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Much of modern ethics cheap amoxil canada is built around the idea that we should respect one another’s autonomy. Here, “we” are typically imagined to be adult human beings of sound mind, where the soundness of our mind cheap amoxil canada is measured against what we take to be the typical mental capacities of a neurodevelopmentally “normal” person—perhaps in their mid-thirties or forties. When deciding about what constitutes ethical sex, for example, our dominant models hold that ethical sex is whatever is consented to, while a lack of consent makes sex wrong.1 Consent, in turn, is analysed in terms of autonomous decision-making. A “yes” or “no” that reflects the free and informed will of our idealised, sound-minded adult.Whether such models provide adequate normative guidance for ethical, much less good, sex between neurotypical human adults is an open question.2 3 When it comes to the ethics of sexual activity between humans and non-humans—robots, say—or between humans who don’t fit the rational stereotype (such as older people with dementia or younger adolescents), we hardly know where to begin.4–7 It is therefore heartening to see a number of papers in this issue tackling the difficult question how to respectfully facilitate or respond to the needs, desires, and decisions of people with different kinds or degrees of autonomy.8For example, Sumytra Menon and colleagues9 explicitly discuss the notion of “borderline capacity” and argue, in the medical domain, for shared and supportive decision-making practices to “foster the autonomy of patients with compromised mental capacity while being mindful of the need to cheap amoxil canada safeguard their well-being.” (Could similar practices be applied to sexual decision-making?. ) Touching on a similar theme, Zahra Ladan10 asks how we should conceive of liberty in the case of persons with certain inborn physical or mental limitations.

Might it sometimes be necessary to constrain or interfere with a person’s actions as a means of promoting their liberty—or can that only be an cheap amoxil canada oxymoron?. Finally, the problem of sexual consent in the context of diminished autonomy is addressed most directly in the piece by Andria Bianchi.11 Bianchi argues that people with certain cognitive impairments, such as dementia, should ideally be allowed to engage in sexual activity in accordance with their desires. But if consent, as that concept is traditionally understood, is cheap amoxil canada required for sex to be ethical or legal, then people with dementia may be “prevented from having their sexual needs met even if we recognise these needs as important.”Which brings us to robots. According to Bianchi, sex robots, whether now or in the future, might “allow people with dementia to fulfil their needs regardless of whether they can provide or understand consent.” A similar proposal is raised by Nancy Jecker12 in her feature article, on which Bianchi’s piece is a commentary. Additional commentaries are by Robert Sparrow,13 Tom Sorell,14 and Alexander Boni-Saenz.15Jecker’s article is entitled cheap amoxil canada “Nothing to Be Ashamed of.

Sex Robots for Older Adults with Disabilities.”1 The commenters on the article are united in their praise of Jecker for dispelling ageist stereotypes according to which older people either are, or should be, non-sexual beings. And they cheap amoxil canada welcome Jecker’s attempt to stimulate creative thinking about how the sexual needs and desires of older people might best be accommodated. At the same time, they felt that Jecker’s arguments in favour of sex robots toward this end fell short in some respects.Jecker begins by noting that older adults typically undergo certain physical and mental changes that can negatively affect sexual enjoyment. Jecker describes these changes in terms of functional impairments or lost abilities, where the functions in question seem mostly related to the ability cheap amoxil canada to engage in penile-vaginal intercourse unassisted. For example, Jecker highlights “shortening and narrowing of the vagina, thinning of the vaginal walls and reduced lubrication” for older women, and various erectile difficulties for older men.But diminished sexual capacity, Jecker stresses, encompasses much more than a lessened ability to “accomplish the act of sexual intercourse itself.” Rather, for most human beings, sex with others “serves as a vehicle for expressing who they are as persons.” Sex is also integral, Jecker argues, to several basic capabilities (in the spirit of Nussbaum and Sen), including the ability to have a life-narrative, to be healthy, to feel and express a wide range of emotion, and to affiliate deeply with others.

Jecker suggests that providing cheap amoxil canada sex robots to older people could help them to maintain these capabilities at some minimum level. So, we should try to see that such robots are provided.2Jecker anticipates some likely objections to her view. One is that, far from promoting the capability cheap amoxil canada of being healthy for instance, repeatedly engaging in sexual activity with a humanoid robot3 (that is, an entity that presumably cannot provide ethically valid consent to such activity)4 would in fact harm the user. In particular, it cheap amoxil canada would do so by damaging the user’s character. In effect, the user would be satisfying their sexual urges by repeatedly simulating rape.15–18 To diffuse this objection, Jecker emphasises that sex robots are not sentient beings with thoughts, feelings, or wishes, but are rather mere instruments or “toys.” But this may cause problems for the rest of Jecker’s argument, which turns on the ability of sex robots to stimulate real human emotions and play a meaningful relational role in older people’s lives.It might not be possible to have it both ways.

As Sorell argues, the sort of “affiliation” one might have with a sex robot is likely to be “too denuded” to serve cheap amoxil canada as a substitute for the affiliation ideally achieved through sex with another human. After all, a human being who “automatically simulates arousal on demand for their sexual partner, who is receptive to sex no questions asked, no matter when or where, has handed over their sexual will.” Thus, in the case of human-robot sex, a single person would be deciding how it goes. Affiliation, by contrast, “requires two.”5 Or as Sparrow puts it cheap amoxil canada. Sex with a robot is simply high-tech masturbation.Likewise, Boni-Saenz doubts that many people would find sex robots “adequate for sexual relationships.” But he remains open to the possibility that at least some people could find sex robots to be “a suitable replacement for human intimacy in periods of old age” even if they may not otherwise “represent their preferred mode of sexual interaction.” Here, we suggest it may be worthwhile to undertake empirical research into older people’s actual attitudes and preferences toward (the prospect of) sex with robots,6 in order to shape our normative inquiry going forward.7Suppose it turns out that older adults, or some reasonably large proportion of them, find that they are able to form (or imagine forming) a meaningful intimate relationship with a sex robot—one that is sufficient to support the “affiliation” capability at least to some extent. It seems to us this creates cheap amoxil canada a real dilemma.

The more humanlike the (felt) affiliation, the less effective Jecker’s “just a toy” response becomes to the objection about simulated rape. And the less humanlike the affiliation, the less effective Jecker’s argument that sex robots could support such a capability.19In fact, it isn’t clear to us how cheap amoxil canada sex robots would be altogether helpful even for physical or functional issues, like those raised by Jecker. How would a sex robot help with “shortening or narrowing of the vagina,” “reduced lubrication,” or erectile difficulties for those with penises?. A sex robot could, perhaps, apply a synthetic lubricant cheap amoxil canada as needed—but so could a human partner. In any event, the focus on sexual “function” (in this physical sense) may obscure other possibilities for erotic fulfilment in older people.As Jecker acknowledges, age-related physiological changes need not necessarily lead to a deterioration in the quality of our sex lives.

Indeed, such changes may even contribute to a broader repertoire of sexual activities and bring partners closer together.20 Departing from the so-called coital imperative, for example, can – and often does – lead to the exploration of non-penetrative forms of sexual activity, which in turn may translate into cheap amoxil canada greater sexual satisfaction, especially for women. The idea then might be to focus more on the building of erotic tension rather than on “performance,” and on becoming more sensitive to our partners’ emotional states rather than fixating on the mechanical possibilities of the body.21Jecker is right to call out sexual ageism. Older people often do have sexual needs, and this should not be stigmatised cheap amoxil canada or ignored. But we worry that a focus on sex robots may inadvertently strengthen the very ageism that Jecker decries. For such a focus could be seen cheap amoxil canada as carrying an implicit message.

Namely, that something crucial is lost if an older person does not maintain their youthful sexual stamina with the use of increasingly sophisticated tools..

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Video of today's buy antibiotics update will be available on the Press conferences page.Across NSW, more than 95 per cent of people aged 16 and over have received a first dose of a buy antibiotics treatment, and 94.5 per cent online amoxil prescription have received two doses to Friday 18 March 2022. Of children aged 12 to 15, 83.6 per cent have received a first dose of buy antibiotics treatment, and 79.3 per cent have received two doses.Of children aged 5 to 11, 48.8 per cent have received a first dose online amoxil prescription of a buy antibiotics treatment. Of people aged 16 plus, 58.3 per online amoxil prescription cent have now received a third dose of a buy antibiotics treatment. This represents 62.2 per cent of the eligible population that received their second dose more than three months ago.The total number of treatments administered in NSW online amoxil prescription is now 17,275,305 with 4,977,477 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 12,297,828 administered by the GP network, pharmacies and other providers to 11.59pm on Friday 18 March 2022.NSW Health encourages everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccination or their booster dose to book into a NSW Health vaccination clinic or another provider without delay through the buy antibiotics treatment clinic finder.Sadly, NSW Health is today reporting the deaths of four people with buy antibiotics, two women and two men. One person was aged in their online amoxil prescription 60s, one person was aged in their 70s, one person was aged in their 80s and one person was aged in their 90s.

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Across NSW, more than 95 Seroquel 50mg cost per cent of people aged 16 and over have received a first dose of a buy antibiotics treatment, and 94.5 per cent have cheap amoxil canada received two doses to Saturday 19 March 2022. Of children aged 12 to 15, 83.5 per cent have cheap amoxil canada received a first dose of buy antibiotics treatment, and 79.3 per cent have received two doses.Of children aged 5 to 11, 48.9 per cent have received a first dose of a buy antibiotics treatment. Of people aged 16 plus, 58.4 per cent have now received a third dose of a buy antibiotics cheap amoxil canada treatment. This represents 62.3 per cent of the eligible population that received their second dose more than three months ago.The total number of treatments administered in NSW is cheap amoxil canada now 17,291,283, with 4,981,256 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 12,310,027 administered by the GP network, pharmacies and other providers to 11.59pm on Saturday 19 March 2022.NSW Health encourages everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccination or their booster dose to book into a NSW Health vaccination clinic or another provider without delay through the buy antibiotics treatment clinic finder.Sadly, NSW Health is today reporting the deaths of four people with buy antibiotics – one child, two women and one man.Tragically, a previously well two-year-old child from Sydney died at The Children's Hospital at Westmead due to buy antibiotics .NSW Health asks for the privacy of this child's family to be respected during this most difficult time.Of the three adults who died with buy antibiotics, one was aged in their 70s, one was in their 80s, and one was in their 90s. The three adults had all received two doses of cheap amoxil canada a buy antibiotics treatment.

Older age is a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for buy antibiotics, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.One cheap amoxil canada of the adults was from southern Sydney, one was from south eastern Sydney and one was from Sydney's Inner West.NSW Health expresses its sincere condolences to their loved ones.This brings the total number of buy antibiotics related deaths in NSW since the beginning of the amoxil to 2,027.There are currently 1,163 buy antibiotics cases admitted to hospital, including 34 people in intensive care, 15 of whom require ventilation.There were 14,970 positive test results notified in the 24 hours to 4pm yesterday – including 9,754 positive rapid antigen tests (RATs) and 5,216 positive PCR tests. The 5,216 positive PCR results were returned from cheap amoxil canada a total of 33,848 PCR tests. There has now been a total of 564,187 positive RATs recorded since reporting began on 13 January 2022.Following further investigation, 30 buy antibiotics cases detected cheap amoxil canada by PCR tests have been excluded and 524 cases previously reported as RAT-positive have been confirmed as PCR-positive cases, bringing the total number of cases detected by PCR tests in NSW since the beginning of the amoxil to 1,037,899. Cases confirmed by PCR test and registered cheap amoxil canada as RAT positive in the 24 hours to 4pm 20 March 2022, by Local Health District:Western Sydney9591,2562,215Northern Sydney8041,3752,179South Eastern Sydney7641,1481,912South Western Sydney 6541,0811,735Hunter New England4271,0931,520Sydney5707871,357Illawarra Shoalhaven332553885Nepean Blue Mountains209511720Central Coast131467598Western NSW108364472Murrumbidgee64349413Southern NSW81221302Mid North Coast18277295Northern NSW34215249Far West63945Correctional settings202Under investigation531871 buy antibiotics vaccination updateAll providers – first doses>. 95%83.5%48.9%All providers – second doses94.5%79.3%16.6%All providers – third doses (ages 16 and over)58.4%n/an/a *to 11:59pm 19 March 2022NSW Health – first doses1172,310,291NSW Health – second doses2,5991,982,558NSW Health – third doses1,063688,407 *notified from 8pm 19 March to 8pm cheap amoxil canada 20 March 2022.

Video of today's buy antibiotics update will be available on the Press conferences page.Across NSW, more than 95 per cent of people aged 16 and over have cheap amoxil canada received a first dose of a buy antibiotics treatment, and 94.5 per cent have received two doses to Friday 18 March 2022. Of children aged 12 to 15, 83.6 per cent have received a first dose of buy antibiotics treatment, and 79.3 per cent have received two doses.Of children aged 5 cheap amoxil canada to 11, 48.8 per cent have received a first dose of a buy antibiotics treatment. Of people aged cheap amoxil canada 16 plus, 58.3 per cent have now received a third dose of a buy antibiotics treatment. This represents 62.2 per cent of the eligible population that received their second dose more than three months ago.The total number of treatments administered in NSW is now 17,275,305 with 4,977,477 doses administered by NSW Health to 8pm last night and 12,297,828 administered by the GP network, pharmacies and other providers to 11.59pm on Friday 18 March 2022.NSW Health encourages everyone who is eligible to receive a vaccination or their booster dose to book into a NSW Health vaccination clinic or another provider without delay through the buy antibiotics treatment clinic finder.Sadly, NSW Health is today reporting the deaths of cheap amoxil canada four people with buy antibiotics, two women and two men. One person was aged in their 60s, one cheap amoxil canada person was aged in their 70s, one person was aged in their 80s and one person was aged in their 90s.

Of the four people, two people had received three doses of a buy antibiotics treatment, one person cheap amoxil canada had received two doses and one person was not vaccinated. Older age is cheap amoxil canada a significant risk factor for serious illness and death for buy antibiotics, particularly when combined with significant underlying health conditions.Two people were from southern Sydney, one person was from south western Sydney and one person was from the Central Coast. NSW Health expresses its sincere condolences to their loved ones.This brings the total number of buy antibiotics related deaths in NSW since the beginning of the amoxil to 2,023.There are currently 1,124 buy antibiotics cases admitted to hospital, including 33 people in intensive care, 15 of whom require ventilation.There were 16,813 positive test results notified in cheap amoxil canada the 24 hours to 4pm yesterday – including 9,818 positive rapid antigen tests (RATs) and 6,995 positive PCR tests. The 6,995 cheap amoxil canada positive PCR results were returned from a total of 52,597 PCR tests. There has now been a total of 554,970 positive RATs recorded since reporting began on 13 January 2022.Following further investigation, 40 buy antibiotics cases detected by PCR tests have been excluded and 767 cases cheap amoxil canada previously reported as RAT-positive have been confirmed as PCR-positive cases, bringing the total number of cases detected by PCR tests in NSW since the beginning of the amoxil to 1,032,189.Cases confirmed by PCR test and registered as RAT positive in the 24 hours to 4pm 19 March 2022, by Local Health District:Western Sydney1,1741,2092,383South Eastern Sydney1,1201,1702,290Northern Sydney9181,3442,262South Western Sydney 8831,0371,920Hunter New England6131,0961,709Sydney7648531,617Illawarra Shoalhaven364546910Nepean Blue Mountains301498799Central Coast251519770Western NSW214345559Murrumbidgee111421532Southern NSW108231339Mid North Coast32272304Northern NSW40205245Far West124860Correctional settings909Under Investigation8124105 buy antibiotics vaccination updateAll providers – first doses>.

95%83.6%48.8%All providers – second doses94.5%79.3%15.3%All providers – third doses (ages 16 and over)58.3%n/an/a*to 11:59pm 18 March 2022 NSW Health – first doses2182,310,174NSW Health – second doses4,0031,979,959NSW Health – cheap amoxil canada third doses1,955687,344*notified from 8pm 18 March to 8pm 19 March 2022..

What should I tell my health care providers before I take Amoxil?

They need to know if you have any of these conditions:

  • asthma
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  • an unusual or allergic reaction to amoxicillin, other penicillins, cephalosporin antibiotics, other medicines, foods, dyes, or preservatives
  • pregnant or trying to get pregnant
  • breast-feeding

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In response to the buy antibiotics amoxil, members of the Rapid Deployment treatment Collaborative (or RaDVaC)—a group composed of scientists and amoxil dosage for cats their friends or colleagues—have been self-administering an untested treatment for antibiotics (the amoxil that causes buy antibiotics). The RaDVaC scientists describe their project as aiming “to reduce risk of harm from antibiotics, minimally until there is at least one effective commercial treatment widely available.” Although the project’s white paper includes includes terms and conditions designed to shield the authors from liability, RaDVaC’s self-experimentation raises important legal and ethical questions. Self-experimentation has amoxil dosage for cats a fascinating history. In the early 1900s, Walter Reed conducted experiments in Cuba deliberately exposing individuals to yellow fever that included members of the study team as participants. These led to significant public health benefits in confirming that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes, but also resulted in the deaths of several participants.

Some Nobel Prize–winning amoxil dosage for cats work by scientists was based on self-experimentation that initially was seen as crazy. For instance, in 1984, Barry Marshall swallowed bacteria to prove that they caused gastritis and peptic ulcers. Many cardiac procedures are based on a 1929 experiment by a German doctor who inserted a catheter into his own heart. Perhaps surprisingly, amoxil dosage for cats self-experimentation was once considered an ethical safeguard. The Nuremberg Code, established in response to grossly unethical experiments during World War II, permitted higher risk research if investigators also volunteered to participate, as they had in the earlier yellow fever studies.

However, the idea that self-experimentation can justify higher research risks was abandoned in later codes of ethics. Not only is self-experimentation legally and ethically complex, but protections like independent review and informed consent, which are now required by research regulations, may be a better way to protect research participants amoxil dosage for cats. Existing regulations for research were not designed to address self-experimentation. Laws governing research typically define research as an activity designed to produce generalizable knowledge, which does not cover experimentation that is badly designed, unlikely to produce useful data, and merely aiming to protect a small group of people. In addition, amoxil dosage for cats the U.S.

Common Rule governs federally funded research, and RaDVaC is not using any federal funding. However, Harvard is covered by a “federalwide assurance” under which the institution has agreed that all research it conducts will abide by the regulations (regardless of funding source). If studies of immune responses involving amoxil dosage for cats self-experimentation are planned in George Church’s laboratory at Harvard, as has been reported, this undoubtedly requires approval by an Institutional Review Board, which would provide some oversight of this self-experimentation. If results are to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, moreover, most, if not all, journals would require assurance of regulatory review and oversight. The U.S.

Food and Drug Administration has similar power to regulate research, and, perhaps more relevant for our purposes, “drugs” (including human biological materials and biologics)—even if amoxil dosage for cats they are not distributed for profit. The RaDVaC project uses biological materials—more specifically, small chains of amino acids from key antibiotics proteins—and therefore may fall under the FDA’s jurisdiction. While the FDA has not traditionally exercised this authority to regulate the analogous practice of small scale, do-it-yourself biohacking, it retains the power to do so in the future. Finally, if people were harmed by taking this treatment, they could also sue RaDVaC, but the disclaimers in the white paper are carefully designed to avoid liability amoxil dosage for cats. Even if the law doesn’t adequately address this behavior, it may be ethically problematic—including because it could be a waste of scientific expertise and research effort.

If RaDVaC intends to produce generalizable knowledge about this treatment, unsystematic self-experimentation is unlikely to produce useful information. For example, self-experimentation can lead amoxil dosage for cats to biased results if researchers overestimate the chance that the treatment works, or fail to report side effects. Randomized controlled trials, by contrast, are typically designed with researchers being blinded to who receives the intervention or the placebo. Beyond self-experimentation, friends, staff members, and family members of the scientists involved are taking this treatment based on these expert’s recommendations, which could lead to two potential misconceptions. First, people taking the treatment might overestimate the amoxil dosage for cats likelihood that they are protected from antibiotics and change their behavior.

If some individuals falsely believe they are protected, they might engage in riskier behavior that could cause harm to themselves and others. A second misconception is the idea that this is research that could benefit others. The same data analyst seemed to believe this when he added amoxil dosage for cats “my continued existence through this amoxil will be a useful data set.” Yet the RaDVaC project could not produce useful data in the same way as standard, well-designed treatment trials, for example, because it is unclear whether individuals receiving the treatment are thoroughly evaluated or monitored, and there does not appear to be a control group. Even if everyone involved with this project fully understands what they are getting into, however, there are also questions about expertise and privilege. Senior scientists benefit from many amoxil dosage for cats layers of privilege.

Investment in their education, expertise in specialized areas, and access to information or materials. Arguably, these privileges come with a responsibility to use expertise for the benefit of society. If the RaDVaC amoxil dosage for cats treatment is potentially beneficial, then it is tragic not to test it in a rigorously designed study. Indeed, uncontrolled self-experimentation is part of a larger problem in the buy antibiotics amoxil. Panic about the amoxil has led to the widespread use of interventions outside of well-designed clinical trials.

Without such amoxil dosage for cats trials, we remain in the dark about which interventions offer net benefits or net harms. Insofar as the scientists involved have expertise in treatment research, they should either reform the RaDVaC project or lend their expertise to serious projects. On the other hand, if scientists don’t have relevant expertise, their overconfidence at their ability to work outside of their wheelhouse may be harmful. Earlier this week, Steven Salzberg, a computational biologist, called for experimental buy antibiotics treatments to be rolled out before the results of phase III amoxil dosage for cats testing. An op-ed denouncing his misinformed view was published the next day, and Salzberg reversed his position immediately.

Similarly, some of the named members of the RaDVaC project have expertise in genetics, neuroscience, and anti-aging research. Their time might be better spent on projects in these fields, which will still be amoxil dosage for cats important when this amoxil is finally over. Rather than trying everything but the kitchen sink against buy antibiotics, it would be wiser to focus our collective efforts on prioritizing the most promising interventions and testing them in rigorous research, as has been done for some treatments for buy antibiotics. RaDVaC’s scientists should be encouraged to collaborate on systematic buy antibiotics treatment testing if they have relevant expertise, and to do other valuable things with their time if not.Not far from the famously multihued architecture of Bilbao in northern Spain, an underground world boasts its own vibrant display of color. The stalagmites and stalactites of Goikoetxe Cave are not just the usual white amoxil dosage for cats.

Many range from honey to deep red. New research shows that these formations, known generally as speleothems, get their red color from organic compounds leached from soil and transported by water. Scientists suggest, in an article published online in April in Quaternary International, that amoxil dosage for cats Goikoetxe Cave's speleothems record environmental conditions such as rainfall.The wildfire season is off to a roaring start. The hot summer is worsening drought and drying out vegetation—an unfortunately ideal environment for wildfires to rage. But that’s just one consequence of global warming.

It’s also amoxil dosage for cats leading to flooding, torrential rainstorms and heat-related deaths. In fact, the climate crisis has led to a widespread public health crisis. And as an ear, nose and throat physician, I see the effects more and more often. I vividly remember amoxil dosage for cats a patient who came in late for her appointment during a July heat wave. When I walked in, she said, “I’m so sorry I’m late, I was up all night walking my grandbaby around the train station.” Without air conditioning at home, the child was sweating through her clothes in the heat of the night, putting her at risk for dehydration.

July 2019 was the hottest July on record. September 2019 was the hottest on record amoxil dosage for cats. January 2020 was the hottest on record. May 2020 was the hottest on record. This is amoxil dosage for cats not a coincidence.

It is a pattern. Carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas contributing to global warming, has increased by 9 percent since 2005 and by 31 percent since 1950. A U.N amoxil dosage for cats. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report pointed out that the world has already warmed about one degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels. It stressed amoxil dosage for cats the urgency to act to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, and that a two-degree increase will lead to unprecedented extreme heat, water scarcity and food shortages around the globe.

Heat affects every part of our body. It can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, anxiety, impaired cognitive function and even premature death from heart and lung disease. Across the country, the health concerns of the climate crisis are increasingly being recognized, pushing thousands of medical providers—doctors, nurses, pharmacists, amoxil dosage for cats therapists, medical students—to become advocates for change. In my own practice, I explain to patients how the climate crisis affects their health. For example, apart from contributing to global warming, rising carbon dioxide levels increase the amount of pollen that plants produce as a consequence of higher rates of photosynthesis.

This rise in pollen levels can lead amoxil dosage for cats to worsening allergy symptoms. Another example is fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) associated with air pollution, much of it linked to the burning of fossil fuels that help drive the warming. When we breathe in these particles, they travel down the airway and settle in the tiny air sacs called alveoli of the lungs, causing inflammation and potentially worsening asthma symptoms. The explanations amoxil dosage for cats are simple, but the health risks are widespread and complex. Ground-level ozone pollution, which is worse in hotter weather, can also harm people with asthma and other respiratory diseases.

And that harm falls disproportionately on the poor. Wealthier people living in North America have a per capita carbon footprint amoxil dosage for cats that is 25 percent higher than those of lower-income residents, with some affluent suburbs producing emissions 15 times higher than nearby neighborhoods. These carbon emissions contribute to global warming, and the subsequent health consequences are felt far beyond the neighborhood that produces them. Older adults, children, low-income communities and communities of color are less resilient on average to the health impacts of climate change. The climate crisis is thus leading to a disproportionate amoxil dosage for cats public health crisis—and worse, it is a threat multiplier.

At a time when many Americans are economically challenged, continued heat waves and the higher energy bills they trigger threaten access to water and energy security. The economic benefits of a low-carbon economy are clear. Estimates suggest that without climate investments, the United amoxil dosage for cats States will face economic damage from climate change equivalent to 1–3 percent of GDP per year by 2100. The majority of Americans think global warming is happening. The climate crisis has unfairly been labeled as political, when in fact, people recognize that something needs to be done about it.

Even for those who are seemingly unaffected, there is increasing global recognition that the safeguards of living in a protected community amoxil dosage for cats and affording expert medical care will eventually fail if global warming continues unchecked. Unfortunately, there will be no treatment in six months or a year for the climate crisis. The only treatment is collective climate action in the present. Climate action is required of our elected leaders, amoxil dosage for cats and we must mandate it of ourselves. It can be as simple as educating family and friends, while making sustainable shopping and traveling choices.

It includes eating less meat, unplugging electronics and raising a voice against the fossil fuel industry. With a rise in demand for absentee ballots for the election this November, amoxil dosage for cats it is crucial to request mail-in ballots right away to make sure our voices are heard. The United States is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and we must vote for green policy. Legislative action and policy change work, as evidenced by the Clean Air Act and its subsequent amendments, which are projected to save 230,000 lives in 2020. The climate crisis is a public health issue, and we must start healing the planet in order to heal each other.

Fighting against the climate crisis is one of the most patriotic things we can do right now. It will protect our health and the health of our neighbors across the country and the globe, and will allow all of us to live on this planet, the only home we have..

In response to the buy antibiotics amoxil, members of the Rapid Deployment treatment Collaborative (or RaDVaC)—a group composed of scientists and their friends or colleagues—have been self-administering an untested treatment for antibiotics (the amoxil cheap amoxil canada that causes buy antibiotics). The RaDVaC scientists describe their project as aiming “to reduce risk of harm from antibiotics, minimally until there is at least one effective commercial treatment widely available.” Although the project’s white paper includes includes terms and conditions designed to shield the authors from liability, RaDVaC’s self-experimentation raises important legal and ethical questions. Self-experimentation has a fascinating history cheap amoxil canada.

In the early 1900s, Walter Reed conducted experiments in Cuba deliberately exposing individuals to yellow fever that included members of the study team as participants. These led to significant public health benefits in confirming that yellow fever was transmitted by mosquitoes, but also resulted in the deaths of several participants. Some Nobel Prize–winning work by scientists was cheap amoxil canada based on self-experimentation that initially was seen as crazy.

For instance, in 1984, Barry Marshall swallowed bacteria to prove that they caused gastritis and peptic ulcers. Many cardiac procedures are based on a 1929 experiment by a German doctor who inserted a catheter into his own heart. Perhaps surprisingly, self-experimentation was once considered cheap amoxil canada an ethical safeguard.

The Nuremberg Code, established in response to grossly unethical experiments during World War II, permitted higher risk research if investigators also volunteered to participate, as they had in the earlier yellow fever studies. However, the idea that self-experimentation can justify higher research risks was abandoned in later codes of ethics. Not only is self-experimentation legally and ethically complex, but protections like independent review and informed consent, which are now required cheap amoxil canada by research regulations, may be a better way to protect research participants.

Existing regulations for research were not designed to address self-experimentation. Laws governing research typically define research as an activity designed to produce generalizable knowledge, which does not cover experimentation that is badly designed, unlikely to produce useful data, and merely aiming to protect a small group of people. In addition, cheap amoxil canada the U.S.

Common Rule governs federally funded research, and RaDVaC is not using any federal funding. However, Harvard is covered by a “federalwide assurance” under which the institution has agreed that all research it conducts will abide by the regulations (regardless of funding source). If studies of immune responses involving self-experimentation are planned in George Church’s laboratory at Harvard, as has been reported, this undoubtedly requires cheap amoxil canada approval by an Institutional Review Board, which would provide some oversight of this self-experimentation.

If results are to be published in a peer-reviewed journal, moreover, most, if not all, journals would require assurance of regulatory review and oversight. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has similar power to regulate research, and, perhaps more relevant for our purposes, “drugs” (including human biological materials and biologics)—even if they are not distributed cheap amoxil canada for profit.

The RaDVaC project uses biological materials—more specifically, small chains of amino acids from key antibiotics proteins—and therefore may fall under the FDA’s jurisdiction. While the FDA has not traditionally exercised this authority to regulate the analogous practice of small scale, do-it-yourself biohacking, it retains the power to do so in the future. Finally, if people were harmed by cheap amoxil canada taking this treatment, they could also sue RaDVaC, but the disclaimers in the white paper are carefully designed to avoid liability.

Even if the law doesn’t adequately address this behavior, it may be ethically problematic—including because it could be a waste of scientific expertise and research effort. If RaDVaC intends to produce generalizable knowledge about this treatment, unsystematic self-experimentation is unlikely to produce useful information. For example, self-experimentation can lead to biased results if researchers overestimate the chance that the treatment cheap amoxil canada works, or fail to report side effects.

Randomized controlled trials, by contrast, are typically designed with researchers being blinded to who receives the intervention or the placebo. Beyond self-experimentation, friends, staff members, and family members of the scientists involved are taking this treatment based on these expert’s recommendations, which could lead to two potential misconceptions. First, people taking the treatment might overestimate the likelihood that cheap amoxil canada they are protected from antibiotics and change their behavior.

If some individuals falsely believe they are protected, they might engage in riskier behavior that could cause harm to themselves and others. A second misconception is the idea that this is research that could benefit others. The same data analyst seemed to believe this when he added “my continued existence through this amoxil will be a useful data set.” Yet the RaDVaC project could not produce useful data in the same way as standard, well-designed treatment trials, for example, because it is unclear whether cheap amoxil canada individuals receiving the treatment are thoroughly evaluated or monitored, and there does not appear to be a control group.

Even if everyone involved with this project fully understands what they are getting into, however, there are also questions about expertise and privilege. Senior scientists benefit from many layers of privilege cheap amoxil canada. Investment in their education, expertise in specialized areas, and access to information or materials.

Arguably, these privileges come with a responsibility to use expertise for the benefit of society. If the RaDVaC treatment is potentially cheap amoxil canada beneficial, then it is tragic not to test it in a rigorously designed study. Indeed, uncontrolled self-experimentation is part of a larger problem in the buy antibiotics amoxil.

Panic about the amoxil has led to the widespread use of interventions outside of well-designed clinical trials. Without such trials, we cheap amoxil canada remain in the dark about which interventions offer net benefits or net harms. Insofar as the scientists involved have expertise in treatment research, they should either reform the RaDVaC project or lend their expertise to serious projects.

On the other hand, if scientists don’t have relevant expertise, their overconfidence at their ability to work outside of their wheelhouse may be harmful. Earlier this week, Steven Salzberg, a computational biologist, called for experimental buy antibiotics treatments cheap amoxil canada to be rolled out before the results of phase III testing. An op-ed denouncing his misinformed view was published the next day, and Salzberg reversed his position immediately.

Similarly, some of the named members of the RaDVaC project have expertise in genetics, neuroscience, and anti-aging research. Their time might be better spent on cheap amoxil canada projects in these fields, which will still be important when this amoxil is finally over. Rather than trying everything but the kitchen sink against buy antibiotics, it would be wiser to focus our collective efforts on prioritizing the most promising interventions and testing them in rigorous research, as has been done for some treatments for buy antibiotics.

RaDVaC’s scientists should be encouraged to collaborate on systematic buy antibiotics treatment testing if they have relevant expertise, and to do other valuable things with their time if not.Not far from the famously multihued architecture of Bilbao in northern Spain, an underground world boasts its own vibrant display of color. The stalagmites and stalactites of Goikoetxe Cave are not cheap amoxil canada just the usual white. Many range from honey to deep red.

New research shows that these formations, known generally as speleothems, get their red color from organic compounds leached from soil and transported by water. Scientists suggest, in cheap amoxil canada an article published online in April in Quaternary International, that Goikoetxe Cave's speleothems record environmental conditions such as rainfall.The wildfire season is off to a roaring start. The hot summer is worsening drought and drying out vegetation—an unfortunately ideal environment for wildfires to rage.

But that’s just one consequence of global warming. It’s also cheap amoxil canada leading to flooding, torrential rainstorms and heat-related deaths. In fact, the climate crisis has led to a widespread public health crisis.

And as an ear, nose and throat physician, I see the effects more and more often. I vividly remember a patient who cheap amoxil canada came in late for her appointment during a July heat wave. When I walked in, she said, “I’m so sorry I’m late, I was up all night walking my grandbaby around the train station.” Without air conditioning at home, the child was sweating through her clothes in the heat of the night, putting her at risk for dehydration.

July 2019 was the hottest July on record. September 2019 was the hottest on cheap amoxil canada record. January 2020 was the hottest on record.

May 2020 was the hottest on record. This is not a cheap amoxil canada coincidence. It is a pattern.

Carbon dioxide, an important greenhouse gas contributing to global warming, has increased by 9 percent since 2005 and by 31 percent since 1950. A U.N cheap amoxil canada. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change special report pointed out that the world has already warmed about one degree Celsius from pre-industrial levels.

It stressed the urgency to act to limit warming to 1.5 degrees, and that a two-degree increase will lead to unprecedented cheap amoxil canada extreme heat, water scarcity and food shortages around the globe. Heat affects every part of our body. It can lead to heat exhaustion, heat stroke, anxiety, impaired cognitive function and even premature death from heart and lung disease.

Across the country, the health concerns of the climate crisis are increasingly being recognized, pushing thousands of medical providers—doctors, nurses, pharmacists, therapists, medical students—to cheap amoxil canada become advocates for change. In my own practice, I explain to patients how the climate crisis affects their health. For example, apart from contributing to global warming, rising carbon dioxide levels increase the amount of pollen that plants produce as a consequence of higher rates of photosynthesis.

This rise cheap amoxil canada in pollen levels can lead to worsening allergy symptoms. Another example is fine particulate matter (known as PM2.5) associated with air pollution, much of it linked to the burning of fossil fuels that help drive the warming. When we breathe in these particles, they travel down the airway and settle in the tiny air sacs called alveoli of the lungs, causing inflammation and potentially worsening asthma symptoms.

The explanations are simple, but the health cheap amoxil canada risks are widespread and complex. Ground-level ozone pollution, which is worse in hotter weather, can also harm people with asthma and other respiratory diseases. And that harm falls disproportionately on the poor.

Wealthier people living in North America have a per capita carbon footprint that is cheap amoxil canada 25 percent higher than those of lower-income residents, with some affluent suburbs producing emissions 15 times higher than nearby neighborhoods. These carbon emissions contribute to global warming, and the subsequent health consequences are felt far beyond the neighborhood that produces them. Older adults, children, low-income communities and communities of color are less resilient on average to the health impacts of climate change.

The climate crisis is thus leading to a disproportionate public health crisis—and cheap amoxil canada worse, it is a threat multiplier. At a time when many Americans are economically challenged, continued heat waves and the higher energy bills they trigger threaten access to water and energy security. The economic benefits of a low-carbon economy are clear.

Estimates suggest that without climate investments, the United States will face economic damage cheap amoxil canada from climate change equivalent to 1–3 percent of GDP per year by 2100. The majority of Americans think global warming is happening. The climate crisis has unfairly been labeled as political, when in fact, people recognize that something needs to be done about it.

Even for those who are seemingly unaffected, there is increasing global recognition that the safeguards of living in a protected community and affording expert medical care will eventually fail if cheap amoxil canada global warming continues unchecked. Unfortunately, there will be no treatment in six months or a year for the climate crisis. The only treatment is collective climate action in the present.

Climate action is required of our elected leaders, and cheap amoxil canada we must mandate it of ourselves. It can be as simple as educating family and friends, while making sustainable shopping and traveling choices. It includes eating less meat, unplugging electronics and raising a voice against the fossil fuel industry.

With a rise in demand for absentee ballots for the election this November, it cheap amoxil canada is crucial to request mail-in ballots right away to make sure our voices are heard. The United States is the second largest emitter of greenhouse gases, and we must vote for green policy. Legislative action and policy change work, as evidenced by the Clean Air Act and its subsequent amendments, which are projected to save 230,000 lives in 2020.

The climate crisis is a public health cheap amoxil canada issue, and we must start healing the planet in order to heal each other. Fighting against the climate crisis is one of the most patriotic things we can do right now. It will protect our health and the health of our neighbors across the country and the globe, and will allow all of us to live on this planet, the only home we have..

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From Monday, 7 February non-urgent elective surgery requiring an overnight stay will return to 75 per cent capacity in private hospitals, and up to 75 per cent of pre amoxil activity levels at public hospitals in regional and rural NSW where they are able to do so.The temporary suspension of non-urgent elective surgery amoxil 250mg 5ml dosage requiring an overnight stay in both public and private hospitals from 10 January was necessary to ensure there was sufficient staffing and hospital bed capacity in NSW to meet the extra demands caused by the Omicron wave of buy antibiotics.All emergency surgery and urgent elective surgery in NSW continues to be performed during this challenging period. The majority of non-urgent elective day surgery has also been continuing in public and private hospitals.Premier Dominic Perrottet said with buy antibiotics hospitalisations stabilising, non-urgent elective surgery requiring an overnight stay can now begin to resume in a safe and staged manner from Monday, 7 February.“I am pleased to announce that from next week non-urgent elective surgery will resume at private hospitals and in some of our public hospitals that are in a position to do so in regional and rural NSW,” Mr Perrottet said.“The reintroduction of non-urgent elective surgery will be done in a phased manner to balance the ongoing potential need for extra capacity in our hospitals and the need for people in NSW to access their elective surgeries as quickly as possible.“We recognise the effect these necessary restrictions have had on the lives of people requiring non-urgent elective surgery and I want to assure them we will be doing everything possible amoxil 250mg 5ml dosage to return to full capacity in all of our hospitals as soon as possible.”Health Minister Brad Hazzard said private hospitals will retain some capacity to assist public hospitals by taking patients if necessary and will also continue to take public patients for non-urgent elective surgery to ensure equity of access. €œI want to thank the private hospitals in NSW who have supported our public hospitals and the NSW community during this challenging period and will continue to do so after non-elective surgery resumes next week,” Mr Hazzard said.“NSW has a strong healthcare system, both public and private, and an exceptional workforce who have continued to provide world class care for their patients throughout this amoxil.“Our hospitals remain under pressure due to buy antibiotics so only our public hospitals that are in a position to resume non-urgent elective surgeries without compromising their ability to care for buy antibiotics patients and patients with other medical conditions will do so.”Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said people in regional NSW will be pleased to see a resumption in non-urgent elective surgery as we return to a normal operating environment.“It’s been a challenging time, but our doctors and nurses and support staff have worked tirelessly in our regional hospitals amoxil 250mg 5ml dosage to support people in need of urgent care,” Mrs Taylor said.“More of our workforce is returning and this will mean our public hospitals will be in a position to restore non-urgent services, and I thank the people of regional NSW for their patience.” Acting Deputy Secretary of NSW Health Wayne Jones said it is expected that a number of regional and rural public hospitals will have the capacity to resume overnight non-urgent elective surgeries from Monday 7 February, while metropolitan public hospitals will remain focused on the demands associated with caring for buy antibiotics patients, with the situation under constant review. €œWhere necessary local health districts may also re-impose temporary restrictions at amoxil 250mg 5ml dosage a hospital in the event of a local outbreak to ensure the community are kept safe and can access hospital care if required,” Mr Jones said.Mr Jones said patients due to receive non-urgent elective surgery who have been impacted by the restrictions are encouraged to seek medical attention should they experience a change in their condition so they can be clinically reviewed and re-prioritised to a more urgent category if required.In 2020-21 the NSW Government provided an extra $458.5 million to fast-track elective surgeries which were delayed as a result of the Federal Government’s response to the buy antibiotics amoxil last year, and a further $80 million has been provided as part of the 2021-22 NSW Budget.The NSW Government has committed more than $4 billion to the NSW health system to manage the impacts of the buy antibiotics amoxil since March 2020..

From Monday, 7 February non-urgent elective surgery requiring an overnight stay will return to 75 per cent capacity you can try these out in private hospitals, and up to 75 per cent of pre amoxil activity levels at public hospitals in regional and rural NSW where they are able to do so.The temporary suspension of non-urgent elective surgery requiring an overnight stay in both public and private hospitals from 10 January was necessary to ensure there was sufficient staffing and hospital bed capacity in NSW to meet the extra demands caused by cheap amoxil canada the Omicron wave of buy antibiotics.All emergency surgery and urgent elective surgery in NSW continues to be performed during this challenging period. The majority of non-urgent elective day surgery has also been continuing in public and private hospitals.Premier Dominic Perrottet said with buy antibiotics hospitalisations stabilising, non-urgent elective surgery requiring an overnight stay can now begin to resume in a safe and staged manner from Monday, 7 February.“I am pleased to announce that from next week non-urgent elective surgery will resume at private hospitals and in some of our public hospitals that are in a position to do so in regional and rural NSW,” Mr Perrottet said.“The reintroduction of non-urgent elective surgery will be done in a phased manner to balance the ongoing potential need for extra capacity in our hospitals and the need for people in NSW to access their elective surgeries as quickly as cheap amoxil canada possible.“We recognise the effect these necessary restrictions have had on the lives of people requiring non-urgent elective surgery and I want to assure them we will be doing everything possible to return to full capacity in all of our hospitals as soon as possible.”Health Minister Brad Hazzard said private hospitals will retain some capacity to assist public hospitals by taking patients if necessary and will also continue to take public patients for non-urgent elective surgery to ensure equity of access. €œI want to thank the private hospitals in NSW who have supported our public hospitals and the NSW community during this challenging period and will continue to do so after non-elective surgery resumes next week,” Mr Hazzard said.“NSW has a strong healthcare system, both public and private, and an exceptional workforce who have continued to provide world class care for their patients throughout this amoxil.“Our hospitals remain under pressure due to buy antibiotics so only our public hospitals that are in a position to resume non-urgent elective surgeries without compromising their ability to care for buy antibiotics patients and patients with other medical conditions will do so.”Minister for Regional Health Bronnie Taylor said people in regional NSW will be pleased to see a resumption in non-urgent elective surgery as we return to a normal operating environment.“It’s been a challenging time, but our doctors and nurses and support staff have worked tirelessly in our regional hospitals to support people in need of urgent care,” Mrs Taylor said.“More of our workforce is returning and this will mean our public hospitals will be in a position to restore non-urgent services, and I thank the people of regional NSW for their patience.” Acting Deputy Secretary of NSW Health Wayne Jones said it is expected that a number of regional and rural public hospitals will have the capacity to resume overnight cheap amoxil canada non-urgent elective surgeries from Monday 7 February, while metropolitan public hospitals will remain focused on the demands associated with caring for buy antibiotics patients, with the situation under constant review.

€œWhere necessary local health districts may also re-impose temporary restrictions at a hospital in the event of a local outbreak to ensure the community are kept safe and can access hospital care if required,” Mr Jones said.Mr Jones said patients due to receive non-urgent elective surgery who have been impacted by the restrictions are encouraged to seek medical attention should they experience a change in their condition so they can be clinically reviewed and re-prioritised to a more urgent category if required.In 2020-21 the NSW Government provided an extra $458.5 million to fast-track elective surgeries which were delayed as a cheap amoxil canada result of the Federal Government’s response to the buy antibiotics amoxil last year, and a further $80 million has been provided as part of the 2021-22 NSW Budget.The NSW Government has committed more than $4 billion to the NSW health system to manage the impacts of the buy antibiotics amoxil since March 2020..

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Start Preamble On February 28, 2022, the Department of Commerce received clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) amoxil used for in accordance with the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1995 to conduct Phase 3.4 of the Household Pulse Survey (OMB No. 0607-1013, Exp. 10/31/23).

The Household Pulse Survey was designed amoxil used for to meet a need for timely information associated with household experiences during the buy antibiotics amoxil. The Department is committed to ensuring that the data collected by the Household Pulse Survey continue to meet information needs as they may evolve over the course of the amoxil. This notice serves to inform of the Department's intent to request clearance from OMB to Start Printed Page 22870 make some revisions to the Household Pulse Survey questionnaire.

To ensure that the data collected by the Household Pulse Survey continue to meet information amoxil used for needs as they evolve over the course of the amoxil, the Census Bureau submits this Request for Revision to an Existing Collection for a revised Phase 3.5 questionnaire. Phase 3.5 includes new questions on timing of positive antibiotics test, use of antibiotics treatments, the experience of long-buy antibiotics symptoms, amount of monthly rent and changes in monthly rent, children's mental health, and difficulty with self-care and communicating. Questions related to food expenditures will be reinstated for Phase 3.5.

There are also modifications to existing questions, including amoxil used for changing the focus of one vaccination question from reasons for not receiving the treatment to reasons for not receiving a treatment booster dose, modifying the questions on children's treatments to include both age group and number of treatment doses received, and a revised question on number of days teleworked (if any). Several questions will be removed for Phase 3.5, including questions on the number of treatment doses and brand of treatment received, intention to receive treatment, mental health prescriptions and services use and unmet needs, preventive care for children, confidence in paying rent or mortgage on time, and some questions on household activities. It is the Department's intention to commence data collection using the revised instrument on or about May 25, 2022.

The Department invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed, and continuing information collections, which helps us assess the amoxil used for impact of our information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting burden. Public comments were previously sought on the Household Pulse Survey via the Federal Register on May 19, 2020, June 3, 2020, February 1, 2021, April 13, 2021, June 24, 2021, October 26, 2021, and January 24, 2022. This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments on the proposed revisions.

Title amoxil used for. Household Pulse Survey. OMB Control Number.

Type of Request. Request for a Revision of a Currently Approved Collection. Number of Respondents.

235,200. Average Hours per Response. 20 minutes.

Data produced by the Household Pulse Survey are designed to inform on a range of topics related to households' experiences during the buy antibiotics amoxil. Topics to date have included employment, facility to telework, travel patterns, income loss, spending patterns, food and housing security, access to benefits, mental health and access to care, intent to receive the buy antibiotics treatment/booster, and post-secondary educational disruption. The requested revision, if approved by OMB, will remove selected items from the questions for which utility has declined and add questions based on information needs expressed via public comment and in consult with other Federal agencies.

The overall burden change to the public will be insignificant. The Household Pulse Survey was initially launched in April, 2020 as an experimental project (see​data/​experimental-data-products.html ) under emergency clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) initially granted April 19, 2020. Regular clearance was subsequently sought and approved by OMB on October 30, 2020 (OMB No.

Households will be selected once to participate in a 20-minute survey. Respondent's Obligation. Voluntary.

Legal Authority. Title 13, United States Code, Sections 8(b), 182 and 196. This information collection request may be viewed at

Follow the instructions to view the Department of Commerce collections currently under review by OMB. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be submitted within 30 days of the publication of this notice on the following website​public/​do/​PRAMain. Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function and entering either the title of the collection or the OMB Control Number 0607-1013.

Start Signature Sheleen Dumas, Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Commerce Department. End Signature End PreambleEditor’s Note. This interview first appeared in Path Finders, an email newsletter from the Daily Yonder.

Each week, Path Finders features a Q&A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Like what you see here?. You can join the mailing list at the bottom of this article and receive more conversations like this in your inbox each week.

Dante Chinni is a data journalist at NBC and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the director of the American Communities Project (ACP). His 2011 book with fellow Path Finder interviewee James Gimpel, Our Patchwork Nation, was a precursor to the work he does now grouping American counties by density, city-proximity, and population demographics. Our conversation centered around a documentary short released by the ACP in February, “Teen Suicides in Rural America,” which investigates the tragic uptick in youth suicides in aging communities like Livingston, Montana.

Enjoy our conversation about Graying America, mental healthcare accessibility, and improvements in teen suicidality in Park County, Montana, below. Editor’s Note. This interview contains frank discussion of suicide.

If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately. Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder. What is the American Communities Project and what are the goals of its study of deaths of despair across America?.

Dante Chinni. The ACP is a data journalism/research effort based at Michigan State University. We’ve used demographic data to break the nation’s 3,100+ counties into 15 different types of communities.

Some are urban (such as our Big Cities and Urban Suburbs types) and some are more rural (such as Aging Farmlands, Rural Middle America and Graying America). The larger point behind the project is the place you live and the people you live around greatly impact the way you see and experience the world on a broad range of topics from economics to politics to culture. The study of Deaths of Despair is being funded by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation.

Their interest came from the work of Anne Case and Angus Deaton and their book Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Deaths of Despair are those caused by drug overdose, alcoholism and suicide and the work of Case and Deaton found a spike in these deaths was behind declining life expectancy numbers for white Americans, particularly those without a college degree. So, our mission was to merge these two concepts together.

Do we see differences in Deaths of Despair in our 15 community types and if so, can we point to reasons why?. Our work has found there are notable differences in the types, with the ACP’s rural places scoring especially high on Deaths of Despair as well as a set of blue collar Middle Suburb counties around the Great Lakes. Leading the way, by far, has been the Native American Lands counties, a small collection of scattered rural counties that are home to tribal communities.

The “why” as always is harder, but I think our work sheds light on some possible factors. DY. Your documentary short, “Teen Suicides in Rural America,” focuses on what you call “Graying America” and the Montana town of Livingston, in particular.

What is Graying America and what is the relationship between age demographics and the prevalence of teen suicide?. DC. Graying America is one of our 15 community types.

There are about 360 Graying America counties mostly based in the northern and western states. They tend to be rural communities with aging populations – many are retirement communities. Like this story?.

Sign up for our newsletter. The age correlation on teen suicides is not clear. There may not be one.

But the rural nature of these communities is likely an important factor. In our data we’ve found that the number of teen suicides is rising everywhere, but the numbers tend to be higher in rural places. Again, there isn’t a certain answer as to why, but one theory is those communities tend to be more isolated and perhaps traditional in their views of what being a young person “should” be.

It may be harder for young people that are a little different to fit in. A Rural Epidemic. Teen Suicides in Graying America – YouTube DY.

I know you aren’t necessarily trying to establish a causal relationship between aging populations and the tragedy of teen suicides, but I’m wondering if its possible that firearm ownership is a confounding variable here. What evidence points to the conclusion that, more than just representing places with high gun ownership rates, graying parts of rural America are worse places for teen mental health?. DC.

Gun ownership is certainly cited by experts as a factor in the higher rate of teen suicides in rural communities and the higher rate of suicides in general. I don’t think we can say that gun ownership is necessarily higher in Graying America, but we do know from previous work and survey work in general, that there tend to be higher rates of gun ownership in rural communities. For our work, we chose a Graying America community in Livingston because 1) we knew about specific stories there from other work, and 2) we knew the figures for Graying America made it a good type to use to look at the broader trend.

There was a cluster of ACP types around its numbers, including Working Class Country and Evangelical Hubs. To be clear the numbers in those communities are still far lower than they are in the Native American Lands and the Aging Farmlands, but those places both had broader issues to address – the generational trauma of Native American communities and the extreme remoteness of the Aging Farmlands. We thought Graying America and Livingston let us explore the issue in a rural place that shared some common issues (and data points) with other largely rural places.

DY. In the documentary, the sister of a young man who died by suicide argues for more pro-mental health and anti-bullying campaigns. What are the evidence-based types of programming that can combat this problem?.

Are there targeted programs that work, or does the problem inhere in something more fundamental about an aging community?. DC. That’s a tough question to answer.

We are really still at the beginning of understanding what programs work and how they work. We need large scale analyses of data and, frankly, time to watch for effects. That said, as we noted in the piece, there are early signs that the approach they have tried in Park County, screening kids of all ages to see if they are “OK” is making a difference.

A 2021 survey of young people in Park County showed an 18% drop in suicidal thoughts and a 39% drop in suicide attempts compared to 2019. Those are big changes outside the realm of statistical noise. DY.

In another interview featured in the documentary, Dr. Reza Hosseini Ghomi of Frontier Psychiatry says that, in Livingston, “the tolerance for trauma is higher here than what I’ve seen in other, better resourced places.” This feels a bit like a chicken or egg problem. Indifference to mental health services and lack of access to them might well be self perpetuating.

What is the best entry point for making progress?. DC. Well, I think he is talking about the state of Montana in general there, but yes, that’s true and I think he makes that point.

Dr. Ghomi is essentially arguing that there isn’t a lot that can be done currently because of resources. So, the threshold for action is higher, which ultimately compounds the problem.

He also notes that the amount of trauma he’s seen in the state is remarkable. One idea is using remote counseling more. Some have noted that remote counseling may have advantages in some rural areas because it helps mitigate hesitance to receive help.

Rural communities tend to be tightly-knit. People know their neighbors and know what kinds of cars and trucks they drive. Having one’s vehicle in front of a therapist’s office can be hard for some people.

This actually may be one positive to emerge from buy antibiotics. With the amoxil, Montana and other states moved behavioral health to video conferencing or the telephone. The impact was obvious.

In 2019, one Montana clinic, Community Health Partnership, conducted about 100 visits for both medical and mental health visits. By the end of 2020 that number had jumped to more than 15,000. This interview first appeared in Path Finders, a weekly email newsletter from the Daily Yonder.

Each Monday, Path Finders features a Q&A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Join the mailing list today, to have these illuminating conversations delivered straight to your inbox. RelatedRepublish This StoryRepublish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license.

Republish this articleYou may republish our stories for free, online or in print. Simply copy and paste the article contents from the box below. Note, some images and interactive features may not be included here.

Read our Republishing Guidelines for more Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder April 15, 2022<h1>Q&A. One Framework for Understanding Teen Suicide in Rural America</h1><p class="byline">by Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder <br />April 15, 2022</p>. <p><em>Editor’s Note.

This interview first appeared in&nbsp;<a href="">Path Finders</a>, an email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each week, Path Finders features a Q&amp;A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Like what you see here?.

You can&nbsp;<a href="#signup">join the mailing list at the bottom of this article</a>&nbsp;and receive more conversations like this in your inbox each week.</em></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p>Dante Chinni is a data journalist at NBC and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the director of the American Communities Project (ACP). His 2011 book with&nbsp;fellow <a href="">Path Finder</a>. Interviewee James Gimpel,&nbsp;<a href=""><em>Our Patchwork Nation</em></a><em>,&nbsp;</em>was a precursor to the work he does now grouping American counties by density, city-proximity, and population demographics.</p><p>Our conversation centered around a documentary short released by the ACP in February, "<a href="">Teen Suicides in Rural America</a>," which investigates the tragic uptick in youth suicides in aging communities like Livingston, Montana.</p><p>Enjoy our conversation about Graying America, mental healthcare accessibility, and improvements in teen suicidality in Park County, Montana, below.</p><p><em>Editor's Note.

This interview contains frank discussion of suicide. If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately.</em></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p><strong>Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder:</strong>. <strong>What is the&nbsp;<a href="">American Communities Project</a>&nbsp;and what are the goals of its study of deaths of despair across America?.

</strong></p><p><strong>Dante Chinni:</strong>. The ACP is a data journalism/research effort based at Michigan State University. We’ve used demographic data to break the nation’s 3,100+ counties into 15 different types of communities.

Some are urban (such as our Big Cities and Urban Suburbs types) and some are more rural (such as Aging Farmlands, Rural Middle America and Graying America). The larger point behind the project is the place you live and the people you live around greatly impact the way you see and experience the world on a broad range of topics from economics to politics to culture.</p><p>The study of&nbsp;<a href="">Deaths of Despair</a>&nbsp;is being funded by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation. Their interest came from the work of Anne Case and Angus Deaton and their book&nbsp;<em>Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism</em>.

Deaths of Despair are those caused by drug overdose, alcoholism and suicide and the work of Case and Deaton found a spike in these deaths was behind declining life expectancy numbers for white Americans, particularly those without a college degree.</p><p>So, our mission was to merge these two concepts together. Do we see differences in Deaths of Despair in our 15 community types and if so, can we point to reasons why?. Our work has found there are notable differences in the types, with the ACP’s rural places scoring especially high on Deaths of Despair as well as a set of blue collar Middle Suburb counties around the Great Lakes.

Leading the way, by far, has been the Native American Lands counties, a small collection of scattered rural counties that are home to tribal communities. The “why” as always is harder, but I think our work sheds light on some possible factors.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>. <strong>Your documentary short, "Teen Suicides in Rural America," focuses on what you call "Graying America" and the Montana town of Livingston, in particular.

What is Graying America and what is the relationship between age demographics and the prevalence of teen suicide?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>. Graying America is one of our 15 community types.

There are about 360 Graying America counties mostly based in the northern and western states. They tend to be rural communities with aging populations - many are retirement communities.</p><p>The age correlation on teen suicides is not clear. There may not be one.

But the rural nature of these communities is likely an important factor. In our data we’ve found that the number of teen suicides is rising everywhere, but&nbsp;<a href="">the numbers tend to be higher in rural places</a>.</p><p>Again, there isn’t a certain answer as to why, but one theory is those communities tend to be more isolated and perhaps traditional in their views of what being a young person “should” be. It may be harder for young people that are a little different to fit in.</p><figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper">

V=LEBaFBzOcu8&amp;t=2s</div><figcaption>A Rural Epidemic. Teen Suicides in Graying America - YouTube</figcaption></figure><p><strong>DY:</strong>. <strong>I know you aren't necessarily trying to establish a causal relationship between aging populations and the tragedy of teen suicides, but I'm wondering if its possible that firearm ownership is a confounding variable here.

What evidence points to the conclusion that, more than just representing places with high gun ownership rates, graying parts of rural America are worse places for teen mental health?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>. Gun ownership is certainly cited by experts as a factor in the higher rate of teen suicides in rural communities and the higher rate of suicides in general.

I don’t think we can say that gun ownership is necessarily higher in Graying America, but we do know from previous work and survey work in general, that there tend to be higher rates of gun ownership in rural communities.</p><p>For our work, we chose a Graying America community in Livingston because 1) we knew about specific stories there from other work, and 2) we knew the figures for Graying America made it a good type to use to look at the broader trend. There was a cluster of ACP types around its numbers, including Working Class Country and Evangelical Hubs.</p><p>To be clear the numbers in those communities are still far lower than they are in the Native American Lands and the Aging Farmlands, but those places both had broader issues to address – the generational trauma of Native American communities and the extreme remoteness of the Aging Farmlands. We thought Graying America and Livingston let us explore the issue in a rural place that shared some common issues (and data points) with other largely rural places.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>.

<strong>In the documentary, the sister of a young man who died by suicide argues for more pro-mental health and anti-bullying campaigns. What are the evidence-based types of programming that can combat this problem?. Are there targeted programs that work, or does the problem inhere in something more fundamental about an aging community?.

</strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>. That’s a tough question to answer. We are really still at the beginning of understanding what programs work and how they work.

We need large scale analyses of data and, frankly, time to watch for effects. That said, as we noted in the piece, there are early signs that the approach they have tried in Park County, screening kids of all ages to see if they are “OK” is making a difference.</p><p>A 2021 survey of young people in Park County showed an 18% drop in suicidal thoughts and a 39% drop in suicide attempts compared to 2019. Those are big changes outside the realm of statistical noise.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>.

<strong>In another interview featured in the documentary, Dr. Reza Hosseini Ghomi of Frontier Psychiatry says that, in Livingston, "the tolerance for trauma is higher here than what I've seen in other, better resourced places." This feels a bit like a chicken or egg problem. Indifference to mental health services and lack of access to them might well be self perpetuating.

What is the best entry point for making progress?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>. Well, I think he is talking about the state of Montana in general there, but yes, that’s true and I think he makes that point.

Dr. Ghomi is essentially arguing that there isn’t a lot that can be done currently because of resources. So, the threshold for action is higher, which ultimately compounds the problem.

He also notes that the amount of trauma he’s seen in the state is remarkable.</p><p>One idea is using remote counseling more. Some have noted that remote counseling may have advantages in some rural areas because it helps mitigate hesitance to receive help. Rural communities tend to be tightly-knit.

People know their neighbors and know what kinds of cars and trucks they drive. Having one’s vehicle in front of a therapist’s office can be hard for some people. This actually may be one positive to emerge from buy antibiotics.

With the amoxil, Montana and other states moved behavioral health to video conferencing or the telephone. The impact was obvious. In 2019, one Montana clinic, Community Health Partnership, conducted about 100 visits for both medical and mental health visits.

By the end of 2020 that number had jumped to more than 15,000.</p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><div id="signup" class="wp-block-group has-light-gray-background-color has-background"><div style="height:1px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div><div class="wp-block-columns"><div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:33.33%"><figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-70866" width="226" height="226" /></a></figure></p></div><div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:66.66%"><p>This interview first appeared in <strong>Path Finders</strong>, a weekly email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each Monday, Path Finders features a Q&amp;A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Join the mailing list today, to have these illuminating conversations delivered straight to your inbox.

10/31/23) Buy propecia online uk cheap amoxil canada. The Household Pulse Survey was designed to meet a need for timely information associated with household experiences during the buy antibiotics amoxil. The Department is committed to ensuring that the data collected by the Household Pulse Survey continue to meet information needs as they may evolve over the course of the amoxil.

This notice serves to inform of the Department's intent to request clearance from OMB to Start cheap amoxil canada Printed Page 22870 make some revisions to the Household Pulse Survey questionnaire. To ensure that the data collected by the Household Pulse Survey continue to meet information needs as they evolve over the course of the amoxil, the Census Bureau submits this Request for Revision to an Existing Collection for a revised Phase 3.5 questionnaire. Phase 3.5 includes new questions on timing of positive antibiotics test, use of antibiotics treatments, the experience of long-buy antibiotics symptoms, amount of monthly rent and changes in monthly rent, children's mental health, and difficulty with self-care and communicating.

Questions related to food expenditures cheap amoxil canada will be reinstated for Phase 3.5. There are also modifications to existing questions, including changing the focus of one vaccination question from reasons for not receiving the treatment to reasons for not receiving a treatment booster dose, modifying the questions on children's treatments to include both age group and number of treatment doses received, and a revised question on number of days teleworked (if any). Several questions will be removed for Phase 3.5, including questions on the number of treatment doses and brand of treatment received, intention to receive treatment, mental health prescriptions and services use and unmet needs, preventive care for children, confidence in paying rent or mortgage on time, and some questions on household activities.

It is the Department's intention to commence data collection using the revised instrument on or cheap amoxil canada about May 25, 2022. The Department invites the general public and other Federal agencies to comment on proposed, and continuing information collections, which helps us assess the impact of our information collection requirements and minimize the public's reporting burden. Public comments were previously sought on the Household Pulse Survey via the Federal Register on May 19, 2020, June 3, 2020, February 1, 2021, April 13, 2021, June 24, 2021, October 26, 2021, and January 24, 2022.

This notice allows for an additional 30 days for public comments on the proposed cheap amoxil canada revisions. Agency. U.S.

Census Bureau cheap amoxil canada. Title. Household Pulse Survey.

OMB Control cheap amoxil canada Number. 0607-1013. Form Number(s).

None. Type of Request. Request for a Revision of a Currently Approved Collection.

Number of Respondents. 235,200. Average Hours per Response.

Needs and Uses. Data produced by the Household Pulse Survey are designed to inform on a range of topics related to households' experiences during the buy antibiotics amoxil. Topics to date have included employment, facility to telework, travel patterns, income loss, spending patterns, food and housing security, access to benefits, mental health and access to care, intent to receive the buy antibiotics treatment/booster, and post-secondary educational disruption.

The requested revision, if approved by OMB, will remove selected items from the questions for which utility has declined and add questions based on information needs expressed via public comment and in consult with other Federal agencies. The overall burden change to the public will be insignificant. The Household Pulse Survey was initially launched in April, 2020 as an experimental project (see​data/​experimental-data-products.html ) under emergency clearance from the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) initially granted April 19, 2020.

Regular clearance was subsequently sought and approved by OMB on October 30, 2020 (OMB No. 0607-1013. Exp.

Frequency. Households will be selected once to participate in a 20-minute survey. Respondent's Obligation.

Voluntary. Legal Authority. Title 13, United States Code, Sections 8(b), 182 and 196.

This information collection request may be viewed at Follow the instructions to view the Department of Commerce collections currently under review by OMB. Written comments and recommendations for the proposed information collection should be submitted within 30 days of the publication of this notice on the following website​public/​do/​PRAMain.

Find this particular information collection by selecting “Currently under 30-day Review—Open for Public Comments” or by using the search function and entering either the title of the collection or the OMB Control Number 0607-1013. Start Signature Sheleen Dumas, Department PRA Clearance Officer, Office of the Chief Information Officer, Commerce Department. End Signature End PreambleEditor’s Note.

This interview first appeared in Path Finders, an email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each week, Path Finders features a Q&A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Like what you see here?.

You can join the mailing list at the bottom of this article and receive more conversations like this in your inbox each week. Dante Chinni is a data journalist at NBC and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the director of the American Communities Project (ACP). His 2011 book with fellow Path Finder interviewee James Gimpel, Our Patchwork Nation, was a precursor to the work he does now grouping American counties by density, city-proximity, and population demographics.

Our conversation centered around a documentary short released by the ACP in February, “Teen Suicides in Rural America,” which investigates the tragic uptick in youth suicides in aging communities like Livingston, Montana. Enjoy our conversation about Graying America, mental healthcare accessibility, and improvements in teen suicidality in Park County, Montana, below. Editor’s Note.

This interview contains frank discussion of suicide. If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately. Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder.

What is the American Communities Project and what are the goals of its study of deaths of despair across America?. Dante Chinni. The ACP is a data journalism/research effort based at Michigan State University.

We’ve used demographic data to break the nation’s 3,100+ counties into 15 different types of communities. Some are urban (such as our Big Cities and Urban Suburbs types) and some are more rural (such as Aging Farmlands, Rural Middle America and Graying America). The larger point behind the project is the place you live and the people you live around greatly impact the way you see and experience the world on a broad range of topics from economics to politics to culture.

The study of Deaths of Despair is being funded by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation. Their interest came from the work of Anne Case and Angus Deaton and their book Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism. Deaths of Despair are those caused by drug overdose, alcoholism and suicide and the work of Case and Deaton found a spike in these deaths was behind declining life expectancy numbers for white Americans, particularly those without a college degree.

So, our mission was to merge these two concepts together. Do we see differences in Deaths of Despair in our 15 community types and if so, can we point to reasons why?. Our work has found there are notable differences in the types, with the ACP’s rural places scoring especially high on Deaths of Despair as well as a set of blue collar Middle Suburb counties around the Great Lakes.

Leading the way, by far, has been the Native American Lands counties, a small collection of scattered rural counties that are home to tribal communities. The “why” as always is harder, but I think our work sheds light on some possible factors. DY.

Your documentary short, “Teen Suicides in Rural America,” focuses on what you call “Graying America” and the Montana town of Livingston, in particular. What is Graying America and what is the relationship between age demographics and the prevalence of teen suicide?. DC.

Graying America is one of our 15 community types. There are about 360 Graying America counties mostly based in the northern and western states. They tend to be rural communities with aging populations – many are retirement communities.

Like this story?. Sign up for our newsletter. The age correlation on teen suicides is not clear.

There may not be one. But the rural nature of these communities is likely an important factor. In our data we’ve found that the number of teen suicides is rising everywhere, but the numbers tend to be higher in rural places.

Again, there isn’t a certain answer as to why, but one theory is those communities tend to be more isolated and perhaps traditional in their views of what being a young person “should” be. It may be harder for young people that are a little different to fit in. A Rural Epidemic.

Teen Suicides in Graying America – YouTube DY. I know you aren’t necessarily trying to establish a causal relationship between aging populations and the tragedy of teen suicides, but I’m wondering if its possible that firearm ownership is a confounding variable here. What evidence points to the conclusion that, more than just representing places with high gun ownership rates, graying parts of rural America are worse places for teen mental health?.

DC. Gun ownership is certainly cited by experts as a factor in the higher rate of teen suicides in rural communities and the higher rate of suicides in general. I don’t think we can say that gun ownership is necessarily higher in Graying America, but we do know from previous work and survey work in general, that there tend to be higher rates of gun ownership in rural communities.

For our work, we chose a Graying America community in Livingston because 1) we knew about specific stories there from other work, and 2) we knew the figures for Graying America made it a good type to use to look at the broader trend. There was a cluster of ACP types around its numbers, including Working Class Country and Evangelical Hubs. To be clear the numbers in those communities are still far lower than they are in the Native American Lands and the Aging Farmlands, but those places both had broader issues to address – the generational trauma of Native American communities and the extreme remoteness of the Aging Farmlands.

We thought Graying America and Livingston let us explore the issue in a rural place that shared some common issues (and data points) with other largely rural places. DY. In the documentary, the sister of a young man who died by suicide argues for more pro-mental health and anti-bullying campaigns.

What are the evidence-based types of programming that can combat this problem?. Are there targeted programs that work, or does the problem inhere in something more fundamental about an aging community?. DC.

That’s a tough question to answer. We are really still at the beginning of understanding what programs work and how they work. We need large scale analyses of data and, frankly, time to watch for effects.

That said, as we noted in the piece, there are early signs that the approach they have tried in Park County, screening kids of all ages to see if they are “OK” is making a difference. A 2021 survey of young people in Park County showed an 18% drop in suicidal thoughts and a 39% drop in suicide attempts compared to 2019. Those are big changes outside the realm of statistical noise.

DY. In another interview featured in the documentary, Dr. Reza Hosseini Ghomi of Frontier Psychiatry says that, in Livingston, “the tolerance for trauma is higher here than what I’ve seen in other, better resourced places.” This feels a bit like a chicken or egg problem.

Indifference to mental health services and lack of access to them might well be self perpetuating. What is the best entry point for making progress?. DC.

Well, I think he is talking about the state of Montana in general there, but yes, that’s true and I think he makes that point. Dr. Ghomi is essentially arguing that there isn’t a lot that can be done currently because of resources.

So, the threshold for action is higher, which ultimately compounds the problem. He also notes that the amount of trauma he’s seen in the state is remarkable. One idea is using remote counseling more.

Some have noted that remote counseling may have advantages in some rural areas because it helps mitigate hesitance to receive help. Rural communities tend to be tightly-knit. People know their neighbors and know what kinds of cars and trucks they drive.

Having one’s vehicle in front of a therapist’s office can be hard for some people. This actually may be one positive to emerge from buy antibiotics. With the amoxil, Montana and other states moved behavioral health to video conferencing or the telephone.

The impact was obvious. In 2019, one Montana clinic, Community Health Partnership, conducted about 100 visits for both medical and mental health visits. By the end of 2020 that number had jumped to more than 15,000.

This interview first appeared in Path Finders, a weekly email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each Monday, Path Finders features a Q&A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer. Join the mailing list today, to have these illuminating conversations delivered straight to your inbox.

RelatedRepublish This StoryRepublish our articles for free, online or in print, under a Creative Commons license. Republish this articleYou may republish our stories for free, online or in print. Simply copy and paste the article contents from the box below.

Note, some images and interactive features may not be included here. Read our Republishing Guidelines for more Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder April 15, 2022<h1>Q&A. One Framework for Understanding Teen Suicide in Rural America</h1><p class="byline">by Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder <br />April 15, 2022</p>.

<p><em>Editor’s Note. This interview first appeared in&nbsp;<a href="">Path Finders</a>, an email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each week, Path Finders features a Q&amp;A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer.

Like what you see here?. You can&nbsp;<a href="#signup">join the mailing list at the bottom of this article</a>&nbsp;and receive more conversations like this in your inbox each week.</em></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p>Dante Chinni is a data journalist at NBC and the Wall Street Journal, as well as the director of the American Communities Project (ACP). His 2011 book with&nbsp;fellow <a href="">Path Finder</a>.

Interviewee James Gimpel,&nbsp;<a href=""><em>Our Patchwork Nation</em></a><em>,&nbsp;</em>was a precursor to the work he does now grouping American counties by density, city-proximity, and population demographics.</p><p>Our conversation centered around a documentary short released by the ACP in February, "<a href="">Teen Suicides in Rural America</a>," which investigates the tragic uptick in youth suicides in aging communities like Livingston, Montana.</p><p>Enjoy our conversation about Graying America, mental healthcare accessibility, and improvements in teen suicidality in Park County, Montana, below.</p><p><em>Editor's Note. This interview contains frank discussion of suicide. If you or someone you know is in an emergency, call The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255) or call 911 immediately.</em></p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><p><strong>Olivia Weeks, The Daily Yonder:</strong>.

<strong>What is the&nbsp;<a href="">American Communities Project</a>&nbsp;and what are the goals of its study of deaths of despair across America?. </strong></p><p><strong>Dante Chinni:</strong>. The ACP is a data journalism/research effort based at Michigan State University.

We’ve used demographic data to break the nation’s 3,100+ counties into 15 different types of communities. Some are urban (such as our Big Cities and Urban Suburbs types) and some are more rural (such as Aging Farmlands, Rural Middle America and Graying America). The larger point behind the project is the place you live and the people you live around greatly impact the way you see and experience the world on a broad range of topics from economics to politics to culture.</p><p>The study of&nbsp;<a href="">Deaths of Despair</a>&nbsp;is being funded by the Arthur Blank Family Foundation.

Their interest came from the work of Anne Case and Angus Deaton and their book&nbsp;<em>Deaths of Despair and the Future of Capitalism</em>. Deaths of Despair are those caused by drug overdose, alcoholism and suicide and the work of Case and Deaton found a spike in these deaths was behind declining life expectancy numbers for white Americans, particularly those without a college degree.</p><p>So, our mission was to merge these two concepts together. Do we see differences in Deaths of Despair in our 15 community types and if so, can we point to reasons why?.

Our work has found there are notable differences in the types, with the ACP’s rural places scoring especially high on Deaths of Despair as well as a set of blue collar Middle Suburb counties around the Great Lakes. Leading the way, by far, has been the Native American Lands counties, a small collection of scattered rural counties that are home to tribal communities. The “why” as always is harder, but I think our work sheds light on some possible factors.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>.

<strong>Your documentary short, "Teen Suicides in Rural America," focuses on what you call "Graying America" and the Montana town of Livingston, in particular. What is Graying America and what is the relationship between age demographics and the prevalence of teen suicide?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>.

Graying America is one of our 15 community types. There are about 360 Graying America counties mostly based in the northern and western states. They tend to be rural communities with aging populations - many are retirement communities.</p><p>The age correlation on teen suicides is not clear.

There may not be one. But the rural nature of these communities is likely an important factor. In our data we’ve found that the number of teen suicides is rising everywhere, but&nbsp;<a href="">the numbers tend to be higher in rural places</a>.</p><p>Again, there isn’t a certain answer as to why, but one theory is those communities tend to be more isolated and perhaps traditional in their views of what being a young person “should” be.

It may be harder for young people that are a little different to fit in.</p><figure class="wp-block-embed is-type-video is-provider-youtube wp-block-embed-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio"><div class="wp-block-embed__wrapper"> V=LEBaFBzOcu8&amp;t=2s</div><figcaption>A Rural Epidemic. Teen Suicides in Graying America - YouTube</figcaption></figure><p><strong>DY:</strong>.

<strong>I know you aren't necessarily trying to establish a causal relationship between aging populations and the tragedy of teen suicides, but I'm wondering if its possible that firearm ownership is a confounding variable here. What evidence points to the conclusion that, more than just representing places with high gun ownership rates, graying parts of rural America are worse places for teen mental health?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>.

Gun ownership is certainly cited by experts as a factor in the higher rate of teen suicides in rural communities and the higher rate of suicides in general. I don’t think we can say that gun ownership is necessarily higher in Graying America, but we do know from previous work and survey work in general, that there tend to be higher rates of gun ownership in rural communities.</p><p>For our work, we chose a Graying America community in Livingston because 1) we knew about specific stories there from other work, and 2) we knew the figures for Graying America made it a good type to use to look at the broader trend. There was a cluster of ACP types around its numbers, including Working Class Country and Evangelical Hubs.</p><p>To be clear the numbers in those communities are still far lower than they are in the Native American Lands and the Aging Farmlands, but those places both had broader issues to address – the generational trauma of Native American communities and the extreme remoteness of the Aging Farmlands.

We thought Graying America and Livingston let us explore the issue in a rural place that shared some common issues (and data points) with other largely rural places.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>. <strong>In the documentary, the sister of a young man who died by suicide argues for more pro-mental health and anti-bullying campaigns. What are the evidence-based types of programming that can combat this problem?.

Are there targeted programs that work, or does the problem inhere in something more fundamental about an aging community?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>. That’s a tough question to answer.

We are really still at the beginning of understanding what programs work and how they work. We need large scale analyses of data and, frankly, time to watch for effects. That said, as we noted in the piece, there are early signs that the approach they have tried in Park County, screening kids of all ages to see if they are “OK” is making a difference.</p><p>A 2021 survey of young people in Park County showed an 18% drop in suicidal thoughts and a 39% drop in suicide attempts compared to 2019.

Those are big changes outside the realm of statistical noise.</p><p><strong>DY:</strong>. <strong>In another interview featured in the documentary, Dr. Reza Hosseini Ghomi of Frontier Psychiatry says that, in Livingston, "the tolerance for trauma is higher here than what I've seen in other, better resourced places." This feels a bit like a chicken or egg problem.

Indifference to mental health services and lack of access to them might well be self perpetuating. What is the best entry point for making progress?. </strong></p><p><strong>DC:</strong>.

Well, I think he is talking about the state of Montana in general there, but yes, that’s true and I think he makes that point. Dr. Ghomi is essentially arguing that there isn’t a lot that can be done currently because of resources.

So, the threshold for action is higher, which ultimately compounds the problem. He also notes that the amount of trauma he’s seen in the state is remarkable.</p><p>One idea is using remote counseling more. Some have noted that remote counseling may have advantages in some rural areas because it helps mitigate hesitance to receive help.

Rural communities tend to be tightly-knit. People know their neighbors and know what kinds of cars and trucks they drive. Having one’s vehicle in front of a therapist’s office can be hard for some people.

This actually may be one positive to emerge from buy antibiotics. With the amoxil, Montana and other states moved behavioral health to video conferencing or the telephone. The impact was obvious.

In 2019, one Montana clinic, Community Health Partnership, conducted about 100 visits for both medical and mental health visits. By the end of 2020 that number had jumped to more than 15,000.</p><hr class="wp-block-separator" /><div id="signup" class="wp-block-group has-light-gray-background-color has-background"><div style="height:1px" aria-hidden="true" class="wp-block-spacer"></div><div class="wp-block-columns"><div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:33.33%"><figure class="wp-block-image size-large is-resized"><a href=""><img src="" alt="" class="wp-image-70866" width="226" height="226" /></a></figure></p></div><div class="wp-block-column" style="flex-basis:66.66%"><p>This interview first appeared in <strong>Path Finders</strong>, a weekly email newsletter from the Daily Yonder. Each Monday, Path Finders features a Q&amp;A with a rural thinker, creator, or doer.

Join the mailing list today, to have these illuminating conversations delivered straight to your inbox. </p></p></div></p></div></p></div><hr class="wp-block-separator is-style-dots" />. <p>This <a target="_blank" href="">article</a>.

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ELK CITY — One student throws his classmates’ generic amoxil online pencil box on the floor in anger. Another bites her own arm out of frustration. Others run generic amoxil online screaming from their classrooms.

Some Elk City Elementary School students are celebrating as summer break approaches. Others are dreading the end of the school year, acting out in fear of what the next three months could bring. School counselor Kim generic amoxil online Hamm worries about students who won’t have enough to eat this summer.

And those without air conditioning or running water. She wonders how many will be left alone while their caretakers are working two or three jobs. And who will spend their days anticipating the next attack from generic amoxil online an abusive family member.

Hamm has spent most of May helping students ages 4 to 9 identify and cope with their feelings, which can be triggered by instability at home. “They know that, here, they’re safe generic amoxil online and we’re not going to hurt them,” Hamm said. €œAnd a lot of our kids, unfortunately, don’t go home to that every day.” About 100 miles west of Oklahoma City on Interstate 40, Elk City is home to nearly 12,000 residents whose financial stability ebbs and flows with the volatile oil and gas industry.

The nearby North Fork Correctional Facility brought some families to town to be close to a loved one. And students face rates of poverty, generic amoxil online special needs and suicide higher than the state average. Kim Hamm, an Elk City Elementary School counselor, talks to a pre-kindergarten student who is playing with sensory toys purchased with Project AWARE funds in her office.

Hamm said disadvantaged, abused and neglected students’ behavior deteriorates toward the end of the school year because they’re afraid or stressed about spending months away from school, which provides safety when life at home is turbulent. (Courtesy photo) In her six years as a school counselor, Hamm has learned to anticipate these needs, making more generic amoxil online time towards the end of the school year to meet with students one-on-one. But she doesn’t always have the bandwidth.

School counselors’ duties range generic amoxil online from helping develop individualized learning plans for students with special needs to proctoring the third-grade reading test. They enroll students in classes and ensure they meet state math and science requirements. They provide college and career advice and help them find and apply for scholarships.

They wrangle students during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, run generic amoxil online school-sponsored food and clothes pantries and teach breathing techniques to those with test anxiety. Low pay and increasing obligations have left Oklahoma with a teacher shortage, which means counselors like Hamm are taking on more work leaving less time for struggling students. Counselors refer the most troubled kids to community mental health counselors.

But they are also in short supply especially in rural areas like Elk generic amoxil online City where the ratio of mental healthcare providers to residents is 1 to 150,000. Without adequate local resources, the responsibility of students’ mental health care is falling to school counselors who are outnumbered and overwhelmed. A federal program is increasing support for students in six rural school districts generic amoxil online in what the state mental health and education departments call “mental health deserts.” But schools are finding it difficult to hire qualified caregivers and buy antibiotics restrictions have halted programs and limited in-person treatment.

Students are seen leaving Elk City Elementary School at the end of the school day. School counselor Kim Hamm said for some students school is a safe place and leaving is not a happy but fearful time of day for students who don’t have enough to eat or are abused by family members at home. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) A Response Inspired By Sandy Hook Since 2018, generic amoxil online the State Department of Education has received two U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services grants totaling $18 million. Oklahoma’s Project AWARE, short for Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education, is in its third year of the five-year grant at Woodward, Elk City and Weatherford Public Schools and its first year at Ada, Atoka and Checotah Public Schools. Subscribe to Jennifer Palmer's Education Watch newsletter generic amoxil online Processing… Success!.

You're on the list. Whoops! generic amoxil online. There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription.

Please reload the page and try again. The districts were chosen by the state department for their lack of treatment providers and generic amoxil online high-risk student populations. Oklahoma students are some of the most traumatized in the nation, according to several national health rankings including a recent survey conducted by a group based at Johns Hopkins University.

But kids in these rural districts were more likely to have access to firearms, live in poverty, have an incarcerated parent, use drugs, experience depression and die by suicide, according to the state’s grant application. These students generic amoxil online are more susceptible to mental illness. And without treatment, they can face even more dangerous obstacles as they age, often leading to their own violent encounters, substance abuse or incarceration.

Subscribe to our First Watch newsletter generic amoxil online Processing… Success!. You're on the list. Whoops!.

There was an generic amoxil online error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. In one of the country’s deadliest school shootings, a 20-year-old killed six adults and 20 students at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012.

Since then, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has sent millions to schools nationwide with high-risk students generic amoxil online to prevent violence perpetrated by young people. This story was reported in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network. For more generic amoxil online information, go to

In their first year of the grant, Atoka, Ada and Checotah schools in Eastern Oklahoma spent most of the year assessing student needs and training staff. At Elk City, Weatherford and Woodward schools in Western Oklahoma, Project AWARE forged ahead despite changes to programs that were derailed by the amoxil. Community events generic amoxil online aim to reduce stigma around mental health challenges and treatment and teach parents and students about healthy habits like the importance of sleep and recommendations for social media use.

Elk City paused events in the spring of 2020 while Weatherford took its online and saw a spike in participation. Fifth through 12th grade students at all six districts completed mental health assessments, which helps educators identify students who are distracted, unhappy, scared, lonely or are prone to acting out. Community generic amoxil online mental health counselors had started to meet with troubled students in some of the Western Oklahoma schools.

Parents have to agree to therapy but bringing professionals into the schools reduces barriers for families who lack transportation or who feel embarrassed visiting a local treatment facility. Many of generic amoxil online these services were paused due to buy antibiotics. Some Project AWARE schools started group therapy sessions led by licensed mental health professionals for students with chronic stress often triggered by traumatic experiences like an absent or abusive parent.

The grant also trained educators at all six districts in a classroom program that teaches conflict resolution and empathy. Liz Henthorn, a kindergarten teacher at Elk City Elementary School, listens as her students rate how they’re feeling at generic amoxil online the end of the day. Henthorn checks in with her students twice a day through a program known as Circles that she says teaches students coping skills and empathy.

(Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Just before the bell rang on a Monday afternoon, kindergarteners sat in a circle on a rug at the front of Liz Henthorn’s classroom at Elk City Elementary School. One-by-one the students rated how they’re feeling generic amoxil online as they prepared to go home. They describe their feelings as green, yellow or red if they’re having a difficult day and their peers offer comfort and advice.

One student said he was feeling sad because his dog ran away that morning. Another student was feeling red because she had a generic amoxil online bad dream. Other students spoke up saying they could relate or that they’re sorry that happened.

“We’re teaching kids generic amoxil online to identify their feelings and giving suggestions to cope,” Henthorn said. €œAnd when we do it as a group the kids are learning about empathy and thinking about ways to help each other and that is just as important.” Liz Henthorn, a kindergarten teacher at Elk City Elementary School, listens as her students rate how they’re feeling at the end of the day. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Teachers, counselors and administrators were trained to provide coping skills to students who face universal challenges like disagreements with classmates or stress about what to do after graduation.

But few generic amoxil online are qualified to help more critical students, like those with mental illness or who have experienced trauma. Woodward Public Schools reported 82 homeless students during the 2017-18 school year – more than twice the state average. Nearly two-thirds of students at Woodward and Elk City Public Schools qualified for free and reduced lunches, compared to the state’s average of 50%.

In Elk City, 140 of the district’s 2,110 students had a parent who was incarcerated generic amoxil online. And all three Western Oklahoma districts had higher than average suicide rates. Those districts rely generic amoxil online on school counselors to support these students, though most lack the training.

And the grant does not address the ratio of counselors to students, which is far above national recommendations. Districts also planned to increase referrals to community treatment centers facilitated by the grant. Demand for mental health care spiked during the generic amoxil online amoxil, further straining the area’s providers and leaving families with few options.

Weatherford elementary students are seen eating lunch in the school’s cafeteria. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) The Complicated Search for Counselors School counselors can listen to students and offer coping techniques, but their ability to help is limited. Licensed counselors can provide generic amoxil online therapy and diagnose students with mental illness.

Elk City, Woodward and Weatherford districts hoped to bring more licensed professional counselors into schools by hiring new staff and using Project AWARE funds to pay for training for current school counselors. Each district hired one licensed generic amoxil online mental health provider who serves all students. The districts have been unable to hire any new school counselors and no existing counselors have been licensed.

The state requires school counselors to have a master’s degree in a related field or two years of experience, and pass the state’s general education, professional teaching and school counseling exams. Training for licensed professional counselors requires an additional 60 graduate-level college hours and 3,000 hours of generic amoxil online supervised counseling. Counselors must also pass an exam before being licensed.

Education costs are likely to total $21,000 to $33,000 depending on the school, according to the most recent state averages. And that doesn’t include fees for supervision generic amoxil online or the licensing exam. The grant will pay tuition costs for school counselors to get their license.

Only two of 16 school counselors in Elk City, Weatherford and Woodward have taken the generic amoxil online offer. School counselors said it is still an expensive and lengthy endeavour that results in more work without a boost in pay or a promotion. “I know that it would give me more in depth counseling training, but I think at this time in my life with small children it’s just probably not going to happen,” said Hamm, who has a 10-month-old and a 3-year-old.

€œIf I was going to make more as a school counselor with it then maybe I would, but I’m not going to generic amoxil online so I’m just not going to spend a whole lot of time to get that.” For school counselors who do get their license, the job doesn’t change much. They often have the same paperwork, testing responsibilities and recess duty. But they’re also counseling the school’s most traumatized kids, a group that is growing following the amoxil.

Oklahoma has generic amoxil online 1,841 school counselors and nearly 695,000 students, according to State Department of Education reports. The department does not track how many school counselors have their professional counseling license. The American School Counselor Association recommends a generic amoxil online ratio of 1 school counselor to 250 students.

Oklahoma mandates 1 school counselor per 450 middle and high school students. The state does not have a threshold for elementary schools. Not every school has generic amoxil online a dedicated counselor.

Some have teams depending on student population, how schools prioritize funding and disperse tasks. The Association also recommends counselors spend at least 80% of their time working directly with or for individual students. Oklahoma Watch interviewed 10 generic amoxil online counselors across the state.

Most said they spend the majority of their day doing clerical work. Depending on the time of year, about generic amoxil online 20 to 50% of their time is spent with students. Elizabeth Moss, a seventh and eighth grade counselor at Woodward Middle School, said she is one of the fortunate ones because she spends about 50% of her time meeting with students one-on-one thanks to the help of her administration.

Even with the group sessions she leads, Moss said she still hasn’t been able to meet the national recommendation. €œA lot of what I deal with are the results of families who are in crisis, where there’s addiction, other generic amoxil online issues that are related to poverty and the kids show up to school and there’s a lot of fallout from that,” Moss said. €œAnd so we have kids who are depressed.

We’ve had kids who are suicidal. Anxieties are really high.” Lora Anderson, a school counselor at Ada Junior High School, talks generic amoxil online to students about online enrollment and how to choose classes for next school year. (Courtesy photo) Moss is one of two school counselors taking advantage of Project AWARE funding to get her professional counseling license.

Her principal took over her ACT and pre-ACT testing, scheduling and enrollment duties generic amoxil online allowing Moss to spend more time with students in crisis. “I would love to see even more taken off of the shoulders of counselors so that we could take care of our kids’ needs better,” Moss said. €œBut I truly feel blessed here that I am not overwhelmed, like so many counselors.” At Ada Junior High School, counselor Lora Anderson spends about 25% of her time working with troubled students.

Many school counselors go into the job to propel students’ academic success, not to provide generic amoxil online therapy. Anderson does her best to help students but said she isn’t trained to help kids with acute needs. €œThat’s not what I want to do,” Anderson said after returning to her desk from lunch duty.

€œI do so many different things to generic amoxil online help students. If I wanted to be a mental health counselor, I wouldn’t work in a school.” Michelle Taylor, President-Elect of the Oklahoma School Counselor Association and counselor at Adair High School, said the job has changed a lot since she started and counselors at smaller schools like hers are often overwhelmed juggling paperwork, test proctoring and counseling students. (Courtesy photo) Michelle Taylor, President-Elect of the Oklahoma School Counselor Association, said the organization doesn’t track how many school counselors have their license.

But based on training she’s attended and generic amoxil online led over the years, Taylor said it’s likely that about 1 in 5 school counselors goes on to become licensed. School counselors are serving dual roles whether they want to or not. Like swim instructors at a pool, most school counselors see their role as building stronger swimmers generic amoxil online.

But as mental health challenges continue to grow, counselors also have to serve as lifeguards, diving into the deep end to rescue drowning kids. “Counselors in rural schools tend to be treading more water,” Taylor said. €œSome folks are so overwhelmed with the job they have, they don’t have the time or the motivation to seek generic amoxil online out additional training.

It’s just not accessible for folks.” Taylor has been a school counselor for more than 20 years and has her professional counseling license. She currently works with students at Adair High School in northeast Oklahoma. She said the job generic amoxil online has changed a lot since she started.

Test requirements are constantly evolving. College admissions and scholarship applications seem to get longer generic amoxil online every year. And students want to talk more.

Kids are more willing to open up about their issues, especially since mental health is talked about more openly since the amoxil, Taylor said. And school counselors have generic amoxil online to be ready to listen and help. “I think we should be the ones doing this work because we already know the students and they already know us so it’s quicker to get to that trust that can take a long time to develop,” Taylor said.

€œThat’s when it becomes about priorities and we have to respond to what the students need first and then worry about everything else.” Elk City Middle School students took a mental health screening at the beginning of Lana Graham’s geography class in March. Graham said since generic amoxil online the antibiotics amoxil began, her students seem more anxious and depressed than ever. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Whitney Bryen is an investigative reporter and visual storyteller at Oklahoma Watch with an emphasis on domestic violence, mental health and nursing homes affected by buy antibiotics.

Contact her generic amoxil online at (405) 201-6057 or Follow her on Twitter @SoonerReporter. Support our publicationEvery day we strive to produce journalism that matters — stories that strengthen accountability and transparency, provide value and resonate with readers like you.This work is essential to a better-informed community and a healthy democracy.

But it isn’t generic amoxil online possible without your support. Donate nowMore than one-third of all rural EMS are in danger of closing, according to Alan Morgan, CEO of the National Rural Health Association. "The amoxil has further stretched the resources of our nation's rural EMS."In Wyoming, the problem is especially dire.

It may have generic amoxil online the smallest population in America, but when it comes to land, Wyoming is the ninth-largest. In Washakie County, which lies in Wyoming's southern Bighorn Basin, it means a tradeoff for the nearly 8,000 residents living here. While there generic amoxil online is vast open space, the nearest major trauma hospital is more than 2.5 hours away.

On a recent drive from Cody -- the closest town with an airport -- the land stretched endlessly while cattle and wildlife outnumbered people. The sole reminders of civilization were the occasional oil rigs pumping silently in the distance.But for the residents, speedy access to emergency medical services -- paramedics and an ambulance -- can be a matter of survival. It's a fact Luke Sypherd knows generic amoxil online all too well.

For the past three years, he has overseen Washakie County's volunteer ambulance service. But on May 1, the organization was forced to dissolve. "We just saw that we didn't have the generic amoxil online personnel to continue," Sypherd said.

"It was an ongoing problem made worse by buy antibiotics with fewer people interested in volunteering with EMS during a amoxil and patients afraid of getting taken to a hospital."A nearby hospital system, Cody Regional Health, has agreed to provide ambulance service for Washakie County, averting a crisis. But it's a problem playing out across rural America. Ambulance crews are running out of money and volunteers.Phillip Franklin, the EMS Director for Cody Regional Health, said the crisis is a result of several problems."The majority of the ambulance service staff are not paid so if you don't have your volunteers, they can't run calls," Franklin said.

"Another problem is that there's simply just not enough volume to keep ambulance service afloat and in the state of Wyoming, EMS is not essential, which means there's nobody responsible to fund these entities."Sypherd said the funding model for EMS is fundamentally flawed, with most service providers reimbursed only if they take patients to a hospital or clinic. In rural areas like Washakie County, smaller populations mean fewer calls, and consequently, less money. "You're reimbursed based on the number of patients that you transport to a hospital so you could get called 1,000 times a year and only transport 750 patients -- those other 250 calls you made no money on," Sypherd said.

Plea for federal assistanceThe American Ambulance Association sent a letter earlier this month to the US Department of Health and Human Services asking the agency to earmark $1.425 billion in federal aid for its members, warning that emergency medical systems across the US are "on the brink of collapse.""It is critical that we not let the financial hardship caused by the amoxil to permanently deteriorate our EMS systems, especially in rural areas where an ambulance service may be the only emergency medical service provider, and ensure that all Americans continue to have access to vital emergency 9-1-1 and medically necessary non-emergency ground ambulance services," the letter said. According to the National Association of State EMS Officials, just eight states consider local emergency medical services "essential" by law, as they do for fire and police. "That mandate means that somebody has to consciously think and plan and ensure that EMS is available," Sypherd said.

"If you're in one of the states that doesn't mandate EMS as an essential service and your local ambulance provider shuts down because they lost funding or there weren't enough volunteers -- that means if you call 911 it might be that nobody shows up." "When you look at what's happening here (in Washakie County, it) is just the tip of the iceberg," said Franklin. "There's other services throughout the state that are just one bad year away from closure."'A matter of life and death'One of those is Fremont County -- home to the Wind River Indian Reservation. Fremont is roughly the size of the state of Vermont.

An economic downturn and budget cuts prompted the county to privatize its ambulance service in 2016. But the private company, American Medical Response, says it can't afford to keep going after losing $1.5 million in revenue last year. AMR announced it won't renew its contract when it runs out on June 30.

No others have bid. "We just couldn't renew that current contract because it was set up for a financial failure," said Matt Strauss, Regional Director for AMR parent company, Global Medical Response. One of the problems, according to Fremont County Commissioner Larry Allen, is the so-called payer mix.

Many of the county's residents rely on Medicare, Medicaid and Indian Health Services, which reimburse ambulance providers at a lower rate. And without state or federal designation of EMS as an essential service, Allen said "there's no source of revenue to operate an ambulance.""Because of the distance and the ruralness of this county, we just don't have people standing in line wanting to provide ambulance service," Allen said. The Wind River Indian Reservation stretches across more than 2 million acres and is shared by two Native American tribes, the Eastern Shoshone and the Northern Arapaho.

It has three tiny clinics but no ambulance services and relies on Fremont County for EMS. "Right now the response time is pretty slow and it's going to be nonexistent," said Northern Arapaho tribal member Juan Willow. His grandfather struggled with health problems and Willow said there were many times when the family couldn't wait for an ambulance and had to find other ways of getting to the hospital.

"Not everyone here has a car," he said.It's a concern shared by Jordan Dresser, the chairman of the Northern Arapaho Tribe."I think if we didn't have access to ambulances, death rates would be higher," said Dresser, adding that many tribal members don't have working vehicles and therefore can't take themselves to the hospital or clinics. "It's a matter of life and death for us.".

ELK CITY — One student purchase amoxil throws his classmates’ pencil box on the cheap amoxil canada floor in anger. Another bites her own arm out of frustration. Others run screaming from cheap amoxil canada their classrooms. Some Elk City Elementary School students are celebrating as summer break approaches. Others are dreading the end of the school year, acting out in fear of what the next three months could bring.

School counselor Kim Hamm worries about students who won’t have enough to cheap amoxil canada eat this summer. And those without air conditioning or running water. She wonders how many will be left alone while their caretakers are working two or three jobs. And who will spend their days anticipating the next attack from cheap amoxil canada an abusive family member. Hamm has spent most of May helping students ages 4 to 9 identify and cope with their feelings, which can be triggered by instability at home.

“They know that, here, they’re safe and we’re not going to hurt them,” Hamm said cheap amoxil canada. €œAnd a lot of our kids, unfortunately, don’t go home to that every day.” About 100 miles west of Oklahoma City on Interstate 40, Elk City is home to nearly 12,000 residents whose financial stability ebbs and flows with the volatile oil and gas industry. The nearby North Fork Correctional Facility brought some families to town to be close to a loved one. And students face rates of poverty, special needs and suicide higher than the state cheap amoxil canada average. Kim Hamm, an Elk City Elementary School counselor, talks to a pre-kindergarten student who is playing with sensory toys purchased with Project AWARE funds in her office.

Hamm said disadvantaged, abused and neglected students’ behavior deteriorates toward the end of the school year because they’re afraid or stressed about spending months away from school, which provides safety when life at home is turbulent. (Courtesy photo) In her six years as a school counselor, Hamm has learned to anticipate these needs, making more time towards the end cheap amoxil canada of the school year to meet with students one-on-one. But she doesn’t always have the bandwidth. School cheap amoxil canada counselors’ duties range from helping develop individualized learning plans for students with special needs to proctoring the third-grade reading test. They enroll students in classes and ensure they meet state math and science requirements.

They provide college and career advice and help them find and apply for scholarships. They wrangle students during morning drop-off and afternoon pick-up, cheap amoxil canada run school-sponsored food and clothes pantries and teach breathing techniques to those with test anxiety. Low pay and increasing obligations have left Oklahoma with a teacher shortage, which means counselors like Hamm are taking on more work leaving less time for struggling students. Counselors refer the most troubled kids to community mental health counselors. But they are also in short supply especially in rural areas like Elk City where the ratio of mental healthcare providers to residents cheap amoxil canada is 1 to 150,000.

Without adequate local resources, the responsibility of students’ mental health care is falling to school counselors who are outnumbered and overwhelmed. A federal program is increasing support for students in cheap amoxil canada six rural school districts in what the state mental health and education departments call “mental health deserts.” But schools are finding it difficult to hire qualified caregivers and buy antibiotics restrictions have halted programs and limited in-person treatment. Students are seen leaving Elk City Elementary School at the end of the school day. School counselor Kim Hamm said for some students school is a safe place and leaving is not a happy but fearful time of day for students who don’t have enough to eat or are abused by family members at home. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) A Response Inspired By Sandy Hook Since 2018, the State Department of Education has received two U.S cheap amoxil canada.

Department of Health and Human Services grants totaling $18 million. Oklahoma’s Project AWARE, short for Advancing Wellness and Resiliency in Education, is in its third year of the five-year grant at Woodward, Elk City and Weatherford Public Schools and its first year at Ada, Atoka and Checotah Public Schools. Subscribe cheap amoxil canada to Jennifer Palmer's Education Watch newsletter Processing… Success!. You're on the list. Whoops! cheap amoxil canada.

There was an error and we couldn't process your subscription. Please reload the page and try again. The cheap amoxil canada districts were chosen by the state department for their lack of treatment providers and high-risk student populations. Oklahoma students are some of the most traumatized in the nation, according to several national health rankings including a recent survey conducted by a group based at Johns Hopkins University. But kids in these rural districts were more likely to have access to firearms, live in poverty, have an incarcerated parent, use drugs, experience depression and die by suicide, according to the state’s grant application.

These students cheap amoxil canada are more susceptible to mental illness. And without treatment, they can face even more dangerous obstacles as they age, often leading to their own violent encounters, substance abuse or incarceration. Subscribe to our First cheap amoxil canada Watch newsletter Processing… Success!. You're on the list. Whoops!.

There was an error and we couldn't process your cheap amoxil canada subscription. Please reload the page and try again. In one of the country’s deadliest school shootings, a 20-year-old killed six adults and 20 students at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012. Since then, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration has sent millions to schools nationwide with high-risk students to prevent violence perpetrated by cheap amoxil canada young people. This story was reported in partnership with the Solutions Journalism Network.

For more information, go to cheap amoxil canada. In their first year of the grant, Atoka, Ada and Checotah schools in Eastern Oklahoma spent most of the year assessing student needs and training staff. At Elk City, Weatherford and Woodward schools in Western Oklahoma, Project AWARE forged ahead despite changes to programs that were derailed by the amoxil. Community cheap amoxil canada events aim to reduce stigma around mental health challenges and treatment and teach parents and students about healthy habits like the importance of sleep and recommendations for social media use. Elk City paused events in the spring of 2020 while Weatherford took its online and saw a spike in participation.

Fifth through 12th grade students at all six districts completed mental health assessments, which helps educators identify students who are distracted, unhappy, scared, lonely or are prone to acting out. Community mental health counselors had started to cheap amoxil canada meet with troubled students in some of the Western Oklahoma schools. Parents have to agree to therapy but bringing professionals into the schools reduces barriers for families who lack transportation or who feel embarrassed visiting a local treatment facility. Many of cheap amoxil canada these services were paused due to buy antibiotics. Some Project AWARE schools started group therapy sessions led by licensed mental health professionals for students with chronic stress often triggered by traumatic experiences like an absent or abusive parent.

The grant also trained educators at all six districts in a classroom program that teaches conflict resolution and empathy. Liz Henthorn, a kindergarten teacher at Elk City Elementary School, listens as her students rate how they’re feeling at cheap amoxil canada the end of the day. Henthorn checks in with her students twice a day through a program known as Circles that she says teaches students coping skills and empathy. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Just before the bell rang on a Monday afternoon, kindergarteners sat in a circle on a rug at the front of Liz Henthorn’s classroom at Elk City Elementary School. One-by-one the cheap amoxil canada students rated how they’re feeling as they prepared to go home.

They describe their feelings as green, yellow or red if they’re having a difficult day and their peers offer comfort and advice. One student said he was feeling sad because his dog ran away that morning. Another student was feeling red because she had a bad cheap amoxil canada dream. Other students spoke up saying they could relate or that they’re sorry that happened. “We’re teaching kids to identify their feelings and giving cheap amoxil canada suggestions to cope,” Henthorn said.

€œAnd when we do it as a group the kids are learning about empathy and thinking about ways to help each other and that is just as important.” Liz Henthorn, a kindergarten teacher at Elk City Elementary School, listens as her students rate how they’re feeling at the end of the day. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Teachers, counselors and administrators were trained to provide coping skills to students who face universal challenges like disagreements with classmates or stress about what to do after graduation. But few are cheap amoxil canada qualified to help more critical students, like those with mental illness or who have experienced trauma. Woodward Public Schools reported 82 homeless students during the 2017-18 school year – more than twice the state average. Nearly two-thirds of students at Woodward and Elk City Public Schools qualified for free and reduced lunches, compared to the state’s average of 50%.

In Elk City, 140 cheap amoxil canada of the district’s 2,110 students had a parent who was incarcerated. And all three Western Oklahoma districts had higher than average suicide rates. Those districts rely on school counselors to support these students, though most lack the cheap amoxil canada training. And the grant does not address the ratio of counselors to students, which is far above national recommendations. Districts also planned to increase referrals to community treatment centers facilitated by the grant.

Demand for mental health care spiked during cheap amoxil canada the amoxil, further straining the area’s providers and leaving families with few options. Weatherford elementary students are seen eating lunch in the school’s cafeteria. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) The Complicated Search for Counselors School counselors can listen to students and offer coping techniques, but their ability to help is limited. Licensed counselors cheap amoxil canada can provide therapy and diagnose students with mental illness. Elk City, Woodward and Weatherford districts hoped to bring more licensed professional counselors into schools by hiring new staff and using Project AWARE funds to pay for training for current school counselors.

Each district cheap amoxil canada hired one licensed mental health provider who serves all students. The districts have been unable to hire any new school counselors and no existing counselors have been licensed. The state requires school counselors to have a master’s degree in a related field or two years of experience, and pass the state’s general education, professional teaching and school counseling exams. Training for licensed professional counselors requires an additional 60 graduate-level college hours and 3,000 hours of cheap amoxil canada supervised counseling. Counselors must also pass an exam before being licensed.

Education costs are likely to total $21,000 to $33,000 depending on the school, according to the most recent state averages. And that doesn’t include fees for cheap amoxil canada supervision or the licensing exam. The grant will pay tuition costs for school counselors to get their license. Only two of 16 school counselors cheap amoxil canada in Elk City, Weatherford and Woodward have taken the offer. School counselors said it is still an expensive and lengthy endeavour that results in more work without a boost in pay or a promotion.

“I know that it would give me more in depth counseling training, but I think at this time in my life with small children it’s just probably not going to happen,” said Hamm, who has a 10-month-old and a 3-year-old. €œIf I was going to make more as a school counselor with it then maybe cheap amoxil canada I would, but I’m not going to so I’m just not going to spend a whole lot of time to get that.” For school counselors who do get their license, the job doesn’t change much. They often have the same paperwork, testing responsibilities and recess duty. But they’re also counseling the school’s most traumatized kids, a group that is growing following the amoxil. Oklahoma has 1,841 school counselors and nearly 695,000 students, according to State Department of Education cheap amoxil canada reports.

The department does not track how many school counselors have their professional counseling license. The American School Counselor cheap amoxil canada Association recommends a ratio of 1 school counselor to 250 students. Oklahoma mandates 1 school counselor per 450 middle and high school students. The state does not have a threshold for elementary schools. Not every school cheap amoxil canada has a dedicated counselor.

Some have teams depending on student population, how schools prioritize funding and disperse tasks. The Association also recommends counselors spend at least 80% of their time working directly with or for individual students. Oklahoma Watch interviewed cheap amoxil canada 10 counselors across the state. Most said they spend the majority of their day doing clerical work. Depending on the time of year, cheap amoxil canada about 20 to 50% of their time is spent with students.

Elizabeth Moss, a seventh and eighth grade counselor at Woodward Middle School, said she is one of the fortunate ones because she spends about 50% of her time meeting with students one-on-one thanks to the help of her administration. Even with the group sessions she leads, Moss said she still hasn’t been able to meet the national recommendation. €œA lot of what I deal with are the results of families who are in crisis, where there’s addiction, other issues that are related to poverty and the kids show up to school and there’s a lot cheap amoxil canada of fallout from that,” Moss said. €œAnd so we have kids who are depressed. We’ve had kids who are suicidal.

Anxieties are really high.” Lora Anderson, a cheap amoxil canada school counselor at Ada Junior High School, talks to students about online enrollment and how to choose classes for next school year. (Courtesy photo) Moss is one of two school counselors taking advantage of Project AWARE funding to get her professional counseling license. Her principal took over her cheap amoxil canada ACT and pre-ACT testing, scheduling and enrollment duties allowing Moss to spend more time with students in crisis. “I would love to see even more taken off of the shoulders of counselors so that we could take care of our kids’ needs better,” Moss said. €œBut I truly feel blessed here that I am not overwhelmed, like so many counselors.” At Ada Junior High School, counselor Lora Anderson spends about 25% of her time working with troubled students.

Many school counselors go into the job to propel cheap amoxil canada students’ academic success, not to provide therapy. Anderson does her best to help students but said she isn’t trained to help kids with acute needs. €œThat’s not what I want to do,” Anderson said after returning to her desk from lunch duty. €œI do cheap amoxil canada so many different things to help students. If I wanted to be a mental health counselor, I wouldn’t work in a school.” Michelle Taylor, President-Elect of the Oklahoma School Counselor Association and counselor at Adair High School, said the job has changed a lot since she started and counselors at smaller schools like hers are often overwhelmed juggling paperwork, test proctoring and counseling students.

(Courtesy photo) Michelle Taylor, President-Elect of the Oklahoma School Counselor Association, said the organization doesn’t track how many school counselors have their license. But based on training she’s attended and led over cheap amoxil canada the years, Taylor said it’s likely that about 1 in 5 school counselors goes on to become licensed. School counselors are serving dual roles whether they want to or not. Like swim instructors at cheap amoxil canada a pool, most school counselors see their role as building stronger swimmers. But as mental health challenges continue to grow, counselors also have to serve as lifeguards, diving into the deep end to rescue drowning kids.

“Counselors in rural schools tend to be treading more water,” Taylor said. €œSome folks cheap amoxil canada are so overwhelmed with the job they have, they don’t have the time or the motivation to seek out additional training. It’s just not accessible for folks.” Taylor has been a school counselor for more than 20 years and has her professional counseling license. She currently works with students at Adair High School in northeast Oklahoma. She said the job cheap amoxil canada has changed a lot since she started.

Test requirements are constantly evolving. College admissions and scholarship applications seem to cheap amoxil canada get longer every year. And students want to talk more. Kids are more willing to open up about their issues, especially since mental health is talked about more openly since the amoxil, Taylor said. And school counselors cheap amoxil canada have to be ready to listen and help.

“I think we should be the ones doing this work because we already know the students and they already know us so it’s quicker to get to that trust that can take a long time to develop,” Taylor said. €œThat’s when it becomes about priorities and we have to respond to what the students need first and then worry about everything else.” Elk City Middle School students took a mental health screening at the beginning of Lana Graham’s geography class in March. Graham said since cheap amoxil canada the antibiotics amoxil began, her students seem more anxious and depressed than ever. (Whitney Bryen/Oklahoma Watch) Whitney Bryen is an investigative reporter and visual storyteller at Oklahoma Watch with an emphasis on domestic violence, mental health and nursing homes affected by buy antibiotics. Contact her at (405) 201-6057 cheap amoxil canada or

Follow her on Twitter @SoonerReporter. Support our publicationEvery day we strive to produce journalism that matters — stories that strengthen accountability and transparency, provide value and resonate with readers like you.This work is essential to a better-informed community and a healthy democracy. But it cheap amoxil canada isn’t possible without your support. Donate nowMore than one-third of all rural EMS are in danger of closing, according to Alan Morgan, CEO of the National Rural Health Association. "The amoxil has further stretched the resources of our nation's rural EMS."In Wyoming, the problem is especially dire.

It may have the cheap amoxil canada smallest population in America, but when it comes to land, Wyoming is the ninth-largest. In Washakie County, which lies in Wyoming's southern Bighorn Basin, it means a tradeoff for the nearly 8,000 residents living here. While there is vast open space, the cheap amoxil canada nearest major trauma hospital is more than 2.5 hours away. On a recent drive from Cody -- the closest town with an airport -- the land stretched endlessly while cattle and wildlife outnumbered people. The sole reminders of civilization were the occasional oil rigs pumping silently in the distance.But for the residents, speedy access to emergency medical services -- paramedics and an ambulance -- can be a matter of survival.

It's a fact cheap amoxil canada Luke Sypherd knows all too well. For the past three years, he has overseen Washakie County's volunteer ambulance service. But on May 1, the organization was forced to dissolve. "We just saw that we didn't cheap amoxil canada have the personnel to continue," Sypherd said. "It was an ongoing problem made worse by buy antibiotics with fewer people interested in volunteering with EMS during a amoxil and patients afraid of getting taken to a hospital."A nearby hospital system, Cody Regional Health, has agreed to provide ambulance service for Washakie County, averting a crisis.

But it's a cheap amoxil canada problem playing out across rural America. Ambulance crews are running out of money and volunteers.Phillip Franklin, the EMS Director for Cody Regional Health, said the crisis is a result of several problems."The majority of the ambulance service staff are not paid so if you don't have your volunteers, they can't run calls," Franklin said. "Another problem is that there's simply just not enough volume to keep ambulance service afloat and in the state of Wyoming, EMS is not essential, which means there's nobody responsible to fund these entities."Sypherd said the funding model for EMS is fundamentally flawed, with most service providers reimbursed only if they take patients to a hospital or clinic. In rural areas like Washakie County, smaller populations mean fewer calls, and consequently, less money. "You're reimbursed based on the number of patients that you transport to a hospital so you could get called 1,000 times a year and only transport 750 patients -- those other 250 calls you made no money on," Sypherd said.

Plea for federal assistanceThe American Ambulance Association sent a letter earlier this month to the US Department of Health and Human Services asking the agency to earmark $1.425 billion in federal aid for its members, warning that emergency medical systems across the US are "on the brink of collapse.""It is critical that we not let the financial hardship caused by the amoxil to permanently deteriorate our EMS systems, especially in rural areas where an ambulance service may be the only emergency medical service provider, and ensure that all Americans continue to have access to vital emergency 9-1-1 and medically necessary non-emergency ground ambulance services," the letter said. According to the National Association of State EMS Officials, just eight states consider local emergency medical services "essential" by law, as they do for fire and police. "That mandate means that somebody has to consciously think and plan and ensure that EMS is available," Sypherd said. "If you're in one of the states that doesn't mandate EMS as an essential service and your local ambulance provider shuts down because they lost funding or there weren't enough volunteers -- that means if you call 911 it might be that nobody shows up." "When you look at what's happening here (in Washakie County, it) is just the tip of the iceberg," said Franklin. "There's other services throughout the state that are just one bad year away from closure."'A matter of life and death'One of those is Fremont County -- home to the Wind River Indian Reservation.

Fremont is roughly the size of the state of Vermont. An economic downturn and budget cuts prompted the county to privatize its ambulance service in 2016. But the private company, American Medical Response, says it can't afford to keep going after losing $1.5 million in revenue last year. AMR announced it won't renew its contract when it runs out on June 30. No others have bid.

"We just couldn't renew that current contract because it was set up for a financial failure," said Matt Strauss, Regional Director for AMR parent company, Global Medical Response. One of the problems, according to Fremont County Commissioner Larry Allen, is the so-called payer mix. Many of the county's residents rely on Medicare, Medicaid and Indian Health Services, which reimburse ambulance providers at a lower rate. And without state or federal designation of EMS as an essential service, Allen said "there's no source of revenue to operate an ambulance.""Because of the distance and the ruralness of this county, we just don't have people standing in line wanting to provide ambulance service," Allen said. The Wind River Indian Reservation stretches across more than 2 million acres and is shared by two Native American tribes, the Eastern Shoshone and the Northern Arapaho.

It has three tiny clinics but no ambulance services and relies on Fremont County for EMS. "Right now the response time is pretty slow and it's going to be nonexistent," said Northern Arapaho tribal member Juan Willow. His grandfather struggled with health problems and Willow said there were many times when the family couldn't wait for an ambulance and had to find other ways of getting to the hospital. "Not everyone here has a car," he said.It's a concern shared by Jordan Dresser, the chairman of the Northern Arapaho Tribe."I think if we didn't have access to ambulances, death rates would be higher," said Dresser, adding that many tribal members don't have working vehicles and therefore can't take themselves to the hospital or clinics. "It's a matter of life and death for us.".