with compassion."In 2021, "it will be critical for hospitals kamagra melbourne and health systems to put policies and resources in place that make the safety and well-being of frontline workers a top priority," said Lang.

"It will also be important for local, state and federal governments to assist hospitals and health systems in their efforts to safeguard the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of those who care for their communities."Meanwhile, he said, "innovators and technology companies must continue listening to frontline workers to understand their challenges and create new solutions to ease their burden and protect their livelihood. While we can manufacture more masks and ventilators, we cannot do the same with nurses and doctors, and the country cannot kamagra melbourne afford to lose these essential workers."Telehealth. Now what?. One of the biggest storylines since the early days of the kamagra, of course, was telehealth – finally capitalizing on its potential as it was thrust into the spotlight as a necessary modality of care delivery.Now the question is, what's next?.

One exec says the basic concept of the doc-patient video visit is not enough."Telehealth's growth trajectory has moved forward by a decade during the past several months," said Kuldeep Singh Rajput, founder and CEO of Biofourmis, developer of digital therapeutics and virtual care tools."However, for that momentum to continue, technologies such as wearables, remote patient monitoring and artificial intelligence will kamagra melbourne need to augment telehealth. This approach will expand the use cases for telehealth and will continue to make the case for parity with in-person visits."Telehealth served as a vital lifeline during the early days of the kamagra, when in-person visits weren't feasible. But for all kamagra melbourne its benefits, it's not enough to simply have screen-mediated virtual consults."Clinicians can’t make optimal clinical decisions remotely unless they are armed with actionable data," said Rajput. "As we continue to battle this kamagra and in a post-erectile dysfunction world, telemedicine won’t be used in isolation, but rather in tandem with these complementary technologies."For example, AI-based analysis of the data obtained from remote monitoring can be leveraged to flag a decline in a patient's health, so clinicians can intervene early and prevent a medical crisis," he added.

"There will be a huge shift in virtual care that moves from typical phone and video chats to these types of software-based therapeutic interventions that are fueled by AI-driven data."That will encourage providers and kamagra melbourne patients to use telemedicine even more widely, he said – boosting outcomes, decreasing hospitalizations and ED visits and lowering costs. "The future state of telemedicine is a world in which care delivered by phone or video will become predictive and personalized, rather than reactive," he said.Providers &. Payers. Communication is keyIn addition to ongoing questions around the reimbursement of telehealth and remote monitoring, one of the other challenges highlighted this past year was the still-suboptimal communication among providers and payers, especially early on.Soon, however, there were signs that erectile dysfunction treatment has helped push forward some information exchange improvements that could be long-lasting."It's no secret that many providers and payers relied heavily on the use of fax machines and printed documentation," said Paul Joiner, chief operating officer of health information network Availity.But as the kamagra "disrupted operations for payers and providers, with many employees and staff members working from home, the willingness to collaborate advanced significantly," he said.

"The old way of sending transactions, clinical documentation and policy changes transformed overnight."That quicker communication and more robust collaboration has been "indispensable" during the kamagra response – and will only become more beneficial as it's built upon in the year ahead, said Joiner.The ability to send claims information electronically – rather than spending "countless hours finding, printing and faxing medical records to payers for prior authorization requests" – will be hugely useful for provider efficiency and patient experience going forward, he said."The kamagra brought about new challenges for our healthcare system, but it also helped us to overcome many of the barriers that stood between payers and providers," he added. "It has propelled the transition to better and faster communications, and even helped build trust along the way. In 2021, we predict the shift to electronic communications and improved collaboration across the system will have staying power. There’s no going back."Value-based care.

New impetus for changeOn the topic of healthcare reimbursement, some have wondered what the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra might mean for the momentum of accountable care efforts, given the unprecedented disruption of the past 10 months – never mind the fact that many provider organizations are still unsure about the ROI of their value-based investments over the past decade.Michael Gleeson, chief strategy and innovation officer at population health company Arcadia, sees some interesting trends on that front for 2021 and beyond."Health systems and hospitals in the U.S. Have been under unparalleled financial strain as a result of the kamagra," said Gleason. "We've noticed that those organizations that have been aggressive in taking on downside risk have been partially buffered against this impact."In 2021, he said, "we expect these organizations will continue to expand their risk profile. When combined with their expertise in managing populations and the investments in data connectivity and analytics, these organizations will use the fallout from the kamagra to expand their market share and acquire their way into new markets." Twitter.

@MikeMiliardHITNEmail the writer. Mike.miliard@himssmedia.comHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS publication.On Monday, a leader of a Colorado town's Republican group began posting the names and home addresses of public health employees, apparently in response to erectile dysfunction treatment restrictions. Mark Hall, lead co-chair of the Parker Republicans, posted the information about two Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials on his personal Facebook page on Monday night, then shared the post in a Facebook group that he created, according to 9 News. "Every day in our group I'll be posting the name and address of unelected, non-law enforcement officers who think they can flex muscles in businesses.

We’ll see how strong they are at their homes," Hall reportedly wrote in a since-deleted post. Hall released a statement apologizing on Tuesday, saying that "the actions I took were an attempt to express my frustration. But in hindsight, this was a very inappropraite decision." WHY IT MATTERS Hall, who unsuccessfully ran for Parker Town Council earlier this year, began posting to his personal page on Sunday night about Monday being "the day we as citizens stand up." "If you work for the state, CDPHE, Tri-County or other agencies, you are on the radar, at your homes and elsewhere," Hall wrote, according to screenshots posted on the Facebook group "Living in Parker, CO." "You want to be Anti Americans, Patriots are going to show you the errors of your ways. We didn't ask for this but you brought it on," Hall wrote.Parker, located 20 miles southeast of Denver in Douglas County, has a population of about 57,000 people.

Many posters on the "Living in Parker, CO" Facebook group reacted with anger and dismay to Hall's posts, with a self-described former public health official saying they were "beyond shocked" and "in a rage." Other residents called Hall's actions "careless, thoughtless, and vengeful" and said "someone is going to get hurt from this." In the post that included the personal information of two state public health department officials, Hall described them as "people you should visit without violence but airhorns, honking, and signs."Calling erectile dysfunction treatment "regular influenza," Hall said that "these are the people putting thousands out of work, killing businesses.""Again, I am not advocating any violence or physical harm but let them know how you feel. When I said today was the day to start to fight back, I meant it," Hall continued. "The revolution is under way." As reported by 9 News, early joiners to Hall's Facebook group included Republican Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas (who said she joined the group to monitor its activities) and Parker Mayor Jeff Toborg, who said he accepted an invitation to join without looking at its purpose or content. Toborg had, in early December, posted a graphic on his own Facebook reading "For your [restaurants], for your bars, for your speech and for your right to bear arms…#FightBack." That post was shared on the Parker Republicans' Facebook page.

Douglas County Republicans distanced themselves from Hall on Tuesday, saying that his organization is "not affiliated with the Douglas County GOP."Jennifer Ludwig, deputy director at Tri-County Health Department, called Hall's page "disheartening" in an interview with the Highlands Ranch Herald. "It's very concerning and increases stress levels," Ludwig said. "We just emailed the entire staff for situational awareness and safety measures they need to continue to follow."THE LARGER TREND Local and state health departments have been under increasing strain with the erectile dysfunction treatment crisis, with hospitals sometimes leaning on them to help with federal patient data reporting mandates. Now, they are being tasked with helping orchestrate the erectile dysfunction treatment rollout, with processes changing from state to state.

Given those looming demands, targeting from public figures about erectile dysfunction treatment restrictions simply adds more weight on an already strained system. ON THE RECORD "We are the people fed up with the Health Department, Government Overreach, and the authorities picking business winners and losers," Hall wrote in the description of his now-deleted group. "Colorado is one of the top 5 lock down [sic] states and there is no reason why," he added. "We will publish the names/addresses of all these people with no law enforcement abilities.

We will publish every thing [sic] about them that is public record."If they want a war, we can give them that," Hall said. Kat Jercich is senior editor of Healthcare IT News.Twitter. @kjercichEmail. Kjercich@himss.orgHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.This year shone a spotlight on cybersecurity, with federal agencies warning in October of an "increased an imminent" cyber threat to hospitals fueled by the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra.But not every security incident was caused by major ransomware attacks, of course.

Some costly breaches were caused by much more mundane activities, such as improperly disposed materials or employee snooping.By law, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights must publish a list of breaches of unsecured protected health information affecting 500 or more individuals. It's worth noting that not every incident on this list happened in 2020, nor has every incident that took place in 2020 been reported yet. HIMSS20 Digital Learn on-demand, earn credit, find products and solutions.

Get Started >>. The list also includes both resolved incidents and those still under investigation. More than 10 million individuals were affected by the breaches in the top 10 list alone.Ultimately, it's clear that cybersecurity incidents aren't going anywhere in the coming year – and they may even get more egregious. Here's a list of the biggest healthcare breaches reported to OCR in 2020.Name.

Trinity Health Reported. 9/14/2020Number of individuals affected. 3,320,726Trinity's philanthropy database vendor, Blackbaud, notified the health system in July that it had been the victim of a cyberattack, potentially obtaining access to patient and donor information. In a security notice, Blackbaud said that it had paid the ransom to have the data copy destroyed (a strategy that experts do not generally advise).Name.

Inova HealthReported. 9/09/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,045,270Inova was affected by the same Blackbaud security incident. The Virginia-based system determined that the threat actor may have accessed personal information of patients and donors.Name.

Magellan HealthReported. 6/12/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,013,956In April, the Arizona system discovered it was the victim of a ransomware attack. An investigation revealed that the incident may have affected personal information.

Name. Dental Care AllianceReported. 12/08/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,004,304The Florida-based support organization, which is affiliated with more than 320 practices in 20 states, reported this fall that it had been the victim of an ongoing attack.Name.

Luxottica of AmericaReported. 10/27/2020Number of individuals affected. 829,454Luxottica of America, which operates vision care facilities, was targeted by class-action lawsuits following the breach of its online scheduling application.Name. Northern Light HealthReported.

8/03/2020Number of individuals affected. 657,392The Maine health system was yet another healthcare organization impacted by the Blackbaud ransomware incident.Name. Health Share of OregonReported. 2/05/2020Number of individuals affected.

654,362One of the few incidents on the list not related to hacking, this breach stemmed from the theft of a laptop stolen from Health Share's non-emergent medical transportation vendor in November 2019. The personal information located on the computer included names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, and Health Share ID numbers, although personal health histories were not exposed.Name. Florida Orthopaedic InstituteReported. 07/01/2020Number of individuals affected.

640,000In April, the system discovered that a ransomware attack had encrypted data on its servers. After an investigation, FOI determined that personal information may have been accessed during the incident.Name. Elkhart Emergency PhysiciansReported. 05/28/2020Number of individuals affected.

550,000A third-party vendor was discovered to have improperly disposed of some patient files, affecting Elkhart records from 2002 through 2010. Name. AetnaReported. 12/22/2020Number of individuals affected.

484,157Aetna, which contracts with EyeMed to provide vision benefit services for members, said an EyeMed email mailbox was accessed by an unauthorized individual earlier this year. Kat Jercich is senior editor of Healthcare IT News.Twitter. @kjercichEmail. Kjercich@himss.orgHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.Telehealth has played a critical role in healthcare delivery during the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra, and this is especially true for older Americans.

Given the numerous restrictions and guidelines that have been enacted to help slow the spread of the erectile dysfunction, virtual care has been critical in helping seniors safely get the care they need.Yet, according to data from Medicare-focused digital health company GoHealth, three in five Medicare beneficiaries and seniors nearing eligibility admit to not knowing how to use video call technology. The main issues boil down to access and education.Prior to the kamagra, reimbursement had been an issue as well, with stringent rules from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services about what is reimbursable and what is not representing a barrier to entry. Recently, though, the regulatory environment has eased somewhat, with CMS making allowances for reimbursement, and Congress mulling permanent changes to the payment landscape when it comes to virtual care.This allowed providers to rapidly pivot to virtual modalities when it became evident that the kamagra would cause a shift in utilization. This has been happening steadily throughout the year.

According to a survey released in May by the Alliance of Community Health Plans and AMCP, 72% of U.S. Consumers have dramatically changed their use of traditional healthcare services, with many delaying in-person care and embracing virtual care due to the public health crisis.Among the respondents, 58% cited their doctor as the most trusted source of information about the kamagra, but only 31% felt "comfortable" visiting their doctor's office, leading to significant changes in attitudes and behavior toward standard healthcare services.That has led to concerns about properly educating patients on the use of telehealth, particularly seniors, who often lack access and technological acumen, although every senior is different."Seniors aren't homogenous," said Dr. Paul Hain, chief medical officer at GoHealth. "Some are comfortable with the technology, some are not."According to the data, there has been a massive uptake in telehealth in Medicare in particular, rising from about 10,000 virtual visits per week to about 1.7 million – with older Americans comprising a significant chunk of that total."Is telehealth good for our seniors?.

I think the answer is yes, because they're so susceptible to erectile dysfunction treatment," said Hain. "The second question is, 'Is this a flash in the pan?. ' And I think no, because there are a lot of areas in which it's appropriate."There are many ways to derive value from virtual care experiences, but the challenge is making sure that seniors know how to do it. The problem isn't really the seniors themselves, but rather the challenges they face.

In Texas, for example, there's a lack of access to broadband, making telehealth a tricky proposition for certain populations, including minorities, rural residents and, yes, older Americans.Framed in that way, it's a multilayered issue involving access, technological feasibility and getting seniors comfortable with the modality. That requires investment in areas such as infrastructure and patient communication."If you take for instance Medicare Advantage plans, where you might have physicians in a fiscally aligned manner so they don't have to worry about billing for every little thing, you find they can more quickly and excitedly transition to telemedicine," said Hain. "It'll be interesting to see how this works out."ACCESS AND COMMUNICATIONSince "access" is such a broad term, the potential issues with it are varied. Some people lack access due to a lack of economic opportunity.

If a patient can't afford the access, there are few options left to them. By contrast, some geographic regions, mainly rural, lack access altogether, as is the case in much of Texas. In still other regions, cell phone coverage doesn't support the latest high-speed data transmission due to a possible lack of infrastructure capabilities.In that context, Hain sees the solution as a combination of public and private efforts. An example can be found in something as simple as the mail."As a country we came together and said it's important for everyone to have mail access," said Hain.

"It may be time to say we need people to have broadband access – that's the new mail."Another boon to access will be the switch from fee-for-service care delivery to value-based care models, which Hain sees as going a long way toward solving the cost conundrum in the U.S."We're talking about aligning things for the ability to improve telehealth, given telehealth has the amazing ability to be the most efficient modality for both the providers and their patients," he said. "That means aligning value will move it the fastest."An example of this is that telehealth is great for mental health issues," said Hain. "Those are real efficiency gains, but if those providers are having to bill for every little thing they're doing, that becomes kind of onerous and introduces gamesmanship, whereas in a capitation arrangement you want to do it in the most efficient way possible to get people the most benefit. Alignment in the value-based care arena is critically important."Communication, meanwhile, can be improved in a number of different ways, and different provider groups and insurers will come up with different ways to make people comfortable.

The best ideas will ultimately win. Providers can still have in-person visits – have to have them, in fact – but it will be paramount for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to invest in communication with their patients, especially since good communication fosters a stronger relationship between the patient and their primary care doctor. Medicare Advantage plans will succeed more quickly, said Hain, because in such plans the doctor that is selected by the patient will help them understand telehealth to a certain extent, a trend that GoHealth is already beginning to see."In the payment environment, it's good for people under capitated arrangements," he said. "You're already aligned.

We're going to have to continually worry about how providers are being paid for their time, because that will dictate to their practice whether they can continue to do it. On the regulatory side, if you're a smaller practice, having communication platforms that aren't subject to the same HIPAA standards can really break the deal for a small practice, because of so much time and money involved."I expect the telehealth genie will not go back in the bottle," said Hain. "It will slow it down if we get the regulatory side and the payment side wrong, but I don't think we're going back to where we were before. I think it's going to be here to stay." Twitter.

@JELagasseEmail the writer. Jeff.lagasse@himssmedia.comNHS TRUST INTRODUCES TRANSLATION TECH Kettering General Hospital NHS FT has begun using a live translation service within its video consultation platform to improve accessibility for non-English-speaking patients.The move will also allow the trust to make up to 90% cost-savings on traditional translation services.The trust deployed the eClinic video consultation platform from the patient communications provider, Healthcare Communications, in August 2020 to reduce the number of patients visiting the hospital during the kamagra.The platform integrates with the trust’s patient administration system (PAS) and enables patients to attend appointments remotely on a browser, using a smartphone, laptop or tablet.AI BASED COUGH ANALYSER IN SPANISH Spain-based Interactive patient tool, Mediktor has partnered with pharmaceutical company, Sanofi to create an AI-based cough analyser web in Spanish.To identify the type of cough that the user suffers, they have to send an audio recording of their coughing to the electronic device and the solution will distinguish between the various types of cough that exist.Available on CuídatePlus portal, the solution can also guide the patient, to find a specific solution for the type of cough identified. This partnership follows Spain calling for harsher restrictions ahead of the festive period as rates rise.AI TOOL TO OPTIMISE WFH SETUP Health tech startup, Vitrue has launched a new AI tool to improve the health and productivity of the remote workforce. VIDA, uses computer-vision AI to conduct an in-depth assessment of employees’ work from home set-up, via their webcam.The tech analyses shoulder positioning, screen-to-eye distance, screen height and lower back support.

It also assesses wellbeing factors such as natural light, clutter and the presence of plants. Once complete, algorithms generate a bespoke report for each team member designed to inform positive behavioural changes. The report features recommendations to help them avoid musculoskeletal issues and practical advice on how to change their desk set-up and exercises proven to improve posture.UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM SELECTS ENSONO Global hybrid IT services provider, Ensono, has been selected by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT (UHB) to help the trust manage PIONEER, a health data research hub for acute care.Working alongside Microsoft, HDR UK, the University of Birmingham and Ensono has developed the secure cloud based infrastructure for a data research hub that will link data from various services across the West Midlands, enabling an individual’s acute care journey to be traced across healthcare providers.PIONEER will allow the teams across UHB’s sites to understand the individual patient journey better by providing a comprehensive picture of data from every interaction of a patient with acute care providers. CURBING erectile dysfunction treatment IN NURSING HOMES Ireland-based property tech company, ZiggyTec has launched its nursing home ventilation system, ResiFresh, in an attempt to curb erectile dysfunction treatment transmissions amongst those most at risk of contracting the kamagra.The ventilation monitoring system informs care-workers when windows can be closed and when they need to be reopened in order to ensure healthy air quality for residents and provides real-time data on air quality, health and safety equipment.The technology operates by recording all data on the ResiFresh secure Cloud Platform, which is accessible through a standard web browser.

This platform provides care home management with invaluable data for monitoring air quality in each room and providing an audit trail. RESEARCH INVESTMENT IN LUNG CANCER DETECTION The Universities of Southampton and Leeds have collaborated with healthcare, diagnostics and informatics companies to test the best way of detecting cancers at an early stage,Linking to the NHS England Targeted Lung Health Checks programme, the research collaborators include the Lung Cancer Initiative at Johnson &. Johnson Enterprise Innovation, Roche, Oncimmune, Inivata and BC Platforms.The research, part of the Government’s Early Diagnosis Mission to diagnose three-quarters of cancers at an early stage by 2028, is able to proceed thanks to approximately £3.5 million-worth of funding from UK Research and Innovation’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), part of a total investment of £10 million in the programme overall.CHECK POINT SELECTED BY NHS SCOTLAND Cybersecurity solution provider, Check Point Software Technologies, has announced that it has been chosen by NHS National Services Scotland, to secure and streamline the management of its public cloud data.The move will also provide threat prevention for vital public services such as Scotland’s ‘Test &. Protect’ and treatment management services.NHS Scotland has been transitioning healthcare data and services to Microsoft’s Azure public cloud for the past 18 months.

The start of the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra highlighted the need for security that expands on demand.Deryck Mitchelson, chief information security officer, NHS Scotland said. €œRight now we are building our vaccination management systems, and our cloud-first approach gives us the agility and scalability we need to roll it out nationally while being sure that data and services are secured.”.

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Machine learning insights"One of the lessons of erectile dysfunction treatment – meaningful data sharing – will continue unabated, made even more valuable as data becomes more accessible and machine learning provides deeper insights," said Michael Byczkowski, global VP and head of healthcare industry at SAP, the developer of enterprise application software.As treatments continue to roll out, requiring meticulous record-keeping and specialized shipping and storage conditions (and that's to say nothing of the ongoing critical need for PPE and other lifesaving equipment) nowhere are interoperability and data visibility more important than with healthcare supply chains.Despite the challenges, machine learning is helping health systems and their suppliers to put pattern recognition to work improving supply chain management, he said, such as "tracking inventories of personal protection equipment to ensure adequate coverage and enable just-in-time provisioning of supplies."Going forward, using AI-powered big data analytics to optimize the supply chain is going to be essential, said Byczkowski. Health systems will need to "pre-select and process data in a manner that meshes with its intended purpose and the underlying requirements for data privacy, when and where applicable."Beyond mere supply chains, that can best place to buy kamagra online uk help optimize care in other ways. "Once a dataset has the right 'fit' and is uploaded to the cloud," he said, "AI and analytics can be applied to deliver better patient care – for example, to be used to gain visibility of total patient volumes, bed utilization, as well as workforce team assignments and workflows."The erectile dysfunction treatment crisis has been an immense challenge.

But one potential best place to buy kamagra online uk bright spot is that it has "further demonstrated the predictive power of AI," said Byczkowski. And that could help position healthcare organizations to better weather similar challenges."By giving us the ability to see patterns emerge in societies in near real-time and isolate hotspots before they can spread out, AI may hold one of the keys to preventing future kamagras," he said."AI can also significantly help fast-track treatment development, and with broad research and the clinical trials of mRNA-based treatment technologies, there is a tremendous opportunity not only with regards to kamagras – but also to tackle many types of cancer."EHRs. Automation can helpBurnout has been an ongoing scourge at hospitals for years now, and the crushing demands of the kamagra have only made it worse for physicians, nurses, telehealth managers and others.

Electronic health records don't usually help, even if their impact best place to buy kamagra online uk on burnout is more complex than many realize. But there's no question that technology could do better helping solve the problem."Amidst the ongoing health crisis, clinicians need relief," said David Lareau, CEO of Medicomp Systems, which develops EHR optimization tools."Doctors and nurses are overwhelmed with surging patient loads, yet we continue to add fuel to their frustrations by forcing them to use inefficient technologies that add to their workloads and interfere with direct patient care," said Laureau. "For years we have promised them new solutions that leverage AI and machine-learning technologies to improve workflows and manage data more efficiently."Clinicians still spend too much time combing through EHRs to relevant data when they need it, he said – and too much time meeting billing and reporting requirements when they'd rather be off the clock."A primary health IT focus for best place to buy kamagra online uk 2021 must be empowering clinicians with solutions that deliver relief today," said Laureau.They need tools that "support the way clinicians think and work and make it easier for care teams to share actionable data for care coordination," he said, that can aggregate data from multiple sources and filter it logically so that clinicians have rapid access to patient- and problem-specific information at the point of care."Workforce.

'Connected and protected'But EHR workflows aren't the only area that need more focused attention when it comes to the wellbeing of health system staff in 2021, said Brent Lang, CEO of Vocera Communications.As has been shown, the causes of clinician burnout are multifactorial. In recent months, there's best place to buy kamagra online uk been yet another factor. Fear of ."Together, nurses, doctors, policymakers, hospital executives and innovators can build a future where healthcare workers are both connected and protected," said Lang.

"We must modernize PPE standards to include technologies like hands-free communication that can empower staff to do their job safely and without worry of getting contaminated.""Before erectile dysfunction treatment, the level of cognitive overload and burnout best place to buy kamagra online uk among nurses and doctors was alarmingly high," he said. "With the ongoing kamagra, fatigue, depression, and now fear, among clinicians and others on the frontlines are causing many to leave the profession. A brighter future of caring will require collaboration between legislators, hospitals, and technology companies to best place to buy kamagra online uk ensure care teams have the right tools, enough PPE and the capacity to care for patients safely, effectively and with compassion."In 2021, "it will be critical for hospitals and health systems to put policies and resources in place that make the safety and well-being of frontline workers a top priority," said Lang.

"It will also be important for local, state and federal governments to assist hospitals and health systems in their efforts to safeguard the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of those who care for their communities."Meanwhile, he said, "innovators and technology companies must continue listening to frontline workers to understand their challenges and create new solutions to ease their burden and protect their livelihood. While we can manufacture best place to buy kamagra online uk more masks and ventilators, we cannot do the same with nurses and doctors, and the country cannot afford to lose these essential workers."Telehealth. Now what?.

One of the biggest storylines since the early days of the kamagra, of course, was telehealth – finally capitalizing on its potential as it was thrust into the spotlight as a necessary modality of care delivery.Now the question is, what's next?. One exec says the basic concept of the doc-patient video visit is not enough."Telehealth's growth trajectory has moved forward by a decade during the past several months," said Kuldeep Singh Rajput, founder and CEO of Biofourmis, developer of digital therapeutics and virtual care tools."However, for that momentum to continue, technologies such as best place to buy kamagra online uk wearables, remote patient monitoring and artificial intelligence will need to augment telehealth. This approach will expand the use cases for telehealth and will continue to make the case for parity with in-person visits."Telehealth served as a vital lifeline during the early days of the kamagra, when in-person visits weren't feasible.

But for all its benefits, it's not enough to simply have screen-mediated virtual consults."Clinicians can’t make optimal clinical decisions remotely unless they are armed best place to buy kamagra online uk with actionable data," said Rajput. "As we continue to battle this kamagra and in a post-erectile dysfunction world, telemedicine won’t be used in isolation, but rather in tandem with these complementary technologies."For example, AI-based analysis of the data obtained from remote monitoring can be leveraged to flag a decline in a patient's health, so clinicians can intervene early and prevent a medical crisis," he added. "There will be a huge shift in virtual care that moves from typical phone and video chats to these types of software-based therapeutic interventions that are fueled by AI-driven data."That will encourage providers and patients to use telemedicine even more widely, he best place to buy kamagra online uk said – boosting outcomes, decreasing hospitalizations and ED visits and lowering costs.

"The future state of telemedicine is a world in which care delivered by phone or video will become predictive and personalized, rather than reactive," he said.Providers &. Payers. Communication is keyIn addition to ongoing questions around the reimbursement of telehealth and remote monitoring, one of the other challenges highlighted this past year was the still-suboptimal communication among providers and payers, especially early on.Soon, however, there were signs that erectile dysfunction treatment has helped push forward some information exchange improvements that could be long-lasting."It's no secret that many providers and payers relied heavily on the use of fax machines and printed documentation," said Paul Joiner, chief operating officer of health information network Availity.But as the kamagra "disrupted operations for payers and providers, with many employees and staff members working from home, the willingness to collaborate advanced significantly," he said.

"The old way of sending transactions, clinical documentation and policy changes transformed overnight."That quicker communication and more robust collaboration has been "indispensable" during the kamagra response – and will only become more beneficial as it's built upon in the year ahead, said Joiner.The ability to send claims information electronically – rather than spending "countless hours finding, printing and faxing medical records to payers for prior authorization requests" – will be hugely useful for provider efficiency and patient experience going forward, he said."The kamagra brought about new challenges for our healthcare system, but it also helped us to overcome many of the barriers that stood between payers and providers," he added. "It has propelled the transition to better and faster communications, and even helped build trust along the way. In 2021, we predict the shift to electronic communications and improved collaboration across the system will have staying power.

There’s no going back."Value-based care. New impetus for changeOn the topic of healthcare reimbursement, some have wondered what the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra might mean for the momentum of accountable care efforts, given the unprecedented disruption of the past 10 months – never mind the fact that many provider organizations are still unsure about the ROI of their value-based investments over the past decade.Michael Gleeson, chief strategy and innovation officer at population health company Arcadia, sees some interesting trends on that front for 2021 and beyond."Health systems and hospitals in the U.S. Have been under unparalleled financial strain as a result of the kamagra," said Gleason.

"We've noticed that those organizations that have been aggressive in taking on downside risk have been partially buffered against this impact."In 2021, he said, "we expect these organizations will continue to expand their risk profile. When combined with their expertise in managing populations and the investments in data connectivity and analytics, these organizations will use the fallout from the kamagra to expand their market share and acquire their way into new markets." Twitter. @MikeMiliardHITNEmail the writer.

Mike.miliard@himssmedia.comHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS publication.On Monday, a leader of a Colorado town's Republican group began posting the names and home addresses of public health employees, apparently in response to erectile dysfunction treatment restrictions. Mark Hall, lead co-chair of the Parker Republicans, posted the information about two Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment officials on his personal Facebook page on Monday night, then shared the post in a Facebook group that he created, according to 9 News. "Every day in our group I'll be posting the name and address of unelected, non-law enforcement officers who think they can flex muscles in businesses.

We’ll see how strong they are at their homes," Hall reportedly wrote in a since-deleted post. Hall released a statement apologizing on Tuesday, saying that "the actions I took were an attempt to express my frustration. But in hindsight, this was a very inappropraite decision." WHY IT MATTERS Hall, who unsuccessfully ran for Parker Town Council earlier this year, began posting to his personal page on Sunday night about Monday being "the day we as citizens stand up." "If you work for the state, CDPHE, Tri-County or other agencies, you are on the radar, at your homes and elsewhere," Hall wrote, according to screenshots posted on the Facebook group "Living in Parker, CO." "You want to be Anti Americans, Patriots are going to show you the errors of your ways.

We didn't ask for this but you brought it on," Hall wrote.Parker, located 20 miles southeast of Denver in Douglas County, has a population of about 57,000 people. Many posters on the "Living in Parker, CO" Facebook group reacted with anger and dismay to Hall's posts, with a self-described former public health official saying they were "beyond shocked" and "in a rage." Other residents called Hall's actions "careless, thoughtless, and vengeful" and said "someone is going to get hurt from this." In the post that included the personal information of two state public health department officials, Hall described them as "people you should visit without violence but airhorns, honking, and signs."Calling erectile dysfunction treatment "regular influenza," Hall said that "these are the people putting thousands out of work, killing businesses.""Again, I am not advocating any violence or physical harm but let them know how you feel. When I said today was the day to start to fight back, I meant it," Hall continued.

"The revolution is under way." As reported by 9 News, early joiners to Hall's Facebook group included Republican Douglas County Commissioner Lora Thomas (who said she joined the group to monitor its activities) and Parker Mayor Jeff Toborg, who said he accepted an invitation to join without looking at its purpose or content. Toborg had, in early December, posted a graphic on his own Facebook reading "For your [restaurants], for your bars, for your speech and for your right to bear arms…#FightBack." That post was shared on the Parker Republicans' Facebook page. Douglas County Republicans distanced themselves from Hall on Tuesday, saying that his organization is "not affiliated with the Douglas County GOP."Jennifer Ludwig, deputy director at Tri-County Health Department, called Hall's page "disheartening" in an interview with the Highlands Ranch Herald.

"It's very concerning and increases stress levels," Ludwig said. "We just emailed the entire staff for situational awareness and safety measures they need to continue to follow."THE LARGER TREND Local and state health departments have been under increasing strain with the erectile dysfunction treatment crisis, with hospitals sometimes leaning on them to help with federal patient data reporting mandates. Now, they are being tasked with helping orchestrate the erectile dysfunction treatment rollout, with processes changing from state to state.

Given those looming demands, targeting from public figures about erectile dysfunction treatment restrictions simply adds more weight on an already strained system. ON THE RECORD "We are the people fed up with the Health Department, Government Overreach, and the authorities picking business winners and losers," Hall wrote in the description of his now-deleted group. "Colorado is one of the top 5 lock down [sic] states and there is no reason why," he added.

"We will publish the names/addresses of all these people with no law enforcement abilities. We will publish every thing [sic] about them that is public record."If they want a war, we can give them that," Hall said. Kat Jercich is senior editor of Healthcare IT News.Twitter.

@kjercichEmail. Kjercich@himss.orgHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.This year shone a spotlight on cybersecurity, with federal agencies warning in October of an "increased an imminent" cyber threat to hospitals fueled by the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra.But not every security incident was caused by major ransomware attacks, of course. Some costly breaches were caused by much more mundane activities, such as improperly disposed materials or employee snooping.By law, the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services' Office of Civil Rights must publish a list of breaches of unsecured protected health information affecting 500 or more individuals. It's worth noting that not every incident on this list happened in 2020, nor has every incident that took place in 2020 been reported yet. HIMSS20 Digital Learn on-demand, earn credit, find products and solutions.

Get Started >>. The list also includes both resolved incidents and those still under investigation. More than 10 million individuals were affected by the breaches in the top 10 list alone.Ultimately, it's clear that cybersecurity incidents aren't going anywhere in the coming year – and they may even get more egregious.

Here's a list of the biggest healthcare breaches reported to OCR in 2020.Name. Trinity Health Reported. 9/14/2020Number of individuals affected.

3,320,726Trinity's philanthropy database vendor, Blackbaud, notified the health system in July that it had been the victim of a cyberattack, potentially obtaining access to patient and donor information. In a security notice, Blackbaud said that it had paid the ransom to have the data copy destroyed (a strategy that experts do not generally advise).Name. Inova HealthReported.

9/09/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,045,270Inova was affected by the same Blackbaud security incident. The Virginia-based system determined that the threat actor may have accessed personal information of patients and donors.Name.

Magellan HealthReported. 6/12/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,013,956In April, the Arizona system discovered it was the victim of a ransomware attack.

An investigation revealed that the incident may have affected personal information. Name. Dental Care AllianceReported.

12/08/2020Number of individuals affected. 1,004,304The Florida-based support organization, which is affiliated with more than 320 practices in 20 states, reported this fall that it had been the victim of an ongoing attack.Name. Luxottica of AmericaReported.

10/27/2020Number of individuals affected. 829,454Luxottica of America, which operates vision care facilities, was targeted by class-action lawsuits following the breach of its online scheduling application.Name. Northern Light HealthReported.

8/03/2020Number of individuals affected. 657,392The Maine health system was yet another healthcare organization impacted by the Blackbaud ransomware incident.Name. Health Share of OregonReported.

2/05/2020Number of individuals affected. 654,362One of the few incidents on the list not related to hacking, this breach stemmed from the theft of a laptop stolen from Health Share's non-emergent medical transportation vendor in November 2019. The personal information located on the computer included names, addresses, phone numbers, dates of birth, social security numbers, and Health Share ID numbers, although personal health histories were not exposed.Name.

Florida Orthopaedic InstituteReported. 07/01/2020Number of individuals affected. 640,000In April, the system discovered that a ransomware attack had encrypted data on its servers.

After an investigation, FOI determined that personal information may have been accessed during the incident.Name. Elkhart Emergency PhysiciansReported. 05/28/2020Number of individuals affected.

550,000A third-party vendor was discovered to have improperly disposed of some patient files, affecting Elkhart records from 2002 through 2010. Name. AetnaReported.

12/22/2020Number of individuals affected. 484,157Aetna, which contracts with EyeMed to provide vision benefit services for members, said an EyeMed email mailbox was accessed by an unauthorized individual earlier this year. Kat Jercich is senior editor of Healthcare IT News.Twitter.

@kjercichEmail. Kjercich@himss.orgHealthcare IT News is a HIMSS Media publication.Telehealth has played a critical role in healthcare delivery during the erectile dysfunction treatment kamagra, and this is especially true for older Americans. Given the numerous restrictions and guidelines that have been enacted to help slow the spread of the erectile dysfunction, virtual care has been critical in helping seniors safely get the care they need.Yet, according to data from Medicare-focused digital health company GoHealth, three in five Medicare beneficiaries and seniors nearing eligibility admit to not knowing how to use video call technology.

The main issues boil down to access and education.Prior to the kamagra, reimbursement had been an issue as well, with stringent rules from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services about what is reimbursable and what is not representing a barrier to entry. Recently, though, the regulatory environment has eased somewhat, with CMS making allowances for reimbursement, and Congress mulling permanent changes to the payment landscape when it comes to virtual care.This allowed providers to rapidly pivot to virtual modalities when it became evident that the kamagra would cause a shift in utilization. This has been happening steadily throughout the year.

According to a survey released in May by the Alliance of Community Health Plans and AMCP, 72% of U.S. Consumers have dramatically changed their use of traditional healthcare services, with many delaying in-person care and embracing virtual care due to the public health crisis.Among the respondents, 58% cited their doctor as the most trusted source of information about the kamagra, but only 31% felt "comfortable" visiting their doctor's office, leading to significant changes in attitudes and behavior toward standard healthcare services.That has led to concerns about properly educating patients on the use of telehealth, particularly seniors, who often lack access and technological acumen, although every senior is different."Seniors aren't homogenous," said Dr. Paul Hain, chief medical officer at GoHealth.

"Some are comfortable with the technology, some are not."According to the data, there has been a massive uptake in telehealth in Medicare in particular, rising from about 10,000 virtual visits per week to about 1.7 million – with older Americans comprising a significant chunk of that total."Is telehealth good for our seniors?. I think the answer is yes, because they're so susceptible to erectile dysfunction treatment," said Hain. "The second question is, 'Is this a flash in the pan?.

' And I think no, because there are a lot of areas in which it's appropriate."There are many ways to derive value from virtual care experiences, but the challenge is making sure that seniors know how to do it. The problem isn't really the seniors themselves, but rather the challenges they face. In Texas, for example, there's a lack of access to broadband, making telehealth a tricky proposition for certain populations, including minorities, rural residents and, yes, older Americans.Framed in that way, it's a multilayered issue involving access, technological feasibility and getting seniors comfortable with the modality.

That requires investment in areas such as infrastructure and patient communication."If you take for instance Medicare Advantage plans, where you might have physicians in a fiscally aligned manner so they don't have to worry about billing for every little thing, you find they can more quickly and excitedly transition to telemedicine," said Hain. "It'll be interesting to see how this works out."ACCESS AND COMMUNICATIONSince "access" is such a broad term, the potential issues with it are varied. Some people lack access due to a lack of economic opportunity.

If a patient can't afford the access, there are few options left to them. By contrast, some geographic regions, mainly rural, lack access altogether, as is the case in much of Texas. In still other regions, cell phone coverage doesn't support the latest high-speed data transmission due to a possible lack of infrastructure capabilities.In that context, Hain sees the solution as a combination of public and private efforts.

An example can be found in something as simple as the mail."As a country we came together and said it's important for everyone to have mail access," said Hain. "It may be time to say we need people to have broadband access – that's the new mail."Another boon to access will be the switch from fee-for-service care delivery to value-based care models, which Hain sees as going a long way toward solving the cost conundrum in the U.S."We're talking about aligning things for the ability to improve telehealth, given telehealth has the amazing ability to be the most efficient modality for both the providers and their patients," he said. "That means aligning value will move it the fastest."An example of this is that telehealth is great for mental health issues," said Hain.

"Those are real efficiency gains, but if those providers are having to bill for every little thing they're doing, that becomes kind of onerous and introduces gamesmanship, whereas in a capitation arrangement you want to do it in the most efficient way possible to get people the most benefit. Alignment in the value-based care arena is critically important."Communication, meanwhile, can be improved in a number of different ways, and different provider groups and insurers will come up with different ways to make people comfortable. The best ideas will ultimately win.

Providers can still have in-person visits – have to have them, in fact – but it will be paramount for hospitals and other healthcare organizations to invest in communication with their patients, especially since good communication fosters a stronger relationship between the patient and their primary care doctor. Medicare Advantage plans will succeed more quickly, said Hain, because in such plans the doctor that is selected by the patient will help them understand telehealth to a certain extent, a trend that GoHealth is already beginning to see."In the payment environment, it's good for people under capitated arrangements," he said. "You're already aligned.

We're going to have to continually worry about how providers are being paid for their time, because that will dictate to their practice whether they can continue to do it. On the regulatory side, if you're a smaller practice, having communication platforms that aren't subject to the same HIPAA standards can really break the deal for a small practice, because of so much time and money involved."I expect the telehealth genie will not go back in the bottle," said Hain. "It will slow it down if we get the regulatory side and the payment side wrong, but I don't think we're going back to where we were before.

I think it's going to be here to stay." Twitter. @JELagasseEmail the writer. Jeff.lagasse@himssmedia.comNHS TRUST INTRODUCES TRANSLATION TECH Kettering General Hospital NHS FT has begun using a live translation service within its video consultation platform to improve accessibility for non-English-speaking patients.The move will also allow the trust to make up to 90% cost-savings on traditional translation services.The trust deployed the eClinic video consultation platform from the patient communications provider, Healthcare Communications, in August 2020 to reduce the number of patients visiting the hospital during the kamagra.The platform integrates with the trust’s patient administration system (PAS) and enables patients to attend appointments remotely on a browser, using a smartphone, laptop or tablet.AI BASED COUGH ANALYSER IN SPANISH Spain-based Interactive patient tool, Mediktor has partnered with pharmaceutical company, Sanofi to create an AI-based cough analyser web in Spanish.To identify the type of cough that the user suffers, they have to send an audio recording of their coughing to the electronic device and the solution will distinguish between the various types of cough that exist.Available on CuídatePlus portal, the solution can also guide the patient, to find a specific solution for the type of cough identified.

This partnership follows Spain calling for harsher restrictions ahead of the festive period as rates rise.AI TOOL TO OPTIMISE WFH SETUP Health tech startup, Vitrue has launched a new AI tool to improve the health and productivity of the remote workforce. VIDA, uses computer-vision AI to conduct an in-depth assessment of employees’ work from home set-up, via their webcam.The tech analyses shoulder positioning, screen-to-eye distance, screen height and lower back support. It also assesses wellbeing factors such as natural light, clutter and the presence of plants.

Once complete, algorithms generate a bespoke report for each team member designed to inform positive behavioural changes. The report features recommendations to help them avoid musculoskeletal issues and practical advice on how to change their desk set-up and exercises proven to improve posture.UNIVERSITY HOSPITALS BIRMINGHAM SELECTS ENSONO Global hybrid IT services provider, Ensono, has been selected by University Hospitals Birmingham NHS FT (UHB) to help the trust manage PIONEER, a health data research hub for acute care.Working alongside Microsoft, HDR UK, the University of Birmingham and Ensono has developed the secure cloud based infrastructure for a data research hub that will link data from various services across the West Midlands, enabling an individual’s acute care journey to be traced across healthcare providers.PIONEER will allow the teams across UHB’s sites to understand the individual patient journey better by providing a comprehensive picture of data from every interaction of a patient with acute care providers. CURBING erectile dysfunction treatment IN NURSING HOMES Ireland-based property tech company, ZiggyTec has launched its nursing home ventilation system, ResiFresh, in an attempt to curb erectile dysfunction treatment transmissions amongst those most at risk of contracting the kamagra.The ventilation monitoring system informs care-workers when windows can be closed and when they need to be reopened in order to ensure healthy air quality for residents and provides real-time data on air quality, health and safety equipment.The technology operates by recording all data on the ResiFresh secure Cloud Platform, which is accessible through a standard web browser.

This platform provides care home management with invaluable data for monitoring air quality in each room and providing an audit trail. RESEARCH INVESTMENT IN LUNG CANCER DETECTION The Universities of Southampton and Leeds have collaborated with healthcare, diagnostics and informatics companies to test the best way of detecting cancers at an early stage,Linking to the NHS England Targeted Lung Health Checks programme, the research collaborators include the Lung Cancer Initiative at Johnson &. Johnson Enterprise Innovation, Roche, Oncimmune, Inivata and BC Platforms.The research, part of the Government’s Early Diagnosis Mission to diagnose three-quarters of cancers at an early stage by 2028, is able to proceed thanks to approximately £3.5 million-worth of funding from UK Research and Innovation’s Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund (ISCF), part of a total investment of £10 million in the programme overall.CHECK POINT SELECTED BY NHS SCOTLAND Cybersecurity solution provider, Check Point Software Technologies, has announced that it has been chosen by NHS National Services Scotland, to secure and streamline the management of its public cloud data.The move will also provide threat prevention for vital public services such as Scotland’s ‘Test &.

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Today, the Office of Workers’ best place to buy kamagra online uk Compensation Programs commemorates the 50th anniversary of the 1972 Black Lung Benefits Act Amendment. These changes to the Black Lung Benefits Act of 1969 significantly liberalized the eligibility requirements for the federal Black Lung Program, making it easier for miners with black lung disease and their families to receive benefits. The Black Lung Benefits Act was originally enacted by Congress in 1969 as part of the Federal Coal best place to buy kamagra online uk Mine Health and Safety Act to provide benefits to coal miners disabled by pneumoconiosis, or black lung disease. Later, Congress enacted the BLBA of 1972, which amended the original law and made it easier for miners to meet the eligibility requirements for benefits. The most notable change was the creation of a “15-year presumption” for miner’s claims.

That is, if a miner was employed for at least 15 years in underground mines, and the miner best place to buy kamagra online uk had a totally disabling respiratory or pulmonary impairment, it would be rebuttably presumed that the miner’s total disability or death was due to pneumoconiosis. More broadly, the passage of this legislation departed from the established convention that compensation for work-related injury and illness would be provided by a state workers’ compensation system and financed by employers in the industry that created the workplace hazards. At this time, the federal government determined that state systems were not adequately caring for miners with black lung, so it was necessary to intervene and provide sufficient support for disabled miners and their families. While there have been several amendments to the BLBA since its inception, our agency commemorates the significance of the May 1972 amendments and reiterates our 50-plus best place to buy kamagra online uk year commitment to assisting coal miners and their survivors. We reiterate our long-standing pledge to coal miners and their survivors to ensure reliable, monthly monetary and medical benefits to those who qualify.

I am proud of the hard work and dedication of our staff who continue to demonstrate their commitment to our important mission. Chris Godfrey best place to buy kamagra online uk is director of the Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs. More information about the Black Lung Program is available on the DCMWC website. If you have questions about benefits or need help filing a claim, contact the program at 800-347-2502 or email

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Storm surge is this page less of a threat than wind, CoreLogic found, estimating that $1.9 trillion worth of property could kamagra oral jelly wholesalers sustain storm surge damage during the Atlantic hurricane season that began officially yesterday. €œIt’s important for people to know. Is it a dual threat or is it mostly wind that I should worry about?.

€ said kamagra oral jelly wholesalers CoreLogic principal Tom Larsen. Most properties at risk of storm surge damage are also at risk of hurricane wind damage. The potential for wind damage has huge implications for insurance companies, which cover wind damage through standard homeowners policies.

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Since the 1980s, weather-related losses in kamagra oral jelly wholesalers the U.S. Have increased by between 70% and 90% each decade, CoreLogic said. €œAnd this trend isn’t slowing,” the report says.

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Florida accounts kamagra oral jelly wholesalers for six of the 10 metropolitan areas facing the greatest hurricane risk. In addition to Miami, the at-risk areas are Tampa, Fort Myers, Bradenton, Jacksonville and Naples. Other areas in the top 10 are New Orleans, which is ranked third.

Virginia Beach, Va., ranked fifth kamagra oral jelly wholesalers. And Houston, ranked eighth. The report finds that metro areas face different threats.

In New Orleans, storm surge and hurricane winds are projected to kamagra oral jelly wholesalers cause roughly similar amounts of damage. But in Houston, hurricane winds are projected to cause nearly nine times as much property damage as storm surge. €œHouston is about 12 miles inland,” Larsen of CoreLogic said.

€œDuring Hurricane Ike in 2008, we saw wind kamagra oral jelly wholesalers can go deeper inland and really affect the housing. But storm surge will be primarily focused on the coastal area.” In New Orleans, by contrast, “the homes are much closer to the water and more vulnerable” to storm surge, Larsen said. Reprinted from E&E News with permission from POLITICO, LLC.

Copyright 2021 kamagra oral jelly wholesalers. E&E News provides essential news for energy and environment professionals.*Editor's Note (6/2/2021). Shortly after this article was published, NASA announced its decision to fly not one but both proposed Venus missions, VERITAS and DAVINCI+, beginning a new era of exploration for Earth's estranged sister world.

Like many kids, Sue Smrekar dreamed that she would one day voyage into kamagra oral jelly wholesalers space. But instead of becoming an astronaut, she ended up as a planetary geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where she worked on robotic explorers of other worlds. In some sense, her interplanetary destiny seemed preordained even before she was born.

Her father hails kamagra oral jelly wholesalers from a rural community in Pennsylvania named Venus. Fittingly, the very first mission Smrekar worked on was NASA’s ambitious (and wildly successful) Venus orbiter Magellan. Launched in 1989, Magellan was equipped with a sophisticated radar system, one that peered beneath the planet’s omnipresent clouds to map its entire surface for the first time.

Smrekar recalls watching the initial radar images come in, revealing a kamagra oral jelly wholesalers bizarre world covered in few craters, a surfeit of volcanoes and rolling plains of frozen lava. Magellan’s explorations ended in 1994 when, its objectives met and its solar-power panels degraded, the orbiter was sent plunging into Venus’s atmosphere. Although it raised a plethora of tantalizing questions about the planet’s past and present, Magellan marked the last time NASA sent a dedicated mission to Venus.

Just as Smrekar and other Venus-minded researchers were beginning to grapple with the planet’s mysteries, as unveiled by Magellan, sensational claims of life on Mars captured the kamagra oral jelly wholesalers public imagination. Today, a quarter-century later, most of the global planetary-science community still remains wrapped up in the so-far-fruitless search for Martian life. All the while, Venus—an acidic, superhot, arid and presumably lifeless wasteland—has languished in the shadows.

Sue Smrekar, a planetary kamagra oral jelly wholesalers geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and principal investigator of the proposed VERITAS mission to Venus. Credit. Steve Rostker “Currently, the Venus community is a bit like Boston Red Sox fans prior to 2004, who lived under the ‘curse of the Bambino’ for endless decades,” Smrekar says, referring to the baseball team’s 86-year championship drought.

Yet like some of her steadfast colleagues, she has remained motivated through decades of disappointment by one of the most compelling unanswered questions kamagra oral jelly wholesalers in planetary science. What transformed Venus—a near twin of Earth in size and composition—into such an unearthly and downright apocalyptic state?. Why did these two similar, adjacent planets have such staggeringly divergent stories?.

Perhaps the time for answers kamagra oral jelly wholesalers has finally come. NASA is about to pick which interplanetary mission—or pair of missions—it will send into space next. The space agency has four options.

One would visit a moon of Neptune, another would rendezvous with a Jovian moon, kamagra oral jelly wholesalers and two would return to Venus. Smrekar is the principal investigator of one of those Venusian hopefuls, and the entire community is holding its breath alongside her. €œWe are all desperately hoping the ‘Venus curse’ will be lifted,” she says.

Will it? kamagra oral jelly wholesalers. Turning Their Back on the Devil Although NASA got there first with the Mariner 2 flyby in 1962, for much of the cold war, Venus really belonged to the Soviet Union. Its Venera mission program, consisting of a series of mostly landers flung at Earth’s neighbor, first found success in 1967—when Venera 4 entered and transmitted data from the Venusian atmosphere, revealing hints of the planet’s horrors to stunned scientists who had expected more clement conditions.

Multiple successful Venera landings helped nudge NASA back to Venus in 1978 kamagra oral jelly wholesalers with the launch of the Pioneer mission, an orbiter-probe combo. After the Soviets flew two showy balloon-lofted probes through the planet’s atmosphere, NASA upped the ante with the radar-wielding Magellan orbiter. With each subsequent mission, it became clearer this exercise in interplanetary one-upmanship was over a world nightmarishly ill-suited for future human exploration.

Venus’s thick atmosphere, comprised of around 95 percent carbon kamagra oral jelly wholesalers dioxide, is suffocating. Its cloud layers are packed with sulfuric acid—enough to chew through skin, bone and metal in moments. If you stood on the surface, you would escape the corrosive rain but only because rain down there is impossible.

The ground bakes at kamagra oral jelly wholesalers more than 900 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to broil any astronaut or robot that dared to venture on it. If you were miraculously heat-resistant, you would still have to contend with a surface pressure that is at least 92 times of that on Earth, making the experience like being a mile or more underwater. No matter which part of the planet you visited, you would die a quick but agonizing death.

Artist’s rendition of a Soviet-era Venera lander on the kamagra oral jelly wholesalers hostile Venusian surface. Credit. Reimund Bertrams “It is the best planet, no question,” says a smirking Paul Byrne, a planetary scientist at North Carolina State University.

This is an unsurprising answer kamagra oral jelly wholesalers from Byrne, an unabashed Venusian zealot. To him, the planet’s terrors are all part of its intrigue. Something unleashed them all long ago.

Byrne wants to find out what opened kamagra oral jelly wholesalers Pandora’s box. Since Magellan, Venus has been rather lonely. Europe’s Venus Express spacecraft orbited it from 2005 to 2014.

Japan’s Akatsuki orbiter, which successfully kamagra oral jelly wholesalers entered orbit in 2015, remains there to this day, studying the Venusian atmosphere and hunting for its elusive lightning. If it were up to Byrne, there would be plenty of spacecraft flying around or landing on Venus today. Instead, he says, Venus is “a planet nobody has given a shit about for 30 years.” The turning point arrived in 1996, when a cadre of reputable scientists published a paper announcing they had found microscopic fossils in a Martian meteorite named ALH 84001.

Then president Bill Clinton gave a speech on the South Lawn of the White House about the discovery, telling the world kamagra oral jelly wholesalers that “the American space program will put its full intellectual power and technological prowess behind the search for further evidence of life on Mars.” The discovery didn’t really pan out—further studies, reported with considerably less fanfare, suggested the “microfossils” could just as well have been entirely abiotic mineral formations. But the dream of finding life proved too enchanting to dismiss. Mission after mission was sent to Mars, each building off the successes of its predecessors.

All of them had their own unique objectives, but most were framed by the search for water and, kamagra oral jelly wholesalers ultimately, microbes. Politicians and the public alike were hooked by that prospect, making it easier to justify funding and sending additional orbiters, landers and rovers to Mars. With each success, more early-career scientists were drawn in, lured by funding opportunities and fresh data to work with.

Those missions also kamagra oral jelly wholesalers took on their own personalities, becoming anthropomorphized in comics and obituaries. €œWe love the idea of all these cute robots hanging out on Mars,” says Clara Sousa-Silva, an astrochemist at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. Mars has its own gargantuan PR machine, one fueled by NASA, public enthusiasts and scientists who simply wish to study the easily accessible and somewhat Earth-like planet right next door.

It also benefits from the attention of a handful of publicity-hungry kamagra oral jelly wholesalers billionaires with grandiose ambitions (or delusions) of making it habitable. €œVenus doesn’t really have [a PR campaign],” Sousa-Silva says, “probably because you can’t plant a flag on it.” View of the mountainous terrain of Venus’s Alpha Regio region, based on data returned by NASA’s Magellan orbiter. Credit.

NASA and JPL-Caltech “I don’t want to say that Mars has an inviolable hold over the public,” kamagra oral jelly wholesalers Byrne says, “but it kind of does.” The disproportionate amount of attention Mars gets proves frustrating. Byrne regularly quips that he wishes to blow up Mars, Death-Star-at-Alderaan-style, so everyone would be forced to reconsider Venus instead. He is only half-joking.

Another problem kamagra oral jelly wholesalers is that Venus is a prolific destroyer of droids, whether corroding them in acid clouds or broiling and crushing them in its pressure-cooker air. Orbiters survive just fine, but studying the enigmatic surface requires excellent radar capabilities, lest the hidden realm below be completely obfuscated by the dense, overlying clouds. Conversely, with a thinner and transparent atmosphere and a cold, dry surface plagued only occasionally by global dust storms, “Mars is the ideal place to do a lot of planetary surface exploration,” Byrne says.

But is Mars more valuable to science kamagra oral jelly wholesalers than Venus?. “I do not remotely think so,” he says. One strike against Mars is its size.

At only one-sixth the volume kamagra oral jelly wholesalers of Earth and containing just one-tenth of our planet’s mass, it is not really “Earth-like” at all—at least, not compared with Venus, which, by those metrics, is practically our planetary twin. There is, of course, the problem of its spacecraft-slaying environment. Heat-resistant electronics that can resist the Venusian inferno are being developed for in situ exploration, but nothing yet exists that could give a surface mission more than a couple of hours of survivability.

Even so, Byrne says, Venus’s bulk similarity to our own planet makes it a better pedagogical option for learning about what makes—and kamagra oral jelly wholesalers breaks—Earth-like worlds. €œVenus is going to be hard,” Byrne says. €œBut that’s not a reason not to do it.” The Truth Seeker and the Artist A few of NASA’s robotic space exploration endeavors are decided competitively.

Typically, teams of scientists kamagra oral jelly wholesalers and engineers work together for several years to develop profoundly detailed proposals for missions that are then judged by senior agency officials. The cheapest of these contests are the Discovery missions, with a per-project price tag of around $600 million or less. NASA’s ruthless selection process for these missions has far-reaching ramifications.

For every winner, there are dozens of losers, collectively representing a huge swath of the solar system that remains kamagra oral jelly wholesalers underexplored. €œDozens of Venus missions have been proposed to NASA” since Magellan, Smrekar says. €œNone have been selected.

Every mission competition, people think Venus’s number will surely come up.” It kamagra oral jelly wholesalers never has. Despite this Sisyphean malediction, with each call for new proposals, the community still tries to push its boulder back to the mountaintop. In February 2020 NASA picked four concept studies as the latest round of Discovery finalists.

Two of kamagra oral jelly wholesalers them were missions to Venus. The first—the Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy mission, or VERITAS (Latin for “truth”)—is led by Smrekar. This orbiter’s state-of-the-art radar system would generate an unprecedentedly detailed map of the planet.

It would replace the relatively low-resolution cartography of Magellan with glorious 3-D topographic charts packed with detail, from individual volcanoes and their lava-licked landscapes to fault systems kamagra oral jelly wholesalers streaking through the land like scars. Illustration of the proposed VERITAS orbiter at Venus. Credit.

NASA and JPL-Caltech VERITAS would also see in infrared, distinguishing specific kamagra oral jelly wholesalers minerals on the surface by their characteristic thermal glow and adding crucial context to what would already be an impressive survey of Venusian geology. This orbiter’s work would not just be, in a manner of speaking, skin-deep. Another of its instruments would peer into the guts of Venus, mapping the varying strength of the planet’s gravitational field to visualize the layer-cake structure of its interior.

This mission, Smrekar says, would finally give kamagra oral jelly wholesalers scientists a high-fidelity view of Venus akin to the richly detailed data sets they have long possessed for the moon and Mars. VERITAS may seem like a shoo-in for NASA’s next Discovery selection, but it faces steep competition from DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus). Named after the Renaissance-era master of everything, the DAVINCI+ mission is helmed by Jim Garvin, chief scientist of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.

Like Smrekar, he has been captivated by enigmatic planets for most of his life kamagra oral jelly wholesalers and self-effacingly shirks any limelight, almost to a fault. When asked to share some fun facts about himself, Garvin once said that he is “probably too boring for words.” Jim Garvin, chief scientist of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and principal investigator of the proposed DAVINCI+ mission to Venus. Credit.

NASA and Bill Ingalls The kamagra oral jelly wholesalers same descriptor cannot be applied to his team’s mission concept, a somewhat more bombastic endeavor that would drop an American probe into the Venusian maw for the first time since 1978. It would tumble through the tempestuous atmosphere, gulping and analyzing its constituent chemicals during its intentionally deadly journey. As the clouds parted and the surface approached, it would use its cameras to take the most high-resolution images of the planet’s mountainous and geologically complex Alpha Regio region to date, while infrared detectors would parse out the terrain’s mineralogy.

The probe kamagra oral jelly wholesalers would expire shortly after it landed but not before beaming back the game-changing data gathered during its parachute-slowed plunge. Its descent probe may be the star of the show, but DAVINCI+ has an orbiter component, too. It would lack the radar systems that VERITAS would boast, but its cameras would peruse the atmosphere and the surface in uaviolet and infrared, teasing out details that would thrill atmospheric scientists and geologists alike.

Scientists want to know whether or not Venus’s kamagra oral jelly wholesalers climate has always been so catastrophically awful. €œDAVINCI+ was designed to attack this question,” Garvin says. The Many Deaths of Venus The most telling clue we possess about Venus’s cataclysmic history is the elevated heavy water content of its atmosphere—a finding that dates back to NASA’s Pioneer mission in 1978.

Heavy water is kamagra oral jelly wholesalers a rarer version of the far more commonplace H2O, or normal water, in which ordinary hydrogen has been replaced with deuterium—that is, with hydrogen atoms bearing an extra neutron. Given that it is heavier than ordinary water, heavy water is harder to boil off into space than its lighter counterpart Venus’s overabundance of heavy water is thought to be the dregs from an ocean’s worth of normal water that once graced the planet untold eons ago.

To learn what really happened to Venus, we need to find out what happened to all that water. The planet, Garvin says, should not be thought of as a hellish pandemonium but “as an ocean world that kamagra oral jelly wholesalers lost its oceans.” How did it lose them?. The dearth of Venusian data means that this question, like all others, currently lacks definitive answers.

But that has not stopped scientists from imagining what those answers might be—and how missions such as VERITAS and DAVINCI+could confirm them. One such dreamer is kamagra oral jelly wholesalers Michael Way, a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In recent years he and his colleagues have peered into the possible pasts of Venus using detailed computer simulations.

According to Way’s models, the slow but steady brightening of the newborn sun as it aged (a property common to all sunlike stars) may have doomed Venus in its infancy, cooking the young planet so severely that any water could only exist as steam. All that water vapor, a potent greenhouse gas, would quickly raise the kamagra oral jelly wholesalers temperature, compounded by the effects of carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas that bubbled from what was then a planet-wide magma ocean. If the sun was the villain in Venus’s climate history, then the planet was “dead from day one,” Way says.

If the young sun’s early brightening was not the culprit, then another antagonist could be to blame for Venus’s present-day state. Way suspects kamagra oral jelly wholesalers volcanoes. Like stars, they influence every single thing that happens on the surface of a planet, from the evolution of a world’s atmosphere to the fate of its oceans.

Several times in Earth’s past, continent-size eruptions of lava that persisted for hundreds of thousands to millions of years vented enormous volumes of greenhouse gases into the sky, either contributing to or being largely responsible for mass extinctions through the ensuing rapid climate change. On Earth, these monster eruptions have (so far) occurred in isolation, each registering as a disruptive blip in our planet’s kamagra oral jelly wholesalers geologic history. But if a handful happened on Venus simultaneously, they could have released so much carbon dioxide that the oceans would begin to evaporate, filling the atmosphere with heat-trapping water vapor and kicking off an inescapable feedback cycle that would have scorched the world.

So. Whodunnit?. [embedded content] Speculative animation of Venus’s possible transformation from a once habitable ocean planet to the inhospitable world we see today.

Credit. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab DAVINCI+ can help determine when Venus lost its water, thanks to its ability to sniff out the so-called noble gases in its atmosphere, including, among others, xenon, argon and helium. Each gas has multiple versions of itself—some heavier, some lighter—and scientists know where each version comes from.

For example, helium-3 comes from a planet’s deep interior, but helium-4, a heavier type of helium, is born from radioactive decay in the crust above. Like this pair, several versions of other noble gases reside in a planet’s atmosphere. Importantly, noble gases do not react with other geophysically relevant compounds, including carbon dioxide and water.

That means they are effectively postmarked messages, revealing not only their planetary origins but also when and how they were delivered to Venus’s skies. Measurements of such gases could indicate that Venus was bone-dry from the very beginning. If so, that would imply the youthful sun was our world-scorching culprit.

If, however, the sun did not brighten quite so speedily in its youth, then Venus’s carbon-dioxide-belching magma ocean should have frozen over, allowing liquid water to form and pool on the surface. Venus could have been a tropical world of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Martha Gilmore, a planetary geologist at Wesleyan University, who is part of both the DAVINCI+ and VERITAS teams, bristles with excitement over the notion.

€œThere’s no reason, according to what we know about the planets, that Venus was not habitable at its onset,” she says. Right now the consensus odds are on mega eruptions exterminating Venus’s oceans. This could have happened early on, but perhaps DAVINCI+ will reveal that Venus was a water world well into its planetary adolescence.

€œI think the question about Venus is. Were there oceans for billions of years on the surface?. € says Joseph O’Rourke, a planetary scientist at Arizona State University.

O’Rourke grins when posing that question, ecstatic at the thought that, for much of its lifetime, Venus, too was another pale blue dot orbiting the sun—an eventual paradise lost to Earth’s persistent one. He is not alone. €œOne of the most foundational questions there is is.

How do you get an Earth-size world that looks so completely different to Earth?. € Byrne says. €œIf we find out that Venus was like Earth, and it got ruined—oh, that’s the story!.

€ Illustration of the DAVINCI+ probe descending through the Venusian atmosphere on its way to the planet’s surface. Credit. NASA and GSFC If Venus was indeed a water world for eons, then it also must have had plate tectonics.

This mountain-making, basin-carving, volcano-building process, which influences almost everything on Earth’s surface, also serves as a planetary thermostat. Atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans, where it gets trapped in tectonic plates that dive into the superheated mantle undergirding the crust. Eventually, that greenhouse gas will be liberated again, flowing to the surface and then the sky in an assortment of volcanic eruptions fueled by deep-seated magma.

Much of a terrestrial planet’s long-term climatic stability comes down to this carbon-cycling process. On Venus, VERITAS’s radar system could spy ancient or active faulting, signs that this habitability-defining cycle once took place. Both missions would also examine the tesserae, odd continentlike plateaus that dot the Venusian surface.

Most of the planet is covered in lava flows (which must have erupted long after the epic climate-changing volcanism that may have boiled off its water). Rising high above these lava flows, the tesserae are thought to represent the oldest rocks on Venus. €œThey could be half a billion years old, they could be four billion years old—we don’t know,” Gilmore says.

Scientists also do not know what they are. If the tesserae truly are continental rocks akin to those of Earth, they would have needed plenty of water to be made. This would be concrete evidence that Venus was once a water world.

€œThat would blow people’s minds,” O’Rourke says. If they contain layers, as Byrne and his colleagues have recently suggested, they may be sedimentary features, preserving evidence of ancient rivers and lakes. Alternatively, they may be pancakelike layers of lava, perhaps remnants of the ancient global volcanism that destroyed the sky.

DAVINCI+’s probe, O’Rourke says, would get an extremely close-up and detailed view of just one tessera. €œWe don’t even know that all the tesserae are the same, so just picking one is a bit of a gamble,” he says. €œBut DAVINCI+ will get superb, human-scale geology images that you just can’t really do from orbit.” On the other hand, VERITAS would provide a map of every tessera, albeit with less overall detail.

VERITAS’s dynamic map of Venus, which could discern changes by imaging one spot on the surface several times, may also finally show that the planet is still volcanically active today. This is a long-held belief supported by plenty of circumstantial evidence, but so far scientists have not managed to witness the smoking-gun proof of a live eruption. €œIt would be just plain cool to find an active volcano,” Smrekar says.

Confirming that such a key planetary process is still churning away is more than merely ticking a box. Like all tumultuous, transformative tectonic activity, volcanoes are powered by what goes on in the deep interior of worlds. Catching erupting volcanoes in the act would provide an open window into Venus’s dark geologic heart, allowing scientists to compare the vigor of its rhythm to that of Earth’s.

A Time of Hope and Fear VERITAS and DAVINCI+ are far from hastily hashed-out proposals. Sketches of both mission designs began cropping up more than a decade ago. (Versions of both were finalists in the last Discovery competition in 2017, but they lost out to Psyche and Lucy, two asteroid investigation missions.) Each proposal is built on more than half a century of scientific comprehension.

It has been a long, stressful journey for both. Yet as the latest Discovery announcement has approached, tension levels peaked. The last few months have been an especially taxing experience for both mission teams, who have worked around the clock to impress the arbiters of their future.

€œTo really describe the effort over the last year would take a novel,” Smrekar says. The concept study report her team submitted to the judges last November was “just shy of the number of pages in War and Peace.” Persisting through the kamagra has also taken its psychological toll. €œTeams work intensely together.

Perhaps especially under erectile dysfunction treatment, the team becomes a little family,” Smrekar says. €œI’m immensely grateful to, and in total awe of, the people who had to manage small children at home or take care of elders during this last year.” Martha Gilmore, a planetary geologist at Wesleyan University, who is part of both the DAVINCI+ and VERITAS teams. Credit.

Henry Greenwood VERITAS and DAVINCI+ are up against two indisputably outstanding mission concepts. The first is the Io Volcano Observer, or IVO, which would visit the eponymous Jovian moon—the most volcanic object known to science and the best place to understand how gravitational tides can keep worlds geologically active long after our naive estimates of their expiration dates. The second mission concept is Trident, which would head to Neptune’s moon Triton, a relic of the outermost solar system kept puzzlingly youthful by some scarcely glimpsed form of icy volcanism.

Judged solely on their innate merits, each of the four concepts should stand an excellent chance of winning. But for one or some to win this contest, others must lose. In weighing the odds, it is impossible to ignore the fact that on September 14, 2020, a wild card was drawn that may have tipped the scales in Venus’s favor.

A team of scientists announced that, using two telescopes, they had detected phosphine around a particular altitude in the Venusian clouds where temperatures and pressures could allow droplets of liquid water to exist. Phosphine can be made by volcanism and lightning, but it can also be made by microbes, which raises the possibility that this discovery was indirect evidence of alien life. In the blink of an eye, interest in both phosphine and Venus—from the public, media and scientific community—exploded.

The veracity of the detection has been called into question in the months since, with analyses either corroborating or nixing it. Ultimately, whether or not there is phosphine, and whether or not it is being manufactured by microbes, is not all that counts here. This controversy has also underscored a stone-cold fact.

There is a global region of Venus’s clouds that is neither too hot nor too acidic to fundamentally preclude the possibility of indigenous microbes flourishing there, having adapted to dwell in those conditions. On Earth, scientists cannot seem to stop finding microbes—thriving, surviving or dormant—in places that would promptly kill plants and animals. Mars’s surface is an irradiated, frigid desert hostile to life, but microbes may find a home in the potentially warmer, wetter subsurface.

Like Mars, Venus is helping to redefine the meaning of habitability. €œA hellish planet isn’t necessarily inhospitable in every way,” says Sousa-Silva, a member of the original phosphine discovery team. Though it has been suggested that DAVINCI+ could detect phosphine as it makes its plunge, neither it nor VERITAS were designed to study this suddenly fashionable chemical compound.

But both could help constrain the other processes that can make phosphine, from volcanism to atmospheric alchemy. In any event, perhaps what matters most is that phosphine made Venus infamous, giving it a PR boost much like the suspicious-looking meteorite gave Mars in 1996. Not long after the announcement of the phosphine discovery, Way gave a talk at a conference about Venus.

When he got to his phosphine slide, he said, “I don’t know what it means, and I don’t care. All I care about is that we’re talking about Venus!. € There is no doubt that the phosphine furor has been anything but a boon for planetary scientists eager to study Earth’s “evil twin.” But Venus’s mysteries have been worth decoding long before this chemical flamboyantly sauntered onstage.

€œI think [phosphine] is the icing on the cake for us,” Gilmore says, “because Venus is compelling irrespective of life.” Smrekar and Garvin know this better than anyone. Both are Venus veterans who have been in the field since before the Magellan era. Both want answers to their long-held questions, to snatch the low-hanging fruit that has simply hung there, criminally unplucked, for decades.

While Mars-centric scientists have frequented mission control rooms, erupting into cheers as the latest robot joins its friends on that rusted world, Venus proponents have worked and waited, torturing themselves over the thought that, this time, this time, NASA may pick a mission to head back to Venus. €œI have been nervous for the past 41 years,” Garvin says. €œTo say we’re nervous is an understatement,” Smrekar admits, speaking of her own team.

€œThose of us who are very close to the mission have poured our hearts, our weekends, our ingenuity into making this happen.” The lack of a win for either team would come as a huge blow. If neither mission is selected, many will perceive such a decision as absurd, perhaps even insulting. The spacecraft designs are the best they can be.

The momentum of the community is impossible to ignore. Now it has phosphine in its corner. The Venusian community is tenacious, Garvin says, and it would persist even in the face of failure.

Smrekar agrees but says she cannot contemplate taking charge of yet another mission proposal from the ashes of VERITAS. For her, this round of Discovery is all or nothing, and a loss will cause “immense frustration and distress on a personal level.” Even if both VERITAS and DAVINCI+are rejected, there are some reasons to be optimistic. Other space agencies, including those of Russia, Europe and India, have been seriously pondering a return to Venus themselves and may carry the torch if NASA fails to pick it up.

Younger Venusian scientists, such as O’Rourke, wish to keep the fire burning, too, even as the community’s venerable legends fade into retirement. €œThe last time a U.S. Spacecraft entered orbit around Venus, I was 10 days old,” O’Rourke says.

Despite the lack of mission opportunities, “I just got into it, like a lot of people my age, because it’s obviously so interesting.” He suspects that the appetite for Venus science will be unquenched, no matter what happens with NASA’s latest Discovery competition. Fear lingers in the words of the Venusians. But thanks to worlds orbiting alien stars, so does another note of hope.

Exoplanet hunters have caught sight of a multitude of Earth- and Venus-size worlds far from our galactic backwater, each of them an Elysium or a Tartarus. Yet current telescopic technology makes distinguishing between the two almost impossible. For now, studying Venus up close may be the only route to reliable estimates of which is more common in the cosmos.

Earths or Venuses. Exoplanet hunters are starting to acknowledge this fact, reckoning that maybe they should know the solar system itself a little better, Sousa-Silva says, “if nothing else, because it’s such a good lab for exoplanet research.” Cracking the case of Venus would clearly be to the benefit of not just a select few but everyone in the planetary science community. €œOnly Venus can tell us why our home planet is unique in our solar system and the likelihood of actually finding Earth 2.0 around another star,” Smrekar says.

Both teams hope that this widely shared conviction, along with many lifetimes’ worth of work, will finally push at least one of them across the finish line—and that an emissary will once again visit the beguiling world that has dominated their dreams. €œHonestly, if they don’t pick us this time,” Gilmore begins before pausing for a moment, “I don’t know what else we can do.” Epilogue On the afternoon of June 2, NASA administrator Bill Nelson made an announcement to the world. The venerable space agency was heading back to Venus with not one but two missions.

IVO and Trident, each seeking to explore destinations in the outer solar system, would have to wait. VERITAS had won its long-sought victory—and so had DAVINCI+.

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Shortly after this article was published, NASA announced its decision to fly not one but both proposed Venus missions, VERITAS and DAVINCI+, beginning a new best place to buy kamagra online uk era of exploration for Earth's estranged sister world. Like many kids, Sue Smrekar dreamed that she would one day voyage into space. But instead of becoming an astronaut, she ended up as a planetary geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, where she worked on robotic explorers of other worlds. In some sense, her interplanetary best place to buy kamagra online uk destiny seemed preordained even before she was born. Her father hails from a rural community in Pennsylvania named Venus.

Fittingly, the very first mission Smrekar worked on was NASA’s ambitious (and wildly successful) Venus orbiter Magellan. Launched in 1989, Magellan was equipped with a sophisticated radar system, one that peered beneath the planet’s omnipresent clouds to map its entire surface for the first best place to buy kamagra online uk time. Smrekar recalls watching the initial radar images come in, revealing a bizarre world covered in few craters, a surfeit of volcanoes and rolling plains of frozen lava. Magellan’s explorations ended in 1994 when, its objectives met and its solar-power panels degraded, the orbiter was sent plunging into Venus’s atmosphere. Although it best place to buy kamagra online uk raised a plethora of tantalizing questions about the planet’s past and present, Magellan marked the last time NASA sent a dedicated mission to Venus.

Just as Smrekar and other Venus-minded researchers were beginning to grapple with the planet’s mysteries, as unveiled by Magellan, sensational claims of life on Mars captured the public imagination. Today, a quarter-century later, most of the global planetary-science community still remains wrapped up in the so-far-fruitless search for Martian life. All the while, Venus—an acidic, superhot, arid and presumably lifeless wasteland—has languished in best place to buy kamagra online uk the shadows. Sue Smrekar, a planetary geophysicist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory and principal investigator of the proposed VERITAS mission to Venus. Credit.

Steve Rostker “Currently, the Venus community is a bit best place to buy kamagra online uk like Boston Red Sox fans prior to 2004, who lived under the ‘curse of the Bambino’ for endless decades,” Smrekar says, referring to the baseball team’s 86-year championship drought. Yet like some of her steadfast colleagues, she has remained motivated through decades of disappointment by one of the most compelling unanswered questions in planetary science. What transformed Venus—a near twin of Earth in size and composition—into such an unearthly and downright apocalyptic state?. Why did these two similar, best place to buy kamagra online uk adjacent planets have such staggeringly divergent stories?. Perhaps the time for answers has finally come.

NASA is about to pick which interplanetary mission—or pair of missions—it will send into space next. The space agency has best place to buy kamagra online uk four options. One would visit a moon of Neptune, another would rendezvous with a Jovian moon, and two would return to Venus. Smrekar is the principal investigator of one of those Venusian hopefuls, and the entire community is holding its breath alongside her. €œWe are all desperately best place to buy kamagra online uk hoping the ‘Venus curse’ will be lifted,” she says.

Will it?. Turning Their Back on the Devil Although NASA got there first with the Mariner 2 flyby in 1962, for much of the cold war, Venus really belonged to the Soviet Union. Its Venera mission program, consisting of a series of mostly landers flung at Earth’s neighbor, first found success in 1967—when Venera 4 entered and transmitted data from the Venusian atmosphere, revealing hints of the planet’s best place to buy kamagra online uk horrors to stunned scientists who had expected more clement conditions. Multiple successful Venera landings helped nudge NASA back to Venus in 1978 with the launch of the Pioneer mission, an orbiter-probe combo. After the Soviets flew two showy balloon-lofted probes through the planet’s atmosphere, NASA upped the ante with the radar-wielding Magellan orbiter.

With each subsequent mission, it became clearer best place to buy kamagra online uk this exercise in interplanetary one-upmanship was over a world nightmarishly ill-suited for future human exploration. Venus’s thick atmosphere, comprised of around 95 percent carbon dioxide, is suffocating. Its cloud layers are packed with sulfuric acid—enough to chew through skin, bone and metal in moments. If you stood on the surface, you would escape the corrosive best place to buy kamagra online uk rain but only because rain down there is impossible. The ground bakes at more than 900 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough to broil any astronaut or robot that dared to venture on it.

If you were miraculously heat-resistant, you would still have to contend with a surface pressure that is at least 92 times of that on Earth, making the experience like being a mile or more underwater. No matter which part of the planet you visited, you would die a quick but best place to buy kamagra online uk agonizing death. Artist’s rendition of a Soviet-era Venera lander on the hostile Venusian surface. Credit. Reimund Bertrams “It is the best planet, no question,” says a smirking Paul Byrne, best place to buy kamagra online uk a planetary scientist at North Carolina State University.

This is an unsurprising answer from Byrne, an unabashed Venusian zealot. To him, the planet’s terrors are all part of its intrigue. Something unleashed best place to buy kamagra online uk them all long ago. Byrne wants to find out what opened Pandora’s box. Since Magellan, Venus has been rather lonely.

Europe’s Venus Express spacecraft orbited it from 2005 to best place to buy kamagra online uk 2014. Japan’s Akatsuki orbiter, which successfully entered orbit in 2015, remains there to this day, studying the Venusian atmosphere and hunting for its elusive lightning. If it were up to Byrne, there would be plenty of spacecraft flying around or landing on Venus today. Instead, he says, Venus is “a planet nobody has given a shit about for 30 years.” The turning point arrived in 1996, when a cadre of reputable scientists published a paper announcing they had found microscopic fossils in a Martian meteorite named best place to buy kamagra online uk ALH 84001. Then president Bill Clinton gave a speech on the South Lawn of the White House about the discovery, telling the world that “the American space program will put its full intellectual power and technological prowess behind the search for further evidence of life on Mars.” The discovery didn’t really pan out—further studies, reported with considerably less fanfare, suggested the “microfossils” could just as well have been entirely abiotic mineral formations.

But the dream of finding life proved too enchanting to dismiss. Mission after best place to buy kamagra online uk mission was sent to Mars, each building off the successes of its predecessors. All of them had their own unique objectives, but most were framed by the search for water and, ultimately, microbes. Politicians and the public alike were hooked by that prospect, making it easier to justify funding and sending additional orbiters, landers and rovers to Mars. With each success, more early-career scientists were drawn in, lured by best place to buy kamagra online uk funding opportunities and fresh data to work with.

Those missions also took on their own personalities, becoming anthropomorphized in comics and obituaries. €œWe love the idea of all these cute robots hanging out on Mars,” says Clara Sousa-Silva, an astrochemist at the Center for Astrophysics in Cambridge, Mass. Mars has its own best place to buy kamagra online uk gargantuan PR machine, one fueled by NASA, public enthusiasts and scientists who simply wish to study the easily accessible and somewhat Earth-like planet right next door. It also benefits from the attention of a handful of publicity-hungry billionaires with grandiose ambitions (or delusions) of making it habitable. €œVenus doesn’t really have [a PR campaign],” Sousa-Silva says, “probably because you can’t plant a flag on it.” View of the mountainous terrain of Venus’s Alpha Regio region, based on data returned by NASA’s Magellan orbiter.

Credit. NASA and JPL-Caltech “I don’t want to say that Mars has an inviolable hold over the public,” Byrne says, “but it kind of does.” The disproportionate amount of attention Mars gets proves frustrating. Byrne regularly quips that he wishes to blow up Mars, Death-Star-at-Alderaan-style, so everyone would be forced to reconsider Venus instead. He is only half-joking. Another problem is that Venus is a prolific destroyer of droids, whether corroding them in acid clouds or broiling and crushing them in its pressure-cooker air.

Orbiters survive just fine, but studying the enigmatic surface requires excellent radar capabilities, lest the hidden realm below be completely obfuscated by the dense, overlying clouds. Conversely, with a thinner and transparent atmosphere and a cold, dry surface plagued only occasionally by global dust storms, “Mars is the ideal place to do a lot of planetary surface exploration,” Byrne says. But is Mars more valuable to science than Venus?. “I do not remotely think so,” he says. One strike against Mars is its size.

At only one-sixth the volume of Earth and containing just one-tenth of our planet’s mass, it is not really “Earth-like” at all—at least, not compared with Venus, which, by those metrics, is practically our planetary twin. There is, of course, the problem of its spacecraft-slaying environment. Heat-resistant electronics that can resist the Venusian inferno are being developed for in situ exploration, but nothing yet exists that could give a surface mission more than a couple of hours of survivability. Even so, Byrne says, Venus’s bulk similarity to our own planet makes it a better pedagogical option for learning about what makes—and breaks—Earth-like worlds. €œVenus is going to be hard,” Byrne says.

€œBut that’s not a reason not to do it.” The Truth Seeker and the Artist A few of NASA’s robotic space exploration endeavors are decided competitively. Typically, teams of scientists and engineers work together for several years to develop profoundly detailed proposals for missions that are then judged by senior agency officials. The cheapest of these contests are the Discovery missions, with a per-project price tag of around $600 million or less. NASA’s ruthless selection process for these missions has far-reaching ramifications. For every winner, there are dozens of losers, collectively representing a huge swath of the solar system that remains underexplored.

€œDozens of Venus missions have been proposed to NASA” since Magellan, Smrekar says. €œNone have been selected. Every mission competition, people think Venus’s number will surely come up.” It never has. Despite this Sisyphean malediction, with each call for new proposals, the community still tries to push its boulder back to the mountaintop. In February 2020 NASA picked four concept studies as the latest round of Discovery finalists.

Two of them were missions to Venus. The first—the Venus Emissivity, Radio Science, InSAR, Topography, and Spectroscopy mission, or VERITAS (Latin for “truth”)—is led by Smrekar. This orbiter’s state-of-the-art radar system would generate an unprecedentedly detailed map of the planet. It would replace the relatively low-resolution cartography of Magellan with glorious 3-D topographic charts packed with detail, from individual volcanoes and their lava-licked landscapes to fault systems streaking through the land like scars. Illustration of the proposed VERITAS orbiter at Venus.

Credit. NASA and JPL-Caltech VERITAS would also see in infrared, distinguishing specific minerals on the surface by their characteristic thermal glow and adding crucial context to what would already be an impressive survey of Venusian geology. This orbiter’s work would not just be, in a manner of speaking, skin-deep. Another of its instruments would peer into the guts of Venus, mapping the varying strength of the planet’s gravitational field to visualize the layer-cake structure of its interior. This mission, Smrekar says, would finally give scientists a high-fidelity view of Venus akin to the richly detailed data sets they have long possessed for the moon and Mars.

VERITAS may seem like a shoo-in for NASA’s next Discovery selection, but it faces steep competition from DAVINCI+ (Deep Atmosphere Venus Investigation of Noble Gases, Chemistry, and Imaging Plus). Named after the Renaissance-era master of everything, the DAVINCI+ mission is helmed by Jim Garvin, chief scientist of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center. Like Smrekar, he has been captivated by enigmatic planets for most of his life and self-effacingly shirks any limelight, almost to a fault. When asked to share some fun facts about himself, Garvin once said that he is “probably too boring for words.” Jim Garvin, chief scientist of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center and principal investigator of the proposed DAVINCI+ mission to Venus. Credit.

NASA and Bill Ingalls The same descriptor cannot be applied to his team’s mission concept, a somewhat more bombastic endeavor that would drop an American probe into the Venusian maw for the first time since 1978. It would tumble through the tempestuous atmosphere, gulping and analyzing its constituent chemicals during its intentionally deadly journey. As the clouds parted and the surface approached, it would use its cameras to take the most high-resolution images of the planet’s mountainous and geologically complex Alpha Regio region to date, while infrared detectors would parse out the terrain’s mineralogy. The probe would expire shortly after it landed but not before beaming back the game-changing data gathered during its parachute-slowed plunge. Its descent probe may be the star of the show, but DAVINCI+ has an orbiter component, too.

It would lack the radar systems that VERITAS would boast, but its cameras would peruse the atmosphere and the surface in uaviolet and infrared, teasing out details that would thrill atmospheric scientists and geologists alike. Scientists want to know whether or not Venus’s climate has always been so catastrophically awful. €œDAVINCI+ was designed to attack this question,” Garvin says. The Many Deaths of Venus The most telling clue we possess about Venus’s cataclysmic history is the elevated heavy water content of its atmosphere—a finding that dates back to NASA’s Pioneer mission in 1978. Heavy water is a rarer version of the far more commonplace H2O, or normal water, in which ordinary hydrogen has been replaced with deuterium—that is, with hydrogen atoms bearing an extra neutron.

Given that it is heavier than ordinary water, heavy water is harder to boil off into space than its lighter counterpart. Venus’s overabundance of heavy water is thought to be the dregs from an ocean’s worth of normal water that once graced the planet untold eons ago. To learn what really happened to Venus, we need to find out what happened to all that water. The planet, Garvin says, should not be thought of as a hellish pandemonium but “as an ocean world that lost its oceans.” How did it lose them?. The dearth of Venusian data means that this question, like all others, currently lacks definitive answers.

But that has not stopped scientists from imagining what those answers might be—and how missions such as VERITAS and DAVINCI+could confirm them. One such dreamer is Michael Way, a research scientist at NASA’s Goddard Institute for Space Studies. In recent years he and his colleagues have peered into the possible pasts of Venus using detailed computer simulations. According to Way’s models, the slow but steady brightening of the newborn sun as it aged (a property common to all sunlike stars) may have doomed Venus in its infancy, cooking the young planet so severely that any water could only exist as steam. All that water vapor, a potent greenhouse gas, would quickly raise the temperature, compounded by the effects of carbon dioxide, another greenhouse gas that bubbled from what was then a planet-wide magma ocean.

If the sun was the villain in Venus’s climate history, then the planet was “dead from day one,” Way says. If the young sun’s early brightening was not the culprit, then another antagonist could be to blame for Venus’s present-day state. Way suspects volcanoes. Like stars, they influence every single thing that happens on the surface of a planet, from the evolution of a world’s atmosphere to the fate of its oceans. Several times in Earth’s past, continent-size eruptions of lava that persisted for hundreds of thousands to millions of years vented enormous volumes of greenhouse gases into the sky, either contributing to or being largely responsible for mass extinctions through the ensuing rapid climate change.

On Earth, these monster eruptions have (so far) occurred in isolation, each registering as a disruptive blip in our planet’s geologic history. But if a handful happened on Venus simultaneously, they could have released so much carbon dioxide that the oceans would begin to evaporate, filling the atmosphere with heat-trapping water vapor and kicking off an inescapable feedback cycle that would have scorched the world. So. Whodunnit?. [embedded content] Speculative animation of Venus’s possible transformation from a once habitable ocean planet to the inhospitable world we see today.

Credit. NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center Conceptual Image Lab DAVINCI+ can help determine when Venus lost its water, thanks to its ability to sniff out the so-called noble gases in its atmosphere, including, among others, xenon, argon and helium. Each gas has multiple versions of itself—some heavier, some lighter—and scientists know where each version comes from. For example, helium-3 comes from a planet’s deep interior, but helium-4, a heavier type of helium, is born from radioactive decay in the crust above. Like this pair, several versions of other noble gases reside in a planet’s atmosphere.

Importantly, noble gases do not react with other geophysically relevant compounds, including carbon dioxide and water. That means they are effectively postmarked messages, revealing not only their planetary origins but also when and how they were delivered to Venus’s skies. Measurements of such gases could indicate that Venus was bone-dry from the very beginning. If so, that would imply the youthful sun was our world-scorching culprit. If, however, the sun did not brighten quite so speedily in its youth, then Venus’s carbon-dioxide-belching magma ocean should have frozen over, allowing liquid water to form and pool on the surface.

Venus could have been a tropical world of rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. Martha Gilmore, a planetary geologist at Wesleyan University, who is part of both the DAVINCI+ and VERITAS teams, bristles with excitement over the notion. €œThere’s no reason, according to what we know about the planets, that Venus was not habitable at its onset,” she says. Right now the consensus odds are on mega eruptions exterminating Venus’s oceans. This could have happened early on, but perhaps DAVINCI+ will reveal that Venus was a water world well into its planetary adolescence.

€œI think the question about Venus is. Were there oceans for billions of years on the surface?. € says Joseph O’Rourke, a planetary scientist at Arizona State University. O’Rourke grins when posing that question, ecstatic at the thought that, for much of its lifetime, Venus, too was another pale blue dot orbiting the sun—an eventual paradise lost to Earth’s persistent one. He is not alone.

€œOne of the most foundational questions there is is. How do you get an Earth-size world that looks so completely different to Earth?. € Byrne says. €œIf we find out that Venus was like Earth, and it got ruined—oh, that’s the story!. € Illustration of the DAVINCI+ probe descending through the Venusian atmosphere on its way to the planet’s surface.

Credit. NASA and GSFC If Venus was indeed a water world for eons, then it also must have had plate tectonics. This mountain-making, basin-carving, volcano-building process, which influences almost everything on Earth’s surface, also serves as a planetary thermostat. Atmospheric carbon dioxide dissolves in the oceans, where it gets trapped in tectonic plates that dive into the superheated mantle undergirding the crust. Eventually, that greenhouse gas will be liberated again, flowing to the surface and then the sky in an assortment of volcanic eruptions fueled by deep-seated magma.

Much of a terrestrial planet’s long-term climatic stability comes down to this carbon-cycling process. On Venus, VERITAS’s radar system could spy ancient or active faulting, signs that this habitability-defining cycle once took place. Both missions would also examine the tesserae, odd continentlike plateaus that dot the Venusian surface. Most of the planet is covered in lava flows (which must have erupted long after the epic climate-changing volcanism that may have boiled off its water). Rising high above these lava flows, the tesserae are thought to represent the oldest rocks on Venus.

€œThey could be half a billion years old, they could be four billion years old—we don’t know,” Gilmore says. Scientists also do not know what they are. If the tesserae truly are continental rocks akin to those of Earth, they would have needed plenty of water to be made. This would be concrete evidence that Venus was once a water world. €œThat would blow people’s minds,” O’Rourke says.

If they contain layers, as Byrne and his colleagues have recently suggested, they may be sedimentary features, preserving evidence of ancient rivers and lakes. Alternatively, they may be pancakelike layers of lava, perhaps remnants of the ancient global volcanism that destroyed the sky. DAVINCI+’s probe, O’Rourke says, would get an extremely close-up and detailed view of just one tessera. €œWe don’t even know that all the tesserae are the same, so just picking one is a bit of a gamble,” he says. €œBut DAVINCI+ will get superb, human-scale geology images that you just can’t really do from orbit.” On the other hand, VERITAS would provide a map of every tessera, albeit with less overall detail.

VERITAS’s dynamic map of Venus, which could discern changes by imaging one spot on the surface several times, may also finally show that the planet is still volcanically active today. This is a long-held belief supported by plenty of circumstantial evidence, but so far scientists have not managed to witness the smoking-gun proof of a live eruption. €œIt would be just plain cool to find an active volcano,” Smrekar says. Confirming that such a key planetary process is still churning away is more than merely ticking a box. Like all tumultuous, transformative tectonic activity, volcanoes are powered by what goes on in the deep interior of worlds.

Catching erupting volcanoes in the act would provide an open window into Venus’s dark geologic heart, allowing scientists to compare the vigor of its rhythm to that of Earth’s. A Time of Hope and Fear VERITAS and DAVINCI+ are far from hastily hashed-out proposals. Sketches of both mission designs began cropping up more than a decade ago. (Versions of both were finalists in the last Discovery competition in 2017, but they lost out to Psyche and Lucy, two asteroid investigation missions.) Each proposal is built on more than half a century of scientific comprehension. It has been a long, stressful journey for both.

Yet as the latest Discovery announcement has approached, tension levels peaked. The last few months have been an especially taxing experience for both mission teams, who have worked around the clock to impress the arbiters of their future. €œTo really describe the effort over the last year would take a novel,” Smrekar says. The concept study report her team submitted to the judges last November was “just shy of the number of pages in War and Peace.” Persisting through the kamagra has also taken its psychological toll. €œTeams work intensely together.

Perhaps especially under erectile dysfunction treatment, the team becomes a little family,” Smrekar says. €œI’m immensely grateful to, and in total awe of, the people who had to manage small children at home or take care of elders during this last year.” Martha Gilmore, a planetary geologist at Wesleyan University, who is part of both the DAVINCI+ and VERITAS teams. Credit. Henry Greenwood VERITAS and DAVINCI+ are up against two indisputably outstanding mission concepts. The first is the Io Volcano Observer, or IVO, which would visit the eponymous Jovian moon—the most volcanic object known to science and the best place to understand how gravitational tides can keep worlds geologically active long after our naive estimates of their expiration dates.

The second mission concept is Trident, which would head to Neptune’s moon Triton, a relic of the outermost solar system kept puzzlingly youthful by some scarcely glimpsed form of icy volcanism. Judged solely on their innate merits, each of the four concepts should stand an excellent chance of winning. But for one or some to win this contest, others must lose. In weighing the odds, it is impossible to ignore the fact that on September 14, 2020, a wild card was drawn that may have tipped the scales in Venus’s favor. A team of scientists announced that, using two telescopes, they had detected phosphine around a particular altitude in the Venusian clouds where temperatures and pressures could allow droplets of liquid water to exist.

Phosphine can be made by volcanism and lightning, but it can also be made by microbes, which raises the possibility that this discovery was indirect evidence of alien life. In the blink of an eye, interest in both phosphine and Venus—from the public, media and scientific community—exploded. The veracity of the detection has been called into question in the months since, with analyses either corroborating or nixing it. Ultimately, whether or not there is phosphine, and whether or not it is being manufactured by microbes, is not all that counts here. This controversy has also underscored a stone-cold fact.

There is a global region of Venus’s clouds that is neither too hot nor too acidic to fundamentally preclude the possibility of indigenous microbes flourishing there, having adapted to dwell in those conditions. On Earth, scientists cannot seem to stop finding microbes—thriving, surviving or dormant—in places that would promptly kill plants and animals. Mars’s surface is an irradiated, frigid desert hostile to life, but microbes may find a home in the potentially warmer, wetter subsurface. Like Mars, Venus is helping to redefine the meaning of habitability. €œA hellish planet isn’t necessarily inhospitable in every way,” says Sousa-Silva, a member of the original phosphine discovery team.

Though it has been suggested that DAVINCI+ could detect phosphine as it makes its plunge, neither it nor VERITAS were designed to study this suddenly fashionable chemical compound. But both could help constrain the other processes that can make phosphine, from volcanism to atmospheric alchemy. In any event, perhaps what matters most is that phosphine made Venus infamous, giving it a PR boost much like the suspicious-looking meteorite gave Mars in 1996. Not long after the announcement of the phosphine discovery, Way gave a talk at a conference about Venus. When he got to his phosphine slide, he said, “I don’t know what it means, and I don’t care.

All I care about is that we’re talking about Venus!. € There is no doubt that the phosphine furor has been anything but a boon for planetary scientists eager to study Earth’s “evil twin.” But Venus’s mysteries have been worth decoding long before this chemical flamboyantly sauntered onstage. €œI think [phosphine] is the icing on the cake for us,” Gilmore says, “because Venus is compelling irrespective of life.” Smrekar and Garvin know this better than anyone. Both are Venus veterans who have been in the field since before the Magellan era. Both want answers to their long-held questions, to snatch the low-hanging fruit that has simply hung there, criminally unplucked, for decades.

While Mars-centric scientists have frequented mission control rooms, erupting into cheers as the latest robot joins its friends on that rusted world, Venus proponents have worked and waited, torturing themselves over the thought that, this time, this time, NASA may pick a mission to head back to Venus. €œI have been nervous for the past 41 years,” Garvin says. €œTo say we’re nervous is an understatement,” Smrekar admits, speaking of her own team. €œThose of us who are very close to the mission have poured our hearts, our weekends, our ingenuity into making this happen.” The lack of a win for either team would come as a huge blow. If neither mission is selected, many will perceive such a decision as absurd, perhaps even insulting.

The spacecraft designs are the best they can be. The momentum of the community is impossible to ignore. Now it has phosphine in its corner. The Venusian community is tenacious, Garvin says, and it would persist even in the face of failure. Smrekar agrees but says she cannot contemplate taking charge of yet another mission proposal from the ashes of VERITAS.

For her, this round of Discovery is all or nothing, and a loss will cause “immense frustration and distress on a personal level.” Even if both VERITAS and DAVINCI+are rejected, there are some reasons to be optimistic. Other space agencies, including those of Russia, Europe and India, have been seriously pondering a return to Venus themselves and may carry the torch if NASA fails to pick it up. Younger Venusian scientists, such as O’Rourke, wish to keep the fire burning, too, even as the community’s venerable legends fade into retirement. €œThe last time a U.S. Spacecraft entered orbit around Venus, I was 10 days old,” O’Rourke says.

Despite the lack of mission opportunities, “I just got into it, like a lot of people my age, because it’s obviously so interesting.” He suspects that the appetite for Venus science will be unquenched, no matter what happens with NASA’s latest Discovery competition. Fear lingers in the words of the Venusians. But thanks to worlds orbiting alien stars, so does another note of hope. Exoplanet hunters have caught sight of a multitude of Earth- and Venus-size worlds far from our galactic backwater, each of them an Elysium or a Tartarus. Yet current telescopic technology makes distinguishing between the two almost impossible.

For now, studying Venus up close may be the only route to reliable estimates of which is more common in the cosmos. Earths or Venuses. Exoplanet hunters are starting to acknowledge this fact, reckoning that maybe they should know the solar system itself a little better, Sousa-Silva says, “if nothing else, because it’s such a good lab for exoplanet research.” Cracking the case of Venus would clearly be to the benefit of not just a select few but everyone in the planetary science community. €œOnly Venus can tell us why our home planet is unique in our solar system and the likelihood of actually finding Earth 2.0 around another star,” Smrekar says. Both teams hope that this widely shared conviction, along with many lifetimes’ worth of work, will finally push at least one of them across the finish line—and that an emissary will once again visit the beguiling world that has dominated their dreams.

€œHonestly, if they don’t pick us this time,” Gilmore begins before pausing for a moment, “I don’t know what else we can do.” Epilogue On the afternoon of June 2, NASA administrator Bill Nelson made an announcement to the world. The venerable space agency was heading back to Venus with not one but two missions. IVO and Trident, each seeking to explore destinations in the outer solar system, would have to wait.

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